The One Ring: The Marsh Bell

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Revision as of 08:02, 31 August 2011 by Gee4orce (talk | contribs) (Travel Roles)
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[Category: The One Ring]

This is the wiki for the PBP game running the Marsh Bell adventure for The One Ring game system.

Recruitment Thread

In Character Thread

Out of Character Thread

Players & Characters[edit]

Gee4orce: Loremaster

(Please state your forum name, write your character's name and race, and link to their full character sheet Wiki page)

Kenichi-kun: Evoric the Young

Warden: Burin Ironbrow

Diomedes Runa "Steelgaze"

Muridius Valbrand Son of Var

Fellowship points available: 4

Non playing[edit]

red5_5: Hildebald aka "The Healer" of the Woodmen of Wilderland Daz Florp Lebam: Ferdibrand North-Tooks of the Shire

Travel Roles[edit]

The following characters fill the indicated roles when travelling:

Guide - Burin

Scout - Runa

Hunstman - Valbrand

Lookout - Evoric


Balin's route:

House Rules[edit]

Traits do not provide automatic success- instead, if a Trait is applicable to the current test, the player may spend a point of Hope to reduce the difficulty of the task by one step.

Additionally, if a Trait is potentially detrimental to the current task, the player may voluntarily increase the difficulty of the task by one step. If the task succeeds, the character gains a point of Hope. The task must be at least Hard difficulty. This may only be done once per Trait, per character, for the duration of this game