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Lady Margarite Balater is an Imperial Noble from an ancient house that once, and if you listen to her still deserves, sat on Holy Terra as a High Lord when the Emperor was first entombed on the Golden Throne. Whatever happened to Lady Balater's family history isn't really anyone's concern and what's worse is that Lady Balater acts as she still was a High Lord of Terra. Refusing to speak in anything but a heavily accented High Gothic (Which she claims is the actual version spoken on Terra, and the version commonly spoken is for 'lesser folk'), and make demands that her staff hops too with reckless abandon. Surprisingly augmented with bionic replacements, Lady Balater's family continually tries to assassinate her and assume the Warrant and all the failed attempts to date have left what's left of her flesh ravaged and weakened. Still, her appearances in public have her dressed in the very latest of Imperial fashion, almost knowing the ebb and flow of Noble society instinctively.

Lady Balater does not carry weapons or wear armor, leaving those duties to a platoon of bodyguards that are elite members of the Imperial Guard that hail from Catachan. As well, she does not lead her men and women into battle. Leaving that duty to the officers of Armsmen from her ships.

House information

From such an ancient line, House Balater holds the respect (If not outright vassalage) of dozens of other noble houses. As such, trying to inventory what are her personal businesses currently employee one hundred and fifty scribes from the Administratum on Port Wander alone. While she is the only member of the Adventure Club who's wealth can match Mari's wild bets, Lady Balater has yet to ever 'defile' herself by lowering herself to such a base activity as gambling. Margarite is no fun at parties either.

The House colours are a simple Blue and Yellow, but anyone who claims that they are so 'simple' colours gets the unenviable joy of listening to Lady Balater go on and on for hours how the colours match both the sky and sun from standing on Holy Terra itself.

Known Ships

  • Aeria Gloris, an Ambition class cruiser.
  • Ad Astra, an Ambition class cruiser.


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