Kid Amazon (DC Sidekicks in WWII)

Kid Amazon PL8 AKA The Amazon Kid AKA Bobby Bradley AKA Harmonia Prince
Wonder Woman's Sidekick
Main DC Sidekicks In WWII Page

Bobby Bradley's parents (a doctor and a nurse) were killed in 1935 during the Italian war against Ethiopia while working with the Red Cross (Italian forces were less than respectful of the Red Cross in that war). The exact circumstances remain somewhat murky, but they made Bobby an orphan, and gave him a personal stake against the Axis, and Fascist Italy in particular.
Since then, Bobby has lived in orphanages or foster homes, and spent a lot of time on the streets with a "kid gang," getting into minor trouble of various sorts.
AMAZON EXPERIENCES: When Wonder Woman first brought the newly-feminized Bobby to Paradise Island, she was quickly adopted into Amazon society by her new sisters. Queen Hippolyta gave Bobby her girl's name, "Harmonia," to represent her wish that her experiences might promote concord between the sexes.
Harmonia's sisters were excellent teachers, and Harmonia learned the Amazon way of life, including not just how to fight, but how to appreciate the arts and music. She has become especially fond of dancing.
For their part, the Amazons are fascinated by many aspects of American culture, which they have picked up not only from Diana and Harmonia, but also from Hippolyta's Magic Sphere. (Among other things, a peculiarly Amazon variation of swing dancing is especially popular, and the Ashley Porter novels get passed around the island like crazy!)
Harmonia's sisters designed and wove her costumes, with a particular focus on Harmonia as an [i]American[/i] Amazon. Just as Wonder Woman's costume reflects a combination of her Greek heritage, Harmonia's outfits reflect her own American heritage in the mythology of the cowgirl. (Though when visiting Paradise Island, both Diana and Harmonia typically dress in traditional Amazon gowns, not their superhero costumes.)
THE HERMAPHRODITE'S BRACELETS: Harmonia is not technically an Amazon, so she does not wear the traditional Bracelets of Submission, and isn't subject to the negative effects of having her bracelets bound by a man or of going insane should they be removed. Harmonia's bracelets (a gift from Hippolyta) are of ancient origin, created by Hermes and Aphrodite. While they have nothing to do specifically with their child Hermaphroditus, they may have been influenced by his experiences to create these bracelets, which were intended to give the Aphrodite's blessing of femininity to a man, plus Hermes' gifts of speed. Supposedly, the bracelets are half of a matched set that may have originally been given to a couple. The other bracelets impart Hermes' masculinity to a woman, with additional gifts related to love and sexuality from Aphrodite.
In Bobby's case, he turns into a girl instantaneously, as soon as he puts the bracelets on and makes the Amazon salute with her wrists (though like Wonder Woman, she has to change clothes on her own; also like Wonder Woman, though, she can do that pretty quick.)
The reverse is not instantaneous, however. As Harmonia's Amazon sisters tell it, "Diana (the goddess of the Moon in this case) must receive her due before Apollo's chariot will manhood restore." More prosaically, if Harmonia removes her bracelets before going to bed, she will be Bobby again at dawn, after a restorative sleep and vivid dreams. The process seems to require that restorative sleep or passage of more time, though. For instance, if Harmonia removed her bracelets at 3:00 in the morning, she wouldn't be transformed until dawn of the *next* day.
The indestructible bracelets can also be used for the traditional Amazon game of "Bullets and Bracelets." As a neophyte Amazon, Harmonia's skills at the game are limited, and unlike Wonder Woman, she can't instinctively respond to attacks, even from unknown sources. Instead, she has to ready herself against a known attacker.
Note: As Diana Prince's "cousin," Harmony Prince, Harmonia still wears the bracelets, which are not as conspicuously odd as one might think. Wearing ersatz Amazon bracelets has become a very popular fashion statement among teenage girls as a way of emulating Wonder Woman. Note also that both Wonder Woman and Kid Wonder's bracelets are the comparatively "small" Golden Age style, not the more modern ones that sometimes are drawn covering almost her entire lower arm.
THE LUNAR LASSO: While Wonder Woman's Magic Lasso is nearly as wondrous as the heroine herself, Harmonia's lasso seems comparatively ordinary. But it was still forged by Metala, the Amazon craftswoman who forged the Magic Lasso from links of Hippolyta's Magic Girdle. Harmonia's Lunar Lasso was forged in honor of Diana, goddess of the Moon, and it shines with the brilliance of a full moon on a clear night when it ensnares a captive.
AMAZON TRAINING: Harmonia has learned the basics of this Amazon discipline, which enables her to focus her mental energy into physical strength and speed, or to focus that same energy into her eyes and ears as super senses.
Matchsticks -
Might Maiden -
Night Nurse
Character Sheet
Power Points