Norrathians: Hie Traditions

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You can always choose a +2 attribute bonus in place of the traditions otherwise given for your race. Traditions that may only be taken once are denoted by an asterisk.


Adornment of the Koada’Dal:[edit]

Once per day you gain a divine bonus of 1 temporary hit point per character level. This lasts 8 hours, or until the temporary hit points are lost. (doubling: +1 HP gained)

Attendant of Tunare*:[edit]

All of your harmless spells cast on a party member heal 1 point of non-lethal damage. Also, all spells with the [Healing] descriptor heal an additional point of damage per character level (max +20).

Fey Blessing*:[edit]

Once per day for a duration of one hour you regain mana as if your ranks in Meditation were doubled. This effect ends, however, if you are engaged in any activity whatsoever, and may not be used again until the following day.

Forceful Glamer*:[edit]

It’s impossible to ignore your presence in the minds of others. Each time you cast a detrimental spell with the [Mind-Affecting] descriptor, there is a 50% chance that it will cause a secondary -1 Wisdom penalty to the target. The DC to resist this is always (10 + your Cha modifier + half the level of the spell cast) and the duration is 1 minute/level (this is character level, not caster level). This effect does stack, but if a target resists it once, it is immune for the rest of that encounter.

Aura of Loveliness*:[edit]

At the beginning of battles, or during surprise rounds, enemies must make a Will save (DC 10 + your character level) in order to attack you, as long as there are other enemies in range to serve as alternate targets.

Spiritual Protection*:[edit]

Once per day for a duration of 1 round per character level, you gain a divine bonus of +4 AC, and you gain a divine bonus of magic resistance (2) and +1 to saves against effects with the [Magic] descriptor. Every ten levels after this ability is selected the bonuses and duration doubles. That is, if you select this ability at level 10, then at level 20 it would last two rounds per level and grant resistance (4), +2 to saves, and +8 AC.

Summoning Focus*:[edit]

All creatures you summon through arcane magic gain a +2 bonus to Taunt, +1 natural armor, and a +2 bonus to Reflex and Will saves.


Your people are long-lived and have far-sighted philosophies. You gain the Extend Spell feat. For you, an extended spell costs only 25% more mana, and spells need not be prepared as extended spells – you may spontaneously elect to extend any spell that normally qualifies.

Tunare’s Insight:[edit]

You gain +1 Intelligence and Wisdom. Additionally, you gain a bonus to your mana pool equal to your character level. (doubling: stacks)

Unearthly Grace*:[edit]

You may add your Charisma bonus to all saving throws.

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