Mighty Maiden (DC Sidekicks in WWII)

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Mighty Maiden PL8 AKA Tiffany Tompkins

Superman's Sidekick

Main DC Sidekicks In WWII Page


Mighty Maiden in Uniform

Tiffany Tompkins was just another fourteen year old girl before her encounter with the the mad genius known as the Ultra-Humanite. Actually that isn't entirely true; like her aunt the famous girl reporter Lois Lane - who Tiffany hero worships - she was headstrong, insatiably curious and very good at getting herself into trouble. It was this tendency that saw her follow her aunt to investigate a supposedly closed Metropolis factory that turned out to be the secret headquarters of Ultra. Swiftly both Lois and Tiffany were captured, which was where Ultra saw a fiendish opportunity in Tiffany. If it killed her... well as far as Ultra was concerned that was no loss.

Sometime earlier Ultra had transfered his brain from his dying original body into that of the actress Delores Winters. As it happened Tiffany Tompkins was a match for Delores Winters in many ways including sharing the same rare blood type, which made her a very useful guinea pig for Ultra to test his latest invention: a device to steal Superman's powers and transfer them to someone else. If the machine worked on the body of Tiffany Tompkins it would certainly work on Delores Winters' body...

When Superman turned up Ultra forced him into one of the machines 'Transferation Boothes' while he sent the unconcious Tiffany into the middle one and finally himself stepped into the third and last booth. Ultra nodded at his henchmen to flick the switch. As an appalled Lois could only stand by and watch under the guns of her captors Superman fell to his knees in pain, a golden light illuminating his booth and the crackling sound of electricity in the air. Seconds later the booth containing Tiffany was also illuminated by light. Delighted, Ultra examined the dials of his machine. It worked! He waited expectantly for the stolen powers to be transfered from Tiffany to his own body. But the the golden light didn't come; instead there was the sound of broken glass - Tiffany Tompkins had woken up and busted out of her booth with her newfound strength!

In the ensuing melee Tiffany managed to save her aunt but Ultra got away. Superman awoke to discover that while his own powers had not been diminished - the procedure having been interrupted - Tiffany had gained many of his abilities. More however her powers did not simply fade away over time - they seemed to be permanent!

Since then Superman has taken Tiffany (or 'Mighty Maiden' as goes by when in costume) under his wing which is sometimes a thankless task given her stubborness and almost foolhardy willingness to rush into danger - it was only with considerable difficulty that he stopped her flying straight to Berlin to confront Hitler the day war was declared.

Mighty Maiden hero worships Superman (though she finds her mentors restrictions annoying at best) and deeply admires Lois. She's rather bossy and opinionated and maybe hasn't quite learnt yet that for all her powers she is a long way from indestructable.


Matchsticks - Annoying nerd who thinks he's right all the time *grumbles*

Kid Amazon - Kind of a weird gal but a fun too!


Night Nurse


Character Sheet

Abilities Strength 10, Stamina 10, Agility 3, Dexterity 1, Fighting 6, Intellect -1, Awareness 1, Presence 0

Powers "Flight: Flight 7 [(250 MPH)] (14 points) Invunerability: Enhanced Stamina 8, Immunity 10, Impervious Toughness 10 (36 points) Super-Speed: Quickness 2 (2 points) Super-Strength: Enhanced Strength 8, Power Lifting: Power-Lifting 2 (18 points)"


Advantages Power Attack, Attractive 1, Beginner's Luck

Skills Athletics (+10), Deception (+0), Insight 5 (+6), Intimidation (+0), Perception 5 (+6), Persuasion 6 (+6), Ranged Combat: Throwing 6 (+7), Stealth (+3)

Offense Initiative +3

Defense Dodge 8, Parry 6 Toughness 10 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 10, Will 4

Power Points Abilities 28 + Powers 70 + Advantages 3 + Skills 11 + Defenses 8 = Total 120

Complications "Motivation: Thrills Relationships: Susie Tompkins (kid sister) Reckless: Mighty Maiden is infamous for rushing into danger without considering the consquences. Secret Identity: Tiffany Tompkins"