Character:Corvan the Bloodletter
- Name: Corvan the Bloodletter (AKA Lord Cornelius Harvan-Koba of Malfi)
- Rank: Death Cultist 9
- Careers:
- Background:
- Appearance:
- WS 66
- BS 39
- S 34
- T 33
- Ag 58
- Int 38
- Per 32
- WP 48
- Fel 33
- Wounds: 14
- Fate Points: 3
- Corruption:
- Insanity:
- Total XP Spent: 13700
- Unspent XP: 0
- XP to next rank:
- Head
- R. Arm
- L. Arm
- Body
- R. Leg
- L. Leg
Acrobatics, Awareness, Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Contortionist, Disguise, Dodge +20, Drive (Ground Vehicle), Forbidden Lore (the Inquisition), Inquiry, Literacy, Pilot (Civilian), Security, Shadowing +20, Silent Move +20, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic)