SpiralArms: Main Page

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Humans spread out from Earth, scattering to the stars. Technology advanced, empires rose and fell, civilizations were lost to the dust of time. Our setting is a fantasy: In the distant future, technology has advanced, humans ply the space between the stars, and planets are filled with hundreds of races, all of them descended from humans. The only sentient "alien" races in the galaxy are those created by human gene splicing. Human's technology has advanced, and with it, their own potential as well. The limits of human mental and physical performance is far higher than their ancient ancestors, but their form is much the same as it was when the race was confined to their homeworld of Earth, so long ago.

The advancement of human potential has revealed the unlocking of 'chi mastery', which allows those who focus on self advancement to perform feats almost equal to 'magic'. Ryu and Ken 'Hadoken!' style attacks, chi healing, wire-fu and other similar effects.

Scattered throughout the galaxy there are remnants of super tech scattered in the ruins of an advanced alien civilization, which has... wait for it... VANISHED MYSTERIOUSLY WITHOUT A TRACE!