God Game Lite:Races

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Just a rough draft. This still needs a lot of work.

One specific act that almost any deity will perform is the creation of a race of creatures. Some deities may make more than one, or may want to alter an existing race. To keep this balanced enough for the world to be usable as a campaign setting afterwards, races are built using a point-buy system.

Building Races[edit]

The number of points that a race has depends on the base level of the act that was used to create them. When changing a race, the total change is limited by the power level as well, but both additions and subtractions should count towards this limit. Should the number of existing creatures matter?

Create Level Points Alter Level Points
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 3 2 2
3 6 3 3
4 10 4 4
5 15 5 5
6 21 6 6
7 28 7 7
8 36 8 8
9 45 9 9
10 55 10 10


The first step is to select the type and subtype.


A race's size determines the base scores for a lot of other stats, which can then be adjusted up or down.

Hit Dice[edit]

Ability Scores[edit]

Ability scores should be adjusted up or down using the balanced ability score table first, then adjusted further using points.


A creature's reach should be mainly determined by its size, but for creatures with very long, or short, reaches use the table below.

Natural Armor[edit]

Natural Weapons[edit]


All creatures get a walking speed appropriate to their size for 0 points. For anything else, apply the modifiers below.

Special Abilities[edit]

A deity must be able to use the desired power to grant it to a race of creatures. They can also get another deity to assist here if they can't do it themselves.


Growth and Death[edit]


Each epoch, multiply each population size by the population growth rate minus any penalties caused by the deities or other creatures. Populations may be divided into regions with separate penalties if the GM wants to deal with the bookkeeping.

Average population growth rate should be around 4.5 per 1000 years. Some races might spend points to increase this, or get points back to reduce it.

While this will almost certainly require a calculator, it only needs to be done once per epoch, and depending on the pace of play can likely be dealt with between games.


When a mortal creature dies, its soul goes to the divine realm of its patron deity. These souls retain very little in the way of memories or personality. In the divine realm, the souls take on a form dictated by the deity. When a new creature is born, a soul leaves the divine realm and joins with the new body. This soul usually comes from the divine realm of the patron of one of the parents.

The deities are free to alter this structure, though the souls need somewhere to go in any case.

Some mortals may have visions of past lives or of the divine realms during dreams, near-death experiences or under the influence of certain chemicals. Over time, such stories tend to color religious beliefs.


==Notes== From Savage Species: Unbalanced ability scores +1 Smaller -1 Bigger +0 Reach +1 Natural armor +1/5 Speed +1/... Natural weapons over martial weapons +1 Skills and feats +1 Special abilities +1

Others: Population growth (Longevity, Birth Rate, Death Rate) +/- Flexible scores +1 Bonus feats +1 Type ?
