Nevenka Liana
Basic Info
Name: Nevenka Liana, The Sable Champion
Caste/Aspect: Dusk Caste Death-Exalt (Renegade Abyssal)
Concept: Champion of Ghosts
Motivation: To free the Underworld, one ghost at a time
- Ashadar Shan - Idolize
- The Dead - Respect
- The Neverborn - Hate
XP: 49 gained / 49 spent
Current Stats
Strength | ●●● | Charisma | ●●● | Perception | ●● |
Dexterity | ●●●●● | Manipulation | ●● | Intelligence | ●● |
Stamina | ●●● | Appearance | ●●●● | Wits | ●●● |
- Strength 3 (fairly muscular, can lift a muscular warrior)
- Dexterity 5 (almost inhumanly swift and graceful)
- Stamina 3 (hardy and rarely ill)
- Charisma 3 (likeable, makes friends easily)
- Manipulation 2 (Average manipulator)
- Appearance 4 (Exceptionally beautiful, catches the eye)
- Perception 2 (everyday alertness to the world around her)
- Intelligence 2 (average intelligence, but only rarely insightful)
- Wits 3 (exceedingly clever and controlled)
Archery | ● | Integrity | ● | Craft | Athletics | ● | Bureaucracy | ●●●●● | |
Martial Arts | ●● | Performance | ●●●●● | Investigation | Awareness | Linguistics | ●●● | ||
Melee | ●●●●● | Presence | ●●●●● | Lore | ●●● | Dodge | Ride | ● | |
Thrown | Resistance | ● | Medicine | Larceny | Sail | ||||
War | ●●●●● | Survival | Occult | ●●● | Stealth | Socialize | ●● |
- Bureaucracy 5 (could out-compete the Guild in a local market or reform the Realm’s bureaucracy)
- Linguistics 3 (speaks High Realm, Old Realm, Flametongue and Riverspeak)
- Ride 1 (could probably jump a low stone wall or break a wild horse)
- Socialize 2 (could obtain minor favors through flattery or blackmail)
- Martial Arts 2 (able to break a stack of boards, or flawlessly perform katas in an exhibition)
- Melee 5 (could defeat a skilled soldier while blindfolded)
- Specialty: "Spear" +1
- Performance 5 (could start a riot with a speech or entrance a horde of demons with a song)
- Presence 5 (capable of convincing a Wyld Hunt to kneel and worship the Unconquered Sun)
- Specialty: "Persuasion" +2
- Occult 3 (able to successfully bargain with moderately powerful gods)
- Archery 1 (can probably hit the bulls-eye on a stationary target)
- Athletics 1 (can keep his balance on treacherous ice)
- Integrity 1 (can see through a well-made sales pitch)
- Lore 3 (is familiar with specific details & customs of lands thousands of miles away)
- Resistance 1 (can keep his head after a night of hard drinking)
- War 5 (can plan a strategy to lead his squad to victory despite being outnumbered and outflanked by an army of the Fair Folk.)
- Specialty: "Maneuver Warfare" +3
Willpower and Virtues
Willpower: 10 (paragon of determination and stability)
- Compassion: 2 "And I care why?"
- Conviction: 3 "With every death do I build the future."
- Temperance: 2 "Let's keep this civil, shall we?"
- Valor: 3 "No gods, no masters, no recourse."
Essence and Anima
Essence: 3
- Personal Essence: 19
- Peripheral Essence: 40
- Committed Essence: 16
Anima Banner
- Graceful Crane Stance: 3m; Reflexive; One Scene.
Automatically keep balance on any surface at least as strong and wide as a human hair. This surface is treated as a 3 ft wide ledge capable of supporting 1000 lbs. when determining what movement and Athletics actions can be taken and what penalties to them might apply.
- Sagacious Reading of Intent: 3m; Reflexive; Social; Instant.
Receive a one-sentence summary of what the person making a statement hopes to gain. Perfect Defense vs social attacks hostile to the Exalt or his Motivation.
- First Melee Excellency - Essence Overwhelming: 1m per die; Reflexive; Instant.
May buy up to Melee + Ability in dice that can be added to a Melee roll or rolled with successes applied directly to an unrolled value. - Dipping Swallow Defense: 2m; Reflexive; Instant.
In response to an attack, all penalties to PDV are ignored for that attack. PDV is still 0 if inapplicable, but it takes no further penalties. - Bulwark Stance: 5m; Reflexive; Until next action.
Ignore all penalties to PDV. Inapplicability is not a PDV penalty. - Heavenly Guardian Defense: 4m; Reflexive; Obvious; Instant.
Perfect defence. Trumps Unblockable. Mundane weapons break when used with this charm to parry 25L+ raw damage attacks.
Conviction Flaw: This Charm does not function when the Solar's actions are contrary to his Motivation.
- Spirit-Detecting Glance: 3m; Reflexive; One scene.
The Solar can see, hear, smell and feel - but not touch - dematerialized creatures. - Spirit-Cutting Attack: 1m; Supplemental; Obvious; Instant.
May supplement other Abilities. Supplemented attacks may effect dematerialized targets and deal aggravated damage to spirits. Attacks against unseen targets suffer the normal -2 external penalty.
- Second Presence Excellency - Essence Triumphant: 2m per success; Reflexive; Instant.
May buy up to Presence + Ability/2 in successes that can be added to a Presence roll or applied directly to an unrolled value. - Hypnotic Tongue Technique: 10m, 1wp; Simple; Social, Stackable, Touch; Solar's Charisma in days.
Roll (Manipulation + Presence) vs target's MDV to bestow Compulsion to follow one order given. Target must spend 1w to resist order. Effect is considered Unnatural Mental Influence. Target is not aware of the Compulsion, nor the order need to be spelled out explicitly in words. Target may spend 4w (all at once) to recognize the influence or remember it later. - Irresistible Salesman Spirit: 3m; Supplemental; Social; Instant.
Double successes on a Presence-based roll vs target’s MDV to exert mental influence and make a favorable bargain or encourage a specific action.
Combat Stats Block
Weapons | Speed | Accuracy | Damage | Defense | Rate | Min | Tags |
Empyrean Judgment | 4 | +4 | +4L | +2 | 3 | STR ● | P |
Scabbard | 4 | +0 | +3B | +1 | 3 | STR ●● MA ● | M |
Punch | 5 | +1 | +0B | +2 | 3 | STR ● | N |
Kick | 5 | +0 | +3B | -2 | 2 | STR ● DEX ●● | N |
Clinch | 6 | +0 | +0B | +0 | 1 | STR ● | C, N, P |
Armor | Soak (L/B) | Mob | Fatigue | Cost |
Chiaroscuran Glass Lamellar | 8 / 10 | -1 | 0 | ●●●● |
The soak values do not include Shan's stamina. The armor is a masterpiece of perfect quality, with a mobility and fatigue value each -1 normal, as well as two +1 bonuses applied to soak (each of which adds 1L/1B).
Merits and Flaws
XP and Training
- XP Gained: 49
- Prelude - The Shunned Village: 10
- Episode 1 - Of Falcons & Falconers: 5
- Episode 2 - Points of Departure: 5
- Episode 3 - Convergence of the Twain: 5
- Episode 4 - Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?: 9 (including +1 Stunt XP for Shan)
- Episode 5 - A Dream Given Form: 10 (including 5 for meeting the goal of freeing Jeradin & defeating Lahor)
- Episode 6 - The Journey South: 5
- XP Spent: 49
- Debt XP: 0
- Unspent XP: 0
- Currently training:
Character Creation Questions
How old are you?
What was your family life like?
Where are you from?
How were you Exalted?
When did you meet your companions?
How has power changed you?
What do you think of mortals?
What motivates you to be a hero?
Who or what do you worship?
What would drive you to commit murder?
Freebies: 18 (new Ink Monkeys rules)