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Name: Nali (her full name is rather difficult to pronounce, so Nali uses a contracted version)

Role: Striker

Likes: Cute animals, personal freedom, adventure, her pride, seeing new things Hates: Excessive regulations, people who look down on others, despoilers of nature

Bio: Nali was once the daughter of her community's First Bow, with great potential for eventually ascending to that position, but she tired of the hidebound, risk-averse nature of her elders, who would frequently pull back units of rangers ready to engage the corrupt human loggers and poachers in order to minimize casualties to their populace. She could understand the logic behind it, but she could not support it, especially since the humans slashed and burned vast swathes of greenery with iron and fire. Unable to convince her superiors to deal with the problem and recognizing that she couldn't do enough damage to them alone, she had only one alternative; running away. Nali took to the road, adopting the lifestyle of the wandering adventurer, and in the process she learned a great deal about the world. The truth sobered her up and placed her on the latter side of the idealism/cynicism divide, but she still retains a spark of her youthful enthusiasm, which hungers to see new things and behold a different sunrise every morning.

Spoiler: Stats

Nali, level 1
Elf Ranger


Str 10
Con 13
Dex 20
Int 10
Wis 15
Cha 8


AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 12
Init: +5
Speed: 7
HP: 25
Surges: 7
Surge Value: 6

Class Features[edit]

Prime Shot: +1 on ranged attacks if Nali is the closest to her target
Hunter's Quarry: 1/turn as a minor action, designate an enemy as a quarry and deal an extra 1d6 damage if Nali hits it. She can only deal this damage once per turn, but she can choose which attack she adds it to after the attack is rolled.




Acrobatics +9
Dungeoneering +7
Nature +9
Perception +11
Stealth +9


Ranger Bonus: Defensive Mobility
Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Greatbow)


Ranger at-will 1: Nimble Strike (+7 vs AC; 1d12+5 on hit, may shift 1 square before or after attack)
Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike (2 attacks, +7 vs AC; 1d12 per hit)
Elven encounter: Elven Accuracy (as a free action, reroll an attack roll; use the second even if it's lower)
Ranger encounter 1: Two-Fanged Strike (2 attacks, +7 vs AC; 1d12+5 per hit, additional +2 damage if both hit)
Ranger daily 1: Hunter's Bear Trap (+7 vs AC, 2d12+5 on hit and target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 damage (Save ends both). On miss, half damage, no ongoing damage, target is slowed until end of Nali's next turn)


Greatbow (30gp)
Hide armor (30gp)
2x shortswords (20gp)
60 Arrows (2gp)

18gp left