Daz Slimerious from Traveller

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Daz Slimerious, age 34

S 8 D A E 8 I C Ed A SS 2

World: HiPop, Industrial

{World: Vell Heih: 445A84A-C Scout, Research. Unusual Customs: Social Status: Caste System.}

Trade 0, Streetwise 1 Admin 3 Computers 1 Drive 0 Vacc Suit 0 Broker 0 Steward 0 Comms 1 Persuade 3 Advocate 2, Broker 2, Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 3

Merchant (Free Trader) Survives, Life event: Travel, Promotion Merchant (Free Trader) Survives, Advanced Training, Promotion Merchant (Broker) Survives, Legal Trouble, Promotion Merchant (Broker) Mishap: War destroys routes and contacts

Mustering out 5 benefits: 1 cash 4 other 20,000 cr, Free Trader, Gunx3 (Snub Pistol)

Daz was born the lowest of the low, literally, on the lowest level of the massive planet-sized city that was Vell Heih. He broke away from the gang he ran with as a child after seeing several friends get killed. He figured out how to tap into an out of the way terminal, and started learning as much as he could, and certainly more than what was allowed to his caste. When he was old enough, he made his way to the spaceport, and surprised the examiners by passing the merchant's exam.

The Free Trader Kilpikonna Liikkuu took him far from his homeworld. He shows a talent for dealing with others. The ship's purser took interest in him, and took him on as an apprentice. Daz succeeded brilliantly, and became the purser of the Dortoka Arroka. While trying to broker a deal with the local underworld, he and