Talk:How to Run:Primetime Adventures

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Revision as of 03:23, 9 February 2006 by IMAGinES (talk | contribs)
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  • We arrived at this arrangement after trying to always set the stakes at the beginning of the scene. It was too rigid and some players were not feeling comfortable. Now we let players do as they feel for each scene. Sometimes they are claiming a scene to produce a stated conflict and the stakes are fixed from the beginning, sometimes they have something in mind and they are not even declaring the focus or a clear agenda before playing the scene.

The Fingerwave[edit]

It is purely a way of saying that you enjoy what he producer has contributed to the scene. Perhaps it was a line, stakes or a gesture or facial expression.

It means nothing on paper and there is no fan mail involved.

However, it is just so awesome that PTA gets people in the habit of letting the other gamers at the table know how and when they are enjoying one another.

It is a beautiful thing.

The finger wave is just saying that I dig ya, but the system has nothing for me to give you.

Producers do not give nor receive fan mail.