Atomic Highway

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Civilization came crashing down. Billions died.

A new Dark Age has begun. The descendants of the apocalypse's survivors scavenge the remnants of the Before Times, struggling to build a new life amidst the ruins of the old. In a savage world where the strong ravage and exploit the weak, the survivors' settlements are oases, connected only by convoys of armed and armored vehicles that run the gauntlet of raiders... and worse.

Though the threats of chemical and biological agents and radiation have all but faded, their taint lingers on in every mutant born man and beast.

This is the world of Atomic Highway.

The Story so Far...



Rozalyn "Roz" Wright (PC)

  • A Hauler who's following in her father's footsteps, Rozalyn "Roz" Wright took to driving as soon as she could get her feet to the pedals. She got shifted to being the main driver at the age of 18, her dad realizing that she could handle the car as well as he could. A year or so after Roz started driving, her dad decided to expand his hauling. He could afford a few more trucks and some more crews. While Roz didn't like this much, she was definitely happy when she got her own truck out of the deal. Now, she's looking to haul whatever she wants, however she wants.

The Warden (NPC)

Inmate or Guard, few really understand how the Warden came to control Fort Penance, but few dare to question his authority either. Those who do tend to live short and eventful lives. A harsh man, but fair. Not someone to cross lightly.

Rollo Hutt (NPC)

The Wasteland - Points of Interest


A walled enclosure on the eastern side of the polluted river crawling through the wreckage of a vast and ruined city, Badside serves as a staging area for groups of daring scavengers heading deeper into the urban sprawl, in search of salvage. It is considered a sanctuary from the cannibal ghouls (and other - unspeakable - creatures) that roam the dead metropolis, but scavengers pay for this protection through extortionate taxes on anything of value that they might recover from the rubble.
Few would willingly choose to live beyond the wall, but there are small, isolated pockets of civilization across the city. The sewers are overrun with ravenous morlocks, and their is always work for those brave or desperate enough to descend into the foetid tunnels to purge the darkness of these mutated wretches.

Fort Penance

Once a fortified prison facility, now a crumbling bastion of corruption and brutality, this grim and isolated bartertown is governed by the remorseless Warden, a terrible man whom even the local raider bands fear to cross. The Fort maintains a functional generator, powering (amongst other, more mundane appliances) the electric chair frequently used to execute those who have fallen out of the Warden's favour. Such spectacles often draw large crowds of enthusiastic spectators.

Skin Market

Never settling in one location for more than a couple of days at a time, the Skin Market travels around the Wasteland, peddling its wares to those rich and wicked enough to indulge in the slavery of their fellow man. The Skin Market buys prisoners from bands of raiders, brands them as slaves and then sells them on for a profit. Men, women and children - even animals - can be haggled over and bought, for a price.
The guiding hand behind the Skin Market is an obscenely fat man called Rollo Hutt. He dwells within an enormous tent sewn from the flesh of over 100 slaves, killed and skinned for this singular purpose. He is always surrounded by a harem of hollow eyed women upon whom he often exercises his sick, sexual deprivations.

Rockpool Sands

A dilapidated resort town along the grey coastline, plagued by pirates and the clakkers lairing in the neighbouring sea-caves. A complicated communications array has been set up atop the crumbling lighthouse, and this development has disturbed a murder of dire gulls nesting in the ruined tower.

External Links Recruitment Thread - the recruitment thread for Atomic Highway

Invisible Castle - the online dice roller

Radioactive Ape Design - the website for the developer of the V6 system used in Atomic Highway