The Freelancers:Main Page

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The Freelancers is a pulp campaign, set in the 1920s. The material on this page is mainly generic, but the campaign uses a modified version of Rolemaster Standard System (RMSS).

About the campaign[edit]

General information The campaign is loosely based on real characters, history and events. This is done just to create a historical backbone, and all events, characters and places will be subject to creative adaptation to the campaign. As an example, the PCs are based on real persons, but made into characters that fit the story. If the historical evidence conflicts with the story, then the story takes precedence. If historical facts can add flavor to the story, then it is gratefully accepted. You get it - it is historically based fiction.

The genre is Pulp - and the campaign will try to mix in various elements of the pulp genre where it is appropriate. Some of these elements are spiritualism, conspiracies, weird technology, chases, gadgets, heroes, evil villains, narrow escapes, mystery, action and other clichés. And hopefully a lot of Pow! Clang! Swoosh! and Bang!.


The year is 1926, and J. Edgar Hoover is the Director of the Bureau of Investigation (now FBI). The Freelancers is a project initiated to use civil resources to manage operations that falls into "unclear" jurisdictions. Hoover has given special agent Walter C. Mobray the task of running the first group of "Freelancers". Going trough a wide variety of potential persons, Mobray has selected Harry Hartz, a racecar-driver and mechanic, Clarence Chamberlin - pilot, and Grover C. Hall - journalist, to participate in the group.

The Freelancers-project is not an officially sanctioned project, but a personal initiative from Hoover. As such, the project members have no special juridical rights, but then again, they don't have any special regulations to follow.. Special agent Mobray has informally been told to evaluate each action the group decides to take, and answers directly to Mr. Hoover. If actions are necessary to maintain the national security, Mobray has been granted the right not to file charges even to more serious criminal acts. In fewer words - The Freelancers are a pulp "Black ops"-unit..


Persons of Interest (POIs)

Places and locations


