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Osnate : hebrew name for "Catastrophe". Herouta : hebrew name for "freedom". Basically, her sister name means "Catastrophe unleashed"

"Hello sailors ! So I heard the Morale was low here, and there were potential mutineers.. how about we'll discuss that in my room *wink* ?"

Born from two Navy officers on a space station which suffered a terrible Life Sustainer breakdown, Osnate was one of the very few survivors, and was sent to the nearest schola progenium. To the great desesperation of her drill abbots, she was a feral, non chaste, swearing, snarky walking catastrophe, smuggling alcohol, drugs and pornography inside the schola. Nicknamed "Bedroom Macharius" by her peers-for she conquered many virgin lands and was stopped only by the complete exhaustion of her brocken men- it is really a Miracle that her presence did not corrupt the other of her promotion, including Ciaphas Cain, Hero of the Imperium! She managed barely to get away with the worst disciplinary progenia record of the Segmentum : during her many trials, it was certified that many of her pranks where backed by genuine Miracles. Osnate has always claimed to hear His Voice ; she gains many ennemies in the Ecclesiarchy, especially as with her the God-Emperor sounds like a pervert bullying joke.

"Ciaphas Cain, you say ? Oh yes, I remember him,a nice little fellow I caught once in the gymnase showers. he was real good for a first-timer. We made a pict-record of it and [REDACTED, BY ORDER OF HIS HOLY INQUISITION. ALL RECORDS EXCEPT ONE OF SAID PICT RECORDS SHALL BE DESTROYED, ONE COPY KEPT IN MY ARCHIVES. INQUISITOR AMBERLEY VEIL]"

She was sent first among a Militant Order, her superiors hopping the reckless young girl will get killed rapidly. It backfired, and soon enough, she was sent in many different orders, usually as a Seraphim, as no Palatine wanted to keep her. At last, they manage to send her to the Sabine, hoping that savage unconquered worlds will get them ride of Osnate. She found at long last her element : danger, unknown drugs & alcohols to taste, and a lot of people to convert. Though many missionaries coming behind her will facepalm when seeing how she teached & modified the credo.

Osnate, obviously, is not a puritan. though she doesn't trust xenos, at least, she will leave them a chance to proove they are worthy of His Trust, and not fire on sight. She has a very hand-down approach to problems, and she fears not to use her fists. She is at ease as well as on an hostile planet as on a starship, having a knack to find a way to survive almost anywhere. And the Emporer protects her. If there is booze, fights & booty, she is your girl !


VOID BORN : - 5 Strengh, +5 Willpower. Charmed, Ill-Omened, Shipwise, Void Accustomed.

FRINGE SURVIVOR : Survivalist : +3 Toughness, Survival, +1 Fate Point, 6 Insanity Points. 300 xp.

TAINTED : Deviant Philosophy +3 Willpower, Enemy (Ecclesiarchy).

PRESS-GANGED : Pilot (personal), Common Lore (Koronus Expanse), Jealous Freedoom.

FEAR (instead of VENGEANCE) : Tormented by the Unspeakable. Light Sleeper, Resistance (Fear), Jaded. 17 Insanity Points. 200 xp.


WS : 52 BS : 39 S : 40 E : 40 Ag : 38 Int : 40 Per : 37 Wp : 55 Fel : 37

14 Wounds. 5 Fate Points. 23 Insanity Points.

2 WS advances.1 Wp Advance. 1 Fel Advance.


untrained : Navigation( stellar), pilot (space crafts). Awareness, Carouse, Charm+20, Common Lore ( Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed,Imperium, Koronus Expanse), Contortionist, Dodge +20, Forbidden Lore (Heresy), Inquiry, Intimidate, Medicae +20, Performer (choose one), Scholastic Lore (Beasts, Imperial Creed), Secret tongue (Ecclesiarchy, RT), Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic, Ship's cant),Survival +20, Swim, Tracking, Wrangling.


basic Weapon Training (Universal), Cleanse & Purify, Faith Powers *6, Flame Weapon Training (universal), Furious Assault, Hardy, Inspire Wrath, Leap Up, Master Orator, Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Polyglot, Pure Faith, Sound Constitution, Survival Master, True Grit, Unarmed Warrior, Unshakeable Faith.


origin path : 500 xp.

Awareness : 100 xp

Charm : 100 xp

Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) : 100

Dodge : 100

Performer (choose one) : 100

Secret tongue (Ecclesiarchy, RT) : 100 *2

Sound Constitution : 200

Flame Weapon Training (universal) : 500

+10 WS : 350

+5 Fel : 100

+5 Wp : 100

Carouse (elite advance) : 400

Charm +10 : 200

Medicae +10 : 200

Survival +10 : 200

Survival +20 : 200

Scholastic Lore (Beasts) : 200

Dodge +10 : 200

Swim : 200

Tracking : 200

Wrangling : 200

Hardy : 200

Polyglot : 200

Master Orator : 500

Survival Master : 500

Charm +20 : 200

Intimidate : 200

Cleanse & Purify (Elite Advance) : 400

Inspire Wrath : 200

Unarmed Warrior : 200

6 Faith Powers : 300*6 =1800

Contortionist : 200

Dodge +20 : 200

Inquiry : 200

Furious Assault : 200

Leap Up : 200

True Grit : 200.

TOTAL : 10450 xp spend, 50 xp left.


Martyr's Gift : heal the wounded by taking the injuries onto herself.

Divine Endurance : can bless herself & up to 30 allies, to ignore any Fatigue level or sources.

Wrath of the Righteous : can bless herself & up to 30 allies, +d5 dmg in melee & increased Righteous Fury chances.

Divine Guidance : can bless herself & up to 3 allies, can ignore a single range penalty.

The Passion : can bless herself & up to 3 allies, gain unnatural Agility x2, +10 to dodge & parry tests, roll 2 dices and choose the highest for Initiative.

Flames of Faith : bless a flame ammo tank, a fire or a flamer. +1d10 dmg, +2d10 & holy against daemons, -10 for agility tests to avoid the flame


common craftsmanship Eviscerator with Exterminatus Cartridge

good craftsmanship Flamer

best craftsmanship guard flak armour

Ecclesiarchal robes

aquila pendant


censer & incense,

micro bead.