Michael Fisher Twiler

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Intelligence: 3 (15 points to upgrade from 2 to 3)

Wits: 3 (15 points to upgrade from 2 to 3)

Resolve: 4

Strength: 3 (favoured attribute)

Dexterity: 2

Stamina: 3

Presence: 2

Manipulation: 2

Composure: 2


Investigation: 3 (Speciality: Searching buildings)

Occult: 2

Science: 2

Academics: 3 (Speciality: Architecture)

Medicine: 1

Athletics: 2 (Speciality: Running)

Brawl: 2

Stealth: 3

Intimidation: 2

Interrogation: 1

Subterfuge: 1


Obfuscate: 3

Vigor: 1 (5 points)

Protean: 1 (7 points)


Defence: 2

Health: 8

Initiative: 4

Humanity: 7

Size: 5

Speed: 10

Willpower: 6

Virtue: Fortitude

Vice: Pride


Danger Sense

Haven (2 dots, 1 dot in security, 1 dot in space)

Ordo Dracul Status (1 dot)

Mentor (2 dots)

Direction Sense (2 points)


Michael Fisher was originally an architect, and took great pride in his work on the building of Las Vegas. He also had a devoted worshipper, in the form of his wife, Mary. In fact, he demanded such worship from people around him, insisting that they appreciate his abilities.

While Michael was examining a potential site for an underground night-club, his behaviour caught the attention of a vampire of the Nosferatu clan. He followed him to his home, and spent some time observing him. Realising that Michael needed admiration like a drug, he started to consider ways to ruin him, to show the arrogant mortal how easily his life could be swept away.

Using his Dominate discipline, the vampire altered the thoughts of many of Michael's potential clients, leaving him without work. However, while this did greatly diminish his optimism, Mary provided great support to him, and he endured, patiently waiting for a change in his fortunes.

Deciding that he had invested enough time in this mortal, but unwilling to admit defeat, the vampire spitefully embraced Michael one night as he was returning home from an evening walk. Transformed, Michael couldn't bear to return home and face his wife, and instead fled into the sewers, hiding his face from the open sky.

To his good fortune, he encountered more benevolent members of the clan beneath the city's surface, and once they had calmed him, they informed him of what he was, and what he must do to survive. But, they also advised him to set his past life aside, a lesson he refused to learn.

Over the last few months he had become closer to Mary than ever before, and he refused to accept that he must leave her behind. He questioned the other members of the clan about a cure for his condition, and when they rebuffed him, set out to search the libraries of the city, and question the other clans.

After having encounters with the various covenants, it seemed to him that one of them was his best hope of finding an escape from his condition. He decided to seek membership in the Ordo Dracul, believing that they had made the most progress towards escaping the curses of vampirism.

Thus far, his determination has been his strongest merit in the eyes of the covenant, while his fixation on a single facet of his condition has been his greatest flaw. Recently, he has acquired a mentor, who believes that something may be made of him. As a beginning to his tutelage, his mentor has ordered Michael to make maps of the city's overground and underground, and to prepare a history of the vampiric population.

Michael wasn't initially too interested in contact with other Nosferatu, as they reminded him of his own condition. However, given the large amount of time he spends in the sewers and the shadows, he has nevertheless come to know them quite well, although he only knows the Queen of Shadows by rumour. A few of them consider him something of a pariah because of his insistence on fighting his condition rather than gracefully accepting it.

Despite his position in Ordo Dracul, Michael has not learned any of the coils. While his opportunities for learning the covenant's secrets have been limited, this has more to due with his blinding obsession with changing his appearance. So that he might protect himself from the sight of others, he has learned a lot about Obfuscate. He has also experimented with Protean, in the hope that it might reveal a way forward, and learned something of Vigor, to reassure himself of his own power.

The appearance that so bothers Michael consists of a mass of thick, unkempt hair, that resists cutting, unusually large, yellow eyes, and a distorted, unsettling face. He still wears the clothes from his embrace, although they are ragged and filthy.

After his mentor mentions the impending chaos, and indicates that Michael's security is his own affair, he starts to consider banding together with other kindred for protection. He does not wish to leave the city, for Mary still lives there, 6 years after his embrace, and he feels that leaving would amount to abandoning her.

In recent times, Michael's knowledge of the city's layout made him a valuable asset in a recent hunt for a diablerist. While he has occasionally made use of the shared haven granted for his help, he still maintains a disused chamber in the sewers as his primary home.