Navigator-Primaris Ramirez Sanches Modar de Nueva Rossignol

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Name: Ramirez Sanches Modar de Nueva Rossignol
Career Path: Navigator
Rank: 1

Home world: Hive World
Birthright: Savant
Lure of the Void: Duty Bound (Duty to Humanity)
Trials and Travails: Ship-Lorn
Motivation: Pride



Weapon Skill: 38 (3)
Ballistics Skill: 34 (3)
Strength: 37 (3)
Toughness: 29 (2)
Agility: 35 (4)
Intelligence: 40 (4)
Perception: 50 (5)
Willpower: 40 (4)
Fellowship: 42 (4)

Wounds: 9
Corruption: 0
Insanity: 4
Fate 0/2


A Gaze to Pierce the Soul (may advance Gaze into Abyss power to Paragon level (+30))
Accustomed to Crowds (Crowds do not count as Difficult Terrain, no Ag penalty to run or charge in the crowds)
Against All Odds (may re-roll dice when using Fate point to recover from wounds)
Caves of Steel (Tech-Use is basic untrained skill)
Destitute (-1 to groups’ starting profit factor)
Duty to Humanity (-1 to groups’ starting profit factor)
Heirloom Item (Angevin Era Chainsword)
Hivebound (-10 to Survival. -5 to Int when out of proper hab)
Ill-starred (-5 Fel to void-born, Rogue Traders or void-farers)
Mercantile Opportunist (+10 to Barter, Charm and Carouse)
Starting Skills ( Speak Language (Hive Dialect) is basic untrained skill)
Wary (+1 to Initiative rolls)

Melee Weapon Training (Chain, Primitive)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)

Navigator Mutations: Inhuman Visage (has Fear(1) trait), Elongated Form (-2 Toughness)
Navigator Powers: Lidless Stare (Novice), Gaze into Abyss (Novice), Foreshadowing (Adept)


Common Lore (Navis Nobilite)
Forbidden Lore (Navigators, Warp)
Navigation (Stellar, Warp)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)
Speak Language (Low Gothic, High Gothic)
Trade (Astrographer)


BC Hellpistol (35m, S/2/-, 1d10+4 E, Pen 7, Magazine 40, 4 kg)
BC Metal staff (Melee, 1d10+3S I, Pen 0, Primitive, Balanced, +10 to hit, 3 kg)
BC Chainsword (Melee, 1d10+6S R, Pen 2, Tearing, Balanced, +10 to hit, 6 kg)
BC Xeno-mesh Armor (Armor 4 to Arms, Body, Legs, 1 kg)
Emperor’s Tarot deck
Silk headscarf
Nobilite robes

GC Navis Primae

Xp Spent
-300 xp Melee Weapon Training (Chain) [elite]
-100 xp Intelligence Simple Advance
-100 xp Perception Simple Advance
-250 xp Perception Intermediate Advance
-100 xp Willpower Simple Advance
-100 xp Awareness
-100 xp Intimidation
-100 xp Trade (Astrographer)
-100 xp Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)

-250 xp Toughness Simple Advance
-200 xp Navigator Power (Foreshadowing)