Vasha Waiting in Darkness
- Main Page; Escape to Smalltown
Vasha Waiting in Darkness, or so she likes to style herself, is a value enlo on the path to shamanism among the Srak Arhan clan. While they aren't sure she and Verzeg believe they are litter mates, and they do share not only similar names but also intelligence.
As a young girl she often hid in the loneliest and darkest places she could find to get away from the harshness of life as an enlo. It was in one such place she first met Little Black Pebble, a spirit of darkness. LBP is hard to classify exactly, which is nothing unusual with Darkness related entities, but he most closely resembles a failed hell hound. Failed as in small, extremely social and friendly (if he had a tail, he'd wag it furiously) and a little scared sometimes. When things go bump. They hit it off and have been friends ever since.
That she had a small Darkness spirit following her around and defending her had one immediate result and one later. The other enlo were scared of her and her hound, something which made it easier for her to get enough food to develop better than most enlo. As a result of this, she caught the eye of the clan's Xiola Umbar initiate who took Vasha under her wing. She was not taught any magic at first, but did receive some training in caring for other value enlo and even help the midwife once or twice. When she had shown her ability and won a grudging respect for her intelligence, she was taught some magic as well.
She is also something of shroomist, she likes to arrange fungi in interesting and oddly shaped creations. She's never quite happy with the results however, half the material she has to work with tends to get eaten during the process.
All this caused her meteoric rise in status among the other kin, and she turned into something almost resembling a matriarch for her own little clique of enlo, among whom numbered her supposed brother and Bish Bosh the hunter.
She has a yearning to learn more of spirits and the dark, but has realised that the Xiola Umbar initiate has no intention of teaching her more.
Character Details
- Name: Vasha
- Race: Enlo
- Social Condition: slave
- Sex: Female
Str: 8, Con: 12, Siz: 11, Int: 16, Pow: 10, Dex: 14:, Cha: 5.
- Hit Points: 11
- Total Fatigue Points: 20
- Total Magic Points: 10
- Damage Bonus: +0
- Experience Bonus: +8%
- Current Fatigue: 20 - ? = ?
- Current Magic Points: 10 - 0 = 10
Skill Groups
- Communication: -2%
- Bargain (5%):-
- Command (5%):-
- Etiquette (Uz)(5%): 25%
- Fast Talk (5%):-
- Perform (5%):-
- Persuade (15%): 50%
- Status (15%):-
- Teach (10%):-
- Language [Darkspeech] (INTx5%): 80%
- Language [Trade] (INTx3%): 48%
- Manipulation: +6%
- Art [Sketch] (5%):-
- Art [Fungus arranging] (5%) 25%
- Craft [] (5%):-
- Fine Manipulation (5%):-
- Repair [] (15%): -
- Sleight of Hand (5%):-
- Mental: +12%
- Appraise (15%):-
- First Aid (30%): 50%
- Gaming (INT+POW):-
- Lore [Darkness Spirits] (01%) 25%
- Strategy (01%):-
- Perception: +7%
- Darksense (25%): 25%
- Insight (5%):-
- Listen (25%):-
- Navigate (10%):-
- Sense (10%):-
- Spot (25%):-
- Track (10%):-
- Physical: +4%
- Climb (40%):-
- Dodge (DEXx02%): 40%
- Hide (10%): 40%
- Jump (25%):-
- Ride (5%):-
- Stealth (10%):-
- Swim (25%):-
- Throw (25%):-
- Magical: +5%
- Ceremony (5%): 60%
- Spirit Magic
- Control Heal Spirit (1)
- Summon Heal Spirit (1)
- Demoralize (2)
- Items
- Mushroom Mace
- Spirit Sight - hold and chant to activate. No mp cost.
- Spirit Screen 5 matrix with 5 mp storage tied to it.
- Enamelled Medallion, Darkwall (2) matrix. (used to belong to Ogmar)
- Mushroom Mace
Hit Points and Armour
Location Name | Armour types | A.P. | H.P. | Enc. | Melee | Missile |
Head | 1 | 4 | 19-20 | 20 | ||
Left Arm | 1 | 3 | 16-18 | 18-19 | ||
Right Arm | 1 | 3 | 13-15 | 16-17 | ||
Chest | 1 | 5 | 12 | 11-15 | ||
Abdomen | 1 | 4 | 09-11 | 07-10 | ||
Left Leg | 1 | 4 | 05-08 | 04-06 | ||
Right Leg | 1 | 4 | 01-04 | 01-03 |
- Total Hit Points: 11 HP
- Total Armor ENC: 0
Weapons and Shields
- Attack Bonus: +6%
- Parry Bonus: +4%
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
Light Mace | 1D6+2 | 2 | 20 | 45% | 25% | -- | 1.0 |
Short Spear | 1d8+1 | 2 | 15 | 25% | 20% | 2.0 | |
Knife | 1d3 | 3 | 15 | 40% | 25% | 0.5 | |
Brawl | 1d3 | 3 | arm | 25% | 25% | 0 | 0 |
Grapple | Special | 3 | special | 25% | 25% | 0 | 0 |
- Total Weapon ENC: 3.5
- Weapons:
- Listed above.
- Mushroom Mace
- Armour:
- Listed above.
- Other:
- Creation comments
- Skill percentages marked + are from the 200 point skill pool, those marked ++ are from the INTx10 pool. Will add everything together once play starts.
- Spells of interest. Binding Enchantment, Counter Magic, Second Sight, Shimmer, Spirit Screen, other summon and control spells. May change.
- LBP should have some fun, but occasionally useful ability. Yap attack?
- Main Page; Escape to Smalltown