User:Revbruce/Lost Crown of Neverwinter (Encounters)

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This is my first time at trying my hand at DMing and I look forward to the experience. When we finished the last Encounters session at the local game store I volunteered to DM the next session. I have been bitten by the D&D bug and wanted to make sure that it continued forward. Wizards of the Coast just released a new Campaign setting called Neverwinter and never wanting to miss a chance to market their products they set the new Encounters season in Neverwinter. The following is flavor text from the Wizards of the Coast website describing the new setting:

A heroic campaign set in one of the most popular regions of the Forgotten Realms world.

Reduced to ruins by supernatural cataclysms, Neverwinter rises from the ashes to reclaim its title as the Jewel of the North. Yet even as its citizens return and rebuild, hidden forces pursue their own goals and vendettas, any one of which could tear the city apart.

Neverwinter has long been one of the most popular locations in the Forgotten Realms campaign world. This book presents a complete heroic-tier campaign setting that plunges players into the politics, skullduggery, and peril of a city on the brink of destruction or greatness. A wealth of information about Neverwinter and its environs is provided: maps, quests, encounters, and statistics — everything a Dungeon Master needs for his heroic tier adventures.