Character:Navigatrix Eliza
- Name: Lady Navigatrix Elizabeth Liorian Malyrix Tariansiz Dorinth Isabella von Benetek
- Rank: 4
- Careers: Navigator
- Appearance: A short woman with long, flowing red hair; Eliza has eyes that are a solid dark purple; the mutation of her bloodline; and a third eye on her forehead; constantly concealed by a scarf of purple silk, the mark of her status as a Navigator. Her skin is pale; almost unnaturally so; a relic of her last journey with the Calixis Battlefleet.
She has a tendency to wear skin-tight outfits of mesh; covered in light, constantly flowing robes of purple silks. This can vary remarkably; depending on whatever her tastes are currently running too; but this tends to be the default she falls back on. The one thing that’s a constant is in the Hell Pistol tucked away at her waist.
- WS 33
- BS 45*
- S 34
- T 44*
- Ag 28
- Int 40*
- Per 36**
- WP 68***
- Fel 47
- Wounds: 16
- Fate Points: 4
- Corruption: 5
- Insanity: 2
- Total XP Spent: 14,950
- Unspent XP: 50
- XP to next rank: 17,000
Best Quality Xeno Mesh Armor
- Head 0
- R. Arm 4
- L. Arm 4
- Body 4
- R. Leg 4
- L. Leg 4
Awareness +20 (Per), Carouse (T), Command (Fel) Common Lore (Imperial Navy +10, Navis Nobilite +20) (Int), Deceive +10 (Fel), Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Navigators, Warp) +20 (Int), Interrogation (Fel) Intimidate +20 (Fel), Literacy (int), Navigation (Stellar, Warp) +10 (Int), Psyniscience +20 (Per), Secret Tongue (Navigator, Rogue Trader) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +10 (Int), Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant), Tech Use (Int), Trade (Astrographer)
Armour of Contempt, Basic Weapon Training (SP), Decadence, Exotic Weapon Training (Pulse Rifle), Improved Warp Sense, Jaded, Navigator, Pistol Weapon Training (Universal), Resistance (Psychic Techniques), Sound Constitution x5, Warp Sense
Officer on Deck: +5 bonus to command tests aboard a space craft
Void Born Ancestry: Gain Void Accustomed and Navigation (Stellar) (Becomes Navigation (Stellar) +10
Ship Bound Fighter: -2 penalty to initative tests and double ballistic skill penalties when firing long range or longer when in open areas
Navigator Origin Magisterial House
Warp Focus: Once per session, may force a single opponent to reroll a successful test when resisting the effects of the Lidless Stare
Pure Genes: Resisting mutation is a +20 test
Exalted Lingeage: +10 bonus to interaction with members of Imperial Nobility
Mutation: Eyes as Dark as Void (Darksight)
The Liddless Stare (Master) Void Watcher (Adept)
Best craftsmanship hellpistol, Best craftsmanship pulse rifle, best craftsmanship metal staff, best craftsmanship xeno-mesh armor, Emperor’s Tarot Deck, silk headscarf, Nobilite robes, charm, micro-bead
Background Path[edit]
Battlefleet: +5 WP, +3 Fel, -5 Per, Officer on Deck, Void Born Ancestry, Ship Bound Fighter
In Service to the Throne (Tithed): Common Lore (Imperial Navy), becomes +10, Tech Use, Basic Weapon Training (SP), +3 WP, costs 350 XP
Duty Bound: Duty to the Throne: +3 WP, Armour of Contempt, -10 penalty to interaction skill tests with sources outside the Imperium
Lost Worlds: Rogue Planet: +3 WP, Awareness, +3 Insanity, Cost 200 XP
Exhilaration: No Joy Unexplored: +3 Toughness, Carouse, Decadence, -3 WP, 5 Corruption, Cost 200 XP
Born aboard the Coming of the Azure Flame; a destroyer in the service of the Calixis Battlefleet; Lady Elizabeth Liorian Malyrix Tariansiz Dorinth Isabella von Benetek (Eliza to the handful of mortals she deems close enough to be considered something akin to a friend) was secreted away from her vessel at a young age; born by loyal followers of the Benetek house across the Calixis sector to their majestic palaces where the Navigators were raised and trained in the ways of the warp and indoctrinated in the superiority of the Benetek house over all other Navigators.
Eliza was given extensive training in behavior aboard military vessels, and spent most of her training years aboard one class of destroyer or cruiser or what have you to acquire this experience. For Eliza was one part of a plan by House Benetek to make themselves the only Navigators upon whom the Calixis Battlefleet depended; shoving aside all other houses by proving themselves. She was to serve on board the Fleet of Junior Admiral Grix as they established a staging point for an invasion into a group of Ork worlds. It was just one cog in a scheme, but a vital one.
It didn’t… work out.
Planet Designate RP-3354231RZA was a rogue planet; thrown into space countless ages ago as a result of some stellar catastrophe. The perfect spot to stage a fleet for a surprise attack up the flank of the Ork worlds. The perfect spot except for one thing. The planet was inhabited. By the ghosts of the dead civilization that once lived on it. The fleet sent to establish the staging point didn’t have a chance.
Warp Ghosts swarmed the fleet as they set up the Void Stations in orbit; tearing through the hulls and possessing the crew; causing hundreds of thousand of Imperial Navy Ratings to tear each other apart in a horrific frenzy.
Only one ship, the Flagship, the Indomitable Iron Fist of the Retributive Strike, managed to limp back to port; with barely half its crew alive, and Eliza the only Navigator left alive. Barely alive. Needless to say; the entire campaign was called off and the reclamation of the worlds was set back for decades.
It changed Eliza. She’d almost died when the ghosts swarmed the ship. It gave her a new outlook on life. What was the point in taking part in grand schemes and complicated politics? You could die the next day; and it would all be meaningless to you. All the mattered was the now. Live for the moment!
Her family… didn’t fully agree with those beliefs when she elucidated them upon her return to their center of power. Nor did they look kindly upon the failure of their scheme. And one of the proud Benetek traditions was scapegoats and blame shifting!
She found herself exiled from the inner ranks of her family. Sanctioned by her family and friends. Forced to take service with a Rogue Trader, as there was no other option available to her. In truth; she privately welcomed it. Rogue Trader did not know the restrictions of the military or of the traders of Imperium Space. Here was her chance to seek out her own desires.