SoF Exalted/CC Summary

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Character Creation Summary

This is the main page for the Strands of Fate/Exalted adaptation, the one from which all the character generation-related pages branch from. The purpose is to summarise the various ways in which this adaptation customises Strands of Fate to fit Exalted. It is really just the ways in which it varies from or adds to the standard Strands chargen approach.

The stages of character creation are as follows:
1. Determine Campaign Power Level (CamPL)
2. Choose appropriate concepts and character types
3. Select five Character Aspects
4. Purchase Abilities
5. Select five Speciality Aspects
6. Purchase Advantages (including Power Packages and Anima Powers where relevant)
7. Purchase starting equipment

These steps are largely unchanged from those on page 15 of the SoF rulebook

Campaign Power Level

The choice of Campaign Power Level (CamPL) for the game is a critical one because it defines the capability and competence of the PCs. It also, to an extent sets out the parameters for advancement as well; a game starting as Heroic Mortals has a much broader scope of advancement potential than one starting out as Celestials. The GM/group should select the CamPL appropriate to the sort of game they want to play.

This adaptation uses customised Campaign Power Levels (CamPL) which are felt to be more appropriate to both the power of the various types of Exalt, but also reinforces the distinctions between the various tiers. A Heroic Mortal should not expect to be able to take on a Dragon-Blooded in single combat and live, not stacking the deck in their favour in significant ways.

Note that as per p29 of SoF the limits on how many APs you can spend on a single Advantage remain in place during play, not only while character generation is going on. This is to preserve the distinction between the tiers, and encourage a broadening of capability rather than hyper-specialisation on one or two things.

The CamPLs for Exalted are shown in the table below.

Campaign                           Abilities  Adv.    
Power Level             Refresh     (Max)    Points      Available Advantages 
Mortal                     4        24(3)     2(1)       Expert Only
Expert Mortal              5        25(3)     5(1)       Expert Only
Heroic/Enlightened Mortal  7        28(4)     9(2)       Expert, Heroic and Powers (Restricted)
God-Blooded                8        29(4)     12(5)      Expert, Heroic and Powers (No Super Powers)
Dragon-Blooded             9        30(5)     15(6)      Expert, Heroic and Powers (No Super Powers)
Celestial Exalted          10       32(6)     20(10)     All, Metro Class Super Power Only
Experienced* Celestial     10       34(6)     30(12)     All, Up to World Class Super Powers Only

Mortal: You are an average denizen of Creation. Good luck.

Expert Mortal: A mortal with a useful skill set.

Heroic/Enlightened Mortal: You are an extremely capable mortal, possibly with a powerful Destiny. You may even be Enlightened, possessing the ability to use Essence to surpass mortal limitations.

God-Blooded: You are the child of a powerful being, most commonly a God of some sort, but possibly an Elemental, Ghost, Demon, or even one of the Exalted.

Dragon-Blooded: You are one of the Terrestrial Exalted, the most common (and weakest) of the Exalted. With teamwork and discipline you can face nearly any threat.

Celestial Exalted: You are one of the most powerful of the Exalted. Your potential is practically limitless, but there are likely a lot of people who want you dead.

*Experienced: Mortals and Celestial Exalted are not the only types of characters that have an Experienced option, they're simply the only ones listed as such. Experienced Heroic/Enlightened Mortals, God-Blooded, and Dragon-Blooded are all made using the next Campaign Power Level.

The main reason the Experienced option exists is for Mixed games and premises that call for seasoned Exalted. If you have a group of Solars and one Dragon-blooded, you should probably let that Dragon-Blooded be Experienced if you want them to keep up. If the premise of your game is that you're an elite Sworn Brotherhood of the Wyld Hunt, sent to sneak in and assassinate the Bull of the North, then (you're probably dead anyway, but) you really need to start in the Experienced tier.

See page 16 of the SoF rulebook for more information.

Tech Level

The general Tech Level (TL) of Creation is TL2 and in some places with strong surviving magitech TL3. First Age artifacts and the like can raise it higher than this. This gives a guide to the sorts of mundane equipment available.

However, with regards Powers, a special Power Tech Level (Power TL) is used, which is based on character tiers.

See page 15 of the SoF rulebook for more information.

Power Tech Level

An exception to the usual way in which Tech Levels are used is with regard to Powers. This is designed to enforce the strict differences in scale between the different tiers of character. Thus when Powers use TL as the basis for their effects, use Power TL for your character's type instead.

In most instances Power TL is fixed. The exception to this are mortals, who might become any of the higher-tiered types in play.

Character                      Power    
Type                            TL      
Mortal, Expert Mortal            0          
Heroic Mortal                    1          
Enlightened Mortal               2          
God-Blooded                      3          
Dragon-Blooded                   4          
Lunars, Sidereals, Alchemicals   5
Solars, Abyssals, Infernals      6          

Character Concepts

Once you have an agreed CamPL, that should start to inform the kinds of characters that would be appropriate in the game. Drawing on the agreed details of the setting (eg where and when in Creation) and specific premise (eg a particular location and who the PC group are), try to encapsulate what your character is about in a few sentences or so.

Something that CamPL will determine is just what sorts of characters are available. These are outlined in more detail below.

Non-Exalted Character Types

While the focus of the core game is often on Exalts, they're not the only people in Creation who are out there doing important things. There are a variety of non-Exalted types from mortals to the children of powerful beings with supernatural power flowing through their veins. Not only that, there are a lot of them, they are the majority of PC types in existence.


The vast bulk of the population of Creation are mortals, teeming in their untold millions. While it could be easy to dismiss them because of their short lifespans and lack of Essence, they are the bedrock upon which every society rests. Without the common man or woman, the great heroes have nothing to eat, drink or wear, no one to fight and die for. One additional nuance is that many of the Exalted begin their lives as mortals, discovering their heritage or destiny later in life.

Ordinary Mortals

Most mortals are average people who might have a trade or a craft. Farmers, artisans, labourers, priests, merchants and the like. Tradition, inherited privilege, hard work, practised skill and applied effort are some of the ways they get by. They are built using the Mortal or Expert Mortal CamPLs, and they have no Advantages that are out of the ordinary or supernatural in origin.

Heroic Mortals

A small subset of the ruck and run of humanity are just a little bit more capable and competent than the rest. Whether by birth, circumstance or some other factor, they excel. It is usually from amongst Heroic Mortals that Exaltation happens, the divine choosing those who have already distinguished themselves to be their chosen champions. They are built using the Heroic Mortal CamPL.

Enlightened Mortals

An even more select group are those who by exposure to the Wyld, extreme meditation and exercise, the application of divine powers or several other means have their spark of life Awakened. This allows them to manipulate Essence like the Exalted and other powerful beings, stealing just a fragment of that divinity for themselves. While they are normally built using the Heroic Mortal CamPL, they also get the Enlightened Mortal Power Package for free.

They may learn Terrestrial Martial Arts, Terrestrial Sorcery and have an enhanced use of Mortal Thaumaturgy. Note these are the only Powers that a mortal may learn.

Optional Rule: Gritty Consequences

Mortals are distinguished from all the supernaturally-powered beings in Creation by their fragility. They bleed profusely from wounds, suffer infection and disease, fall easily to poison. If you wish to evoke this in all its glory, even beyond what is covered in the SoF rulebook, one option is to use Gritty Consequences.

This means that when mortals take Consequences, they may take more than just time and rest to recover from, requiring medical attention. Needless to say, Exalts with their blessed constitutions do not need to worry about any of this.

See pages 269 and 285 of the SoF rulebook for more information on Disease and Poison/Drugs.


Where mortals have to make their way in life through luck and effort, the collection of beings known as God-Blooded do so because of their august heritage. Sired by powerful beings, they carry a spark of that divinity in their blood. They do not approach the true Exalted in sheer power, but they are even more numerous than the Terrestrial Exalted.

A God-Blooded character's nature is dependent on their parentage. This determines what Powers they have access to and their relationships with other powerful beings. God-Blooded are often the champions, priests and emissaries of either their divine parents or some other powerful being. While there are a minority wandering around searching for a purpose, or working for mortal organisations, most fall into intermediary roles in the supernatural world.


The Demon-blooded born from the union of a demon and a mortal. These children often inherit physical and supernatural features from their Demon parent. There are two distinct catagories of Demon-Blooded, the Hellspawn and the Yozi-kin. The chief difference between the two appears to be the means by which they are empowered. Hellspawn draw their power from their lineage, whereas Yozi-kin are empowered by their patron.


The Fae-Blooded are the result of the mating between a Fair Folk and a normal mortal. Unlike either of their parents, Fae-Blooded can function equally well in both the unshaped chaos of the Deep Wyld and Creation itself. Fae-Blooded tend to be very flamboyant and excessive in all things. Whatever they do, they do with gusto. Wherever they go, they leave their mark in lustful excess. They are comfortable in brothels, taverns, theaters with dramatic performances, or anywhere with strong emotion.


The child of a ghost and a mortal, only possible through the use of the powerful magics. Ghost-Blooded are highly valued by the Deathlords, as they are mortal servants who can use necromancy, and are often chosen to become Abyssal Exalted.


The most common of the God-Blooded are those for whom all those with mixed mortal and supernatural heritage are named. They are the children of humans and either gods or elementals.


Half-Castes are the children of the (non-Terrestrial) Exalted who have inherited a small share of their parent's power. There are five varieties of Half-Caste, corresponding to each of the (non-Terrestrial) Exalted.

  • Golden Children are the offspring of the Solar Exalted.
  • Moon-Born are sired by the Lunars.
  • Star-Blessed are the children of the Sidereals.
  • Shadowwalkers are the children of the Abyssals.
  • Grandchosen of the Yozis are the get of the Infernals.

Exalted Character Types

All types of Exalted are the chosen champions of some powerful, divine patron. One and all they are exceptional in some way, even before their Exaltation they would have been noteworthy. How this Exaltation manifests depends entirely on the divinity which empowered them. All Exalts receive the same Power package for free, but beyond that their Powers depend on their type.

Terrestrial Exalted

Also called the Dragon-Blooded, these are the champions of the five Elemental Dragons. For the last millennium and a half, they were the unquestioned rulers of Creation itself. Despite being the weakest Exalted in terms of raw power, the Terrestrial Exalts are the most numerous by far.

Terrestrial Exaltation is a matter of breeding; those of purer and more powerful blood are more likely to produce offspring that Exalt. As with Celestial Exaltation, Lytek has some control over the process and determines the time and place, usually during adolescence.

Air Aspect

The Terrestrial Exalted aligned to the Aspect of Air make up the light footed scholars and assassins of Creation. Also called the Children of Meal, members of the Air Aspect caste are closely in touch with the Element of Air. Air Aspects of good breeding will have light blue or white tinted skin.

Earth Aspect

The Terrestrial Exalted aligned to the Aspect of Earth are the stable and productive craftsmen of the Realm as well as its best generals. Also called the Children of Pasiap, members of the Earth Aspect caste are closely in touch with the Element of Earth.

Fire Aspect

The Terrestrial Exalted aligned to the Aspect of Fire make up the socialites and soldiers of the Dragon-Blooded. Also called the Children of Hesiesh, members of the Fire Aspect caste are closely in touch with the Element of Fire.

Water Aspect

The Water Aspect Dragon Blooded are much like their element – slippery. Sailors without peer, masters of the Martial Arts, and brilliant Bureaucrats are but a few of the titles that Aspects of Water can carry. Also called the Children of Daana'd, members of the Water Aspect caste are closely in touch with the Element of Water. Water Aspects of good breeding will have blue-green tinted skin, ranging from aqua blue to ebony black. As they age this deepens till the eldest have skin the black of the darkest deeps of the ocean.

Wood Aspect

The Wood Aspect Dragon Blooded are far more than simply healers and rangers. They are the horsemen, the performers, the wise men of their kind, constantly aware of the cycles of life around them. They are strongly connected to life, it almost seems that they live in a different version of creation than others of their kind. Also called the Children of Sextes Jylis, members of the Wood Aspect caste are closely in touch with the Element of Wood. Wood aspects of good breeding will have green tinted skin, the scent of fresh flowers, plants, or trees around them, or, if they are old and well-bred enough, might even sprout flowers in their hair, especially around the temples.

Celestial Exalted

The Celestial Exalted are the chosen champions of the gods. The Exaltation occurs when the Celestial Essence attaches itself to a person's soul. Those so blessed are chosen for various reasons, but all are Exalted for their capacity to use the Exaltation to it's fullest. Candidates are chosen by Lytek, the god of Exaltation. They were all created as weapons and servants of the causes of their patrons and are potentially the most powerful beings in all of Creation and beyond.


Known also as the Lawgivers, the Solar Exalted are the champions of the Unconquered Sun. Once the masters of Creation, the Solars were betrayed and usurped by their trusted advisors and soldiers. Most Solars were unable to be reborn until recently, their Exaltation trapped in the Jade Prison, and the Wyld Hunt was organized to slay those few who did find a way to reincarnate.

Dawn Caste

The Dawn Caste of the Solar Exalted is filled with the soldiers, generals, and martial champions of the Unconquered Sun. Some of Creation's greatest warriors herald from their ranks, as Dawn Caste essence shards manifest only in warriors. Even so, a warrior can take many forms ranging from war veterans to gang leaders.

Eclipse Caste

The Eclipse Caste Solar Exalted are most commonly Exalted from bureaucrats, diplomats, and couriers-- those who excel at social interaction. Where the other Solars represent mastery over Combat, Performance, Sorcery, and Stealth, the Eclipse Caste Solars are masters of negotiation and deal-making. Where a Dawn Caste might use his sword to defeat an army on the battlefield, an Eclipse will use his mastery of words to defeat a nation in its courts.

Night Caste

The Night Caste of the Solar Exalted are usually exalted from the best spies, assassins, and thieves Creation has to offer. In the First Age the Night Caste solars served as silent assassins and enforcers of the law, allowing the light of the Sun to shine through even in darkness, and in the Second Age, some Night Castes are returning to this duty.

Twilight Caste

The Twilight Caste Solar Exalted are most commonly Exalted from scholars, and artisans-- those who are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and education. The Twilight Caste are best known for their powerful dominion over the realms of sorcery and magic. Since the Solars are the only Exalted with natural access to the highest circle of sorcery (The Solar Circle), many of the greatest sorcerers in Creation have been Twilight Castes.

Zenith Caste

The Zenith Caste Solar Exalted are priests, prophets and mystics. The Golden Bulls lead their circlemates into the fight against the Creatures of Darkness.


These mighty savages are the champions of Luna. The Lunars were once the mates of the Solar Exalted, as well as their bodyguards and commanders of their armies. The Lunar Exalts either fled to the hinterlands of the Threshold after the Usurpation or died alongside their mates in futile battle. Today, most of these shapeshifting warriors live as barbarians, blaming the downfall of the Solars (and even their inability to save them) on civilization's softening effects.

The Lunar Exalted are the Chosen of Luna and are the most chaotic and savage of the Exalted. In the First Age the cunning shapeshifters were skilled fighters and capable generals who were commonly bonded in wedlock to the Solar Exalted. Those that did not die with their Solar mates fled to the edges of Creation.

Changing Moon Caste

The Changing Moon Caste are the tricksters of Luna, masters of social influence, force of personality, persuasion and deceit. They defend Creation and the Silver Pact with their cunning, deception, and persuasion. Using guile or raw animal magnetism, Changing Moons trust in their ability to get other beings to do what is necessary. They are unmatched spies, assassins, and leaders.

Full Moon Caste

The Full Moon Caste of the Lunar Exalted are the warriors of Luna, masters of physical force, agility, toughness and endurance. Named after the time when Luna is at her strongest, Full Moons defend Creation with their might, beating back the Wyld and other threats with moonsilver-edged blades or even their own claws and fangs.

Unquestionably the greatest warriors of the Silver Pact, they are unparalleled among the Exalted in might. Few beings can take on a Full Moon in combat, and even freshly tattoed Nightfangs are a challenge. They carry through battles and can leap out unhurt, shrug off the pain of wounds, or even redirect blows back to their opponents. While younger members of the Caste rely on their strength, those that survive to an older age move like quicksilver through blows and strike at key areas, crippling foolish opponents.

No Moon Caste

The No Moon Caste are savants of Luna, masters of knowledge, thought, inquiry and the arcane. It was the No Moons who discovered the secret of their caste-affixing moonsilver tattoos, and they explore the secrets of the world under the cloak of Luna's dark nights.

No Moons are the sorcerers and savants of the Silver Pact, and hold much of their lore and history in oral tradition and dusty tomes. They are also the priests of Luna, a task once held by the lost Waxing Moon Caste. While other Lunar Castes can learn the charms needed to make form-fixing tattoos, No Moons learn them easier and faster than others, securing them an important place in the Pact.


Also known as the Viziers, the Sidereal Exalted are the champions of the Five Maidens and the keepers of Fate. The Chosen of the Maidens are the savants and astrologers of the Exalted, as well as matchless martial artists.

Chosen of Battles

The Chosen of Battles are the warriors and generals of the Five-Score Fellowship. They are based at the Crimson Panoply of Victory, a fortress and training ground in Heaven. Their patron is the Maiden Mars. They appreciate conflict, even if they don't enjoy it, and even if they don't care whether or not they win or lose, they recognize the importance of conflict itself. Those who are Exalted by the Chosen of Battles are often talented strategists or exceptional warriors even before they Exalt. As the Chosen of Mars, they pick which battles occur and which never come to pass.

Chosen of Endings

The Chosen of Endings are the assassins and censors of the Five-Score Fellowship. They are based at the Violet Bier of Sorrows, an office-monetary in Heaven. Their patron is the Maiden Saturn. They are often preoccupied with death and cessation as children. Some spend their early years killing animals or ending friendships in an effort to better understand the phenomenon of finality. However, they understand that every "ending" is only a transition into a new moment, and they bring that understanding to their work.

Chosen of Journeys

The Chosen of Journeys are the couriers and spies of the Five-Score Fellowship. They are based at the Golden Barque of the Heavens, a magnificent airship in Heaven. Their patron is the Maiden Mercury. They are filled with wanderlust, be it the desire to go somewhere or to get away from some place. They become skilled at the travel they enjoy and will continue journeys no matter the difficulties they may face, making them perfect for the purposes of the Maiden of Journeys. They also develop interests in the development of people and their own personal journeys, sometimes acting as guides toward enlightenment.

Chosen of Secrets

The Chosen of Secrets are the counselors and sorcerers of the Five-Score Fellowship. They are based at the Forbidding Manse of Ivy, a library in Heaven. Their patron is the Maiden Jupiter. They find value in knowledge and secrets. They know that some knowledge is more valuable than other knowledge, and that secrets that are not widely known carry more value to those that want those secrets than secrets that are more widespread. They believe that secrets are sharper and finer weapons than any stilleto could ever be.

Chosen of Serenity

The Chosen of Serenity are the diplomats and seducers of the Five-Score Fellowship. They are based at the Cerulean Lute of Harmony, a combination office, brothel and opium den in Heaven. Their patron is the Maiden Venus. They often enjoy life more than other people do and find joys in the simple pleasures in life. They don't seek pleasure for pleasure's sake, but they are looking for a realization of one's destiny through joy and serenity.

Other Exalted

There are three other types of Exalted, with their own processes of creation and circulation.


The Abyssal Exalted are twisted Solar Exaltations, captured by the Deathlords and corrupted within a Monstrance of Celestial Portion. Commonly referred to as Deathknights, they are Exalted champions of the Deathlords and their Neverborn masters. They have only recently appeared, but they seem to be dark reflections of the returned Solar Exalted, with dark mockeries of the Solars' Caste Marks, Animas and even Charms.

Day Caste

The counterparts to the Solar Night Caste, the Day Caste of the Abyssal Exalted are usually exalted from the best spies, assassins, and thieves Creation has to offer. In the Underworld the Day Caste Abyssals serve as silent assassins and enforcers of the law, bringing the darkness of the Underworld to every corner of Creation.

Daybreak Caste

The Daybreak Caste are most commonly Exalted from scholars, and artisans––those who are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and education. The Daybreak Caste are best known for their powerful dominion over the realms of necromancy, necrosurgery and magic. Since the Abyssals are the only Exalted with natural access to the highest circle of necromancy (The Void Circle), many of the greatest necromancers in the Underworld are Daybreak Castes, even though necromancy was discovered by Twilight Caste Solars.

Dusk Caste

The counterparts to the Solar Dawn Caste, the Dusk Caste of is filled with the soldiers, generals, and martial champions of the Neverborn. Some of the Underworld's greatest warriors herald from their ranks, as Dusk Caste essence shards are given only to warriors. Even so, a warrior can take many forms ranging from war veterans to gang leaders.

Midnight Caste

The counterparts to the Solar Zenith Caste, the Midnight Caste are Priest-kings, prophets and mystics.

Moonshadow Caste

The counterparts to the Solar Eclipse Caste, the Moonshadow Caste are most commonly Exalted from bureaucrats, diplomats, and couriers - those who excel at social interaction. Where the other Abyssals represent mastery over Combat, Performance, Sorcery, and Stealth, the Moonshadow Caste Abyssals are masters of negotiation and deal-making. Where a Dusk Caste might use his sword to defeat an army on the battlefield, a Moonshadow will use his mastery of words to defeat a nation in its courts.


The Alchemical Exalted are built and granted power by their fellow Autochthonians, according to the ancient plans of Autochthon. Native to the machine world of Autochthonia, they are champions of industry and technology. The Alchemical Exalted have artificial bodies composed of the various Magical Metals, from which they derive their Castes.

Adamant Caste

The Adamant Caste of the Alchemical Exalted are only known in rumor and legend, as this Caste is only theoretical - at least as far as mainstream Autochthonian society knows. The nomads of the Reaches, however, know the legends are true. The Adamant Caste report directly to the Divine Ministers, and are tasked with overseeing the Eight Nations and their Alchemical Champions.

Jade Caste

The Jade Caste interact with mortals daily on an egalitarian footing. They are the public face of the Alchemicals and inspire laborers to work harder or rally fighters to defend the cities of Autochthonia.

Moonsilver Caste

The Moonsilver Caste of the Alchemical Exalted are the secret agents, scouts and assassins of Autochthonian society. They are adept at disguise, deception and camouflage, serving the greater truth, and use their martial prowess and agility to strike down the enemies of state and god. They often delay the transitional growth that comes from increasing their Essence to continue to serve adequately in their duties, and when they do, they often turn their attentions to the threats that come from beyond their cities.

Orichalcum Caste

The Orichalcum Caste of the Alchemical Exalted define themselves as the leaders and sages of Autochthonia. Being stronger, smarter and bolder than mortals, these exalts serve as bright examples of inspiration, vision and progress. Members of the Orichalcum Caste are forceful, convincing and inspiring, but they are not always likeable or approachable as they can display arrogance or find themselves at philosophical odds with others.

Soulsteel Caste

The Soulsteel Caste of the Alchemical Exalted are the problem-solvers and enforcers of Autochthonian society. They are relentless in battle, never slowing or stopping, and their persistence is legendary. They are the Exalts who watch over Autochthonia, yet even the most brutal of these Sentinels give suspected criminals the opportunity to surrender peacefully.

Starmetal Caste

The Starmetal Caste of the Alchemical Exalted lead like the Orichalcum Caste do, but they work behind the scenes while the Orichalcum Caste are recognizable figureheads. They are subtle and pragmatic, always planning ahead for contingencies and taking minimalist approaches to how they deal with others, and even how they fight.


The Infernal Exalted are Solar Exaltations tainted to the purposes of the mad Yozis, imbued with the strength and the madness of a demon during the Exaltation process. The term Green Sun Prince is used to refer to mortals who have agreed to serve the yozi and received one of the Solar Exaltations which have been tainted by the Yozis.

Defiler Caste

The members of the Defiler Caste are sages and sorcerers. They serve the brilliant and judgmental She Who Lives In Her Name, who embodies the hierarchy and law of the demon realm. They possess brilliant insight and an unparalleled ability to directly influence reality with their wills, but aren't especially gifted at healing or teaching.

Fiend Caste

The members of the Fiend Caste are diplomats and corruptors. They serve the manipulative and adversarial Ebon Dragon, who embodies the darkness of the demon realm. They're extremely adept at manipulation, deception, and crippling opponents, but are bad at honest persuasion.

Malefactor Caste

The members of the Malefactor Caste are preachers and leaders. They serve the hypocritical and domineering Cecelyne, who embodies the endless desert surrounding Malfeas. They tend to be capricious, abusive fascists.

Scourge Caste

The members of the Scourge Caste are spies and assassins. They serve the insane and cataclysmic Adorjan, who embodies the scouring silent wind of the demon realm. Ironically, the members of this cast tend towards tremendous speed and little stealth capability.

Slayer Caste

The members of the Slayer Caste are soldiers and generals. They serve the agonized and berserk daemon king Malfeas, who embodies the demon realm itself. As a result of Malfeas' influence, however, the Green Sun Princes of this caste are sadistic, unstoppable juggernauts more often than generals.

Character Aspects

Aspects are as important here as in any Strands game, particularly because they can act as shorthands for nebulous minor abilities and levers to make things happen - for good and ill. The defining Aspect should reflect a characters supernatural nature if they are more than mortal. Ideally it should refer to their character type in some way so that it can be Invoked for bonuses and effects relating to the things they are normally good at. For example, a Solar character can Invoke their defining Aspect when engaged in skilled activities.

If you're using the Aspect Alphabet, some of those phases have parallels with facets of Exalted. These are as follows:

  • Ambition is the same as Motivation.
  • Background is unchanged.
  • Conviction can cover Virtues - pick out the strongest.
  • Disadvantage can cover The Great Curse.

See pages 17-19 of the SoF rulebook for more information.


The regular Abilities are unchanged in this adaptation. They range from 0-6, with 2 being average for a mortal and 5 being the pinnacle of mortal ability. 6 is reserved for the seemingly superhuman abilities of some Celestial Exalted in their favoured fields.

You purchase them normally at character generation, adding extra Ability points with the Experienced Advantage.

See page 103 of the SoF rulebook for the Experienced Advantage.

The Essence Affinity Ability

There is an additional thirteenth Ability in this adapatation, Essence. It is the Affinity Ability which enables all Essence-fuelled supernatural powers. Most ordinary mortals have an Essence rating of 0, they cannot manipulate the flows of Essence at all. You must buy up your Essence Ability if you wish to use any Powers; without it you cannot access the majority of them. There are exceptions for beings for whom Powers represent their natural capabilities, but this is rarely the case with player characters.

See page 92 of the SoF rulebook for more on Affinity Abilities.

Essence Stress Tracks

In addition to the Essence Affinity Ability, all those with Powers have a Custom Stress Track which is used whenever Powers are triggered. The Essence Stress Track is calculated differently depending on the type of character you are playing.

  • Enlightened Mortals have Willpower
  • God-Blooded have Affinity Ability + 2
  • Terrestrials have Affinity Ability + Willpower
  • Celestials have Affinity Ability + Willpower + 2

A character who changes type in play (such as an Enlightened Mortal who Exalts) also changes how their Essence Stress track is calculated. Consequences are taken on the track as normal. For Exalts, the first Consequence they take is always "Visible Anima Banner".

All character types who start play able to manipulate Essence receive both at least one point in the Essence Affinity Ability and the Essence Stress track for free as part of their Power Package.

Manses, Demenses and Essence Stress Tracks

Speciality Aspects

Choose five Speciality Aspects against your Abilities as normal. If you are using the Aspect Alphabet, the Foes and Help Aspects can be particularly useful as ways to tie the character in to the setting. Gear is a way of making artifacts and other special items relevant.


Choose Advantages as normal. The CamPL tells you how many you have to spend, and the maximum you can spend on any one Advantage.

Note also that there are several New Advantages specific to this adaptation.

Expert and Heroic Advantages

These represent mundane and non-supernatural areas of strength. With the exception of Thaumaturgy, these are the only Advantages available to (un-Enlightened) mortals.

Power Advantages

All supernatural abilities fall under the aegis of Powers in this adaptation, no matter what their source. There are two sets of potential "freebies" available to characters who are more-than-mortal, Power Packages and Anima Powers. Everything else is done with Power Advantages, which might be considered Mortal Thaumaturgy, Sorcery or Supernatural Martial Arts amongst other things. Anything that isn't covered by another category falls into Powers. The Power Advantages rules are used to model everything that mundane skills and knowledge cannot do, whether it's done by an Exalt, Fae, Demon or God or something else.

Mortal Thaumaturgy

Thaumaturgy is the only supernatural learning available to the un-Awakened. This is detailed at length in Mortal Thaumaturgy.

Power Packages

Beings at the higher character tiers are gifted with "Power Packages" (ie they are free at character generation) to represent the very basic properties they have regardless of any other distinctions. These are things common to everything of their type, and are the access points to all of their Power Advantages. Without one of these Power Packages, you cannot use Power Advantages, Sorcery or Supernatural Martial Arts.

Enlightened Mortal

This package represents the basic characteristics of those mortals who possess Awakened Essence.

Enlightened Mortal Package (3 AP)

  • The Essence Affinity Ability at 1 (1 AP)
  • An Essence Stress track (2 AP)


This package represents the basic characteristics of the various beings known as the God-Blooded.

God-Blooded Package (6 AP)

  • The Essence Affinity Ability at 1 (1 AP)
  • An Essence Stress track (2 AP)
  • Resistance [Disease - Improved Resistance] (2 AP)
  • Resistance [Poison - Resistance] (1 AP)


This package represents the basic characteristics of all Exalted.

Exalted Package (12 AP)

  • The Essence Affinity Ability at 2 (2 AP)
  • An Essence Stress track (2 AP)
  • Regeneration (2 AP)
  • Resistance [Disease - Immunity] (4 AP)
  • Resistance [Poison - Improved Resistance] (2 AP)

Anima Powers

All Exalted have a collection of innate Powers, called Anima Powers. These are detailed at length in Anima Effects.

Supernatural Martial Arts

Distinct from the mundane fighting and meditative arts learned by mortals are the Supernatural Martial Arts which those with Awakened Essence can learn.


Sorcery is performed using the Control (Reality) Power, and the base power represents Terrestrial Circle Sorcery. Celestial and Solar Circle Sorcery are modifiers on the base template. That base template is as follows:

Sample Power Aspect: Mastery of Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Base AP Cost: 6AP

Activation Difficulty: 2 + Control Modifiers (Terrestrial), 1 + Control Modifiers (Celestial), 0 + Control Modifiers (Solar)

Activation Time: Free Action

Base Template: Control Reality (9AP), Rote Dependent (-3)

Requires a Power Source and the Essence Affinity Ability at 3


-1 (Inability to Focus): You may not spend additional rounds to focus on a use of Sorcery.

-1 (No Rituals): You may not utilise the Ritual option of Sorcery.

-2 (Limitation: FP Cost): Each use of Sorcery costs a Fate Point to activate, in addition to the Activation roll.

-1 or -2 (Limitation: Increased Activation Difficulty): Sorcery's Activation Difficulty is increased by 2 or 4, depending on the version of this Limitation taken. This is treated as a Control Modifier, rather than increasing the base Activation.

+2 (Celestial Circle): You have access to the Celestial Circle of Sorcery. See Control Modifications for details. Requires an Essence Ability of 4, and only Celestials can use Celestial Circle Sorcery.

+4 (Solar Circle): You have access to the Celestial Circle of Sorcery. See Control Modifications for details. Note this replaces (and does not stack with) Celestial Circle. Requires an Essence Ability of 5, and only Solars can use Solar Circle Sorcery.

A Note On Negative Modifiers: Negative Modifiers (beyond Rote Dependent) are very unusual for an Exalted to possess. They are most commonly found among God-Blooded and Enlightened Mortals, where they represent specialization or flawed understanding of some aspect of Sorcery.

Control Modifications

Sorcery utilizes the Control Meta-Power with the following Modifications:


  • Unlike other Powers at a character's disposal, each Circle of Sorcery possesses a different Power Tech Level that is used to determine the base Activation and when called for by a Power. The Terrestrial Circle has a PTL of 4, the Celestial Circle has a PTL of 5, and the Solar Circle has a PTL of 6.
  • Unlike other Powers, Sorcery does not possess the PTLx2 cap on WR/AR (Subject to change upon testing).

Emulate Other Power

  • Terrestrial Circle spells follow the standard rule of not being able to Emulate a Power with an AP cost greater than your Affinity. For Celestial and Solar Circle spells, however, this is multiplied by x2 and x3, respectively.
  • Unlike standard Control, Emulate Other Power may always be used, even if it produces a result better than simply using Control.
  • The activation difficulty is equal to the activation difficulty of the Power to be emulated(plus the base difficulty of Control), or the Power's AP cost (x2), whichever is higher.

Ritual Control

  • Terrestrial Spells work exactly like standard Ritual Control, only an Affinity greater than 3 does not allow you to gain a bonus every 10 minutes. Instead, those who have access to Celestial Circle Sorcery may Ritually cast Terrestrial spells at the accelerated rate, and those initiated into the Solar Circle can do the same with Celestial. In addition, those initiated into the Celestial and Solar Circle may gain a bonus of Affinityx2 and x3, respectively.
  • Sorcery is capable of incredibly long-lasting effects. If you spend a Fate Point at the end of performing Ritual Control you may roll on the Time Table (SoF, pg. 295) using your Affinity Ability to determine the duration of the resulting Power. You may use part, or even all of the bonus you gain from performing Ritual Control on this roll. Terrestrial spells have a maximum duration of one year, and Celestial and Solar Circle 10 years and Forever, respectively (This is, needless to say, prone to abuse. It is necessary to emulate some spells, however).

See page 189-197 of the SoF rulebook for more details on Control. 


Some example Rotes to get people started.

Death of Obsidian Butterflies


Sample Power Aspect: Razor-Sharp Magical Manifestation

Activation: 12 (2)

Activation Time: Simple Action

You unleash a swarm of razor-sharp obsidian butterflies that leave a wide swath of distruction in their wake. This is treated as a +6 ExR attack that affects an entire Zone.

Emerald Countermagic

Emulate Power: Nullify

Sample Power Aspect: First Circle Dispelling

Activation: 8 (2)

Activation Time: Simple Action

Modifiers: Improved Nullifcation (+1), Deconstruction (+1)

This spell can be used to counteract another spell being cast in the Sorcerer's presence, or used to dispell a spell already in effect.

Invulnerable Skin of Bronze

Emulate Power: Armor

Sample Power Aspect: Body of Bronze

Activation: 8 (2)

Activation Time: Simple Action

Duration: Scene (24 hours with FP)

Modifiers: Passive (+2)

Your body is transmuted into living metal, granting you a +6 AR that lasts for one scene (24 hours with FP).

See page 198 of the SoF rulebook for more information on Rotes.


It is possible to string multiple Powers together so they go off at the same time, in a Combination. To build Combos, see the Linked Advantage Meta-Power. Note that mortals and God-Blooded may not use Combos.

See page 200 of the SoF rulebook for more details.


Purchase equipment normally. In many instances equipment is unchanged from one system to the other. In a few instances a translation from one to the other is necessary, and is explained.

Mundane Equipment

The prevailing Tech Level for most of Creation is generally TL2, meaning metal weapons and armour, and other medieval-ish equipment. Some places have TL3 (firewands and the like). First Age artifacts and infrastructure might raise it still further in localised areas.


Rather than create a new armour table for the types available in Exalted, instead here is a translation guide:

Exalted Armour                        Strands equivalent
Buff Jacket, synthetic leather        Leather or hide

Breastplate, reinforced Buff          Chain mail or breast
jacket, chain shirt                   plate

Lamellar, reinforced breastplate,     Ring/scale mail or
chain hauberk                         lamellar

Articulated plate, chain swathing,    Plate Mail
plate and chain,

See page 308 of the SoF rulebook for more information on armour.

Shields are unchanged, only those up to TL2 are available.

See page 306 of the SoF rulebook for more information on shields.


Weapons are unchanged, generally only those up to TL2 are available, unless otherwise noted. Below is a translation guide for Exalted weapons where relevant:

Exalted weapon                     Strands equivalent
Chopping sword                     Longsword
Straight/slashing sword            Rapier
Poleaxe                            Halberd
Sledge                             Maul
Tetsubo                            Great club
Spear                              Long spear
Self bow                           Short bow
Firewand                           Musket
Flame piece                        Matchlock pistol

See pages 306-307 of the SoF rulebook for more information on Weapons.

Other equipment

Artifacts and Items of Power

See pages 299-340 of the SoF rulebook for more details on Equipment.

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