Lenian Chailriethl

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Revision as of 14:58, 31 August 2011 by Scarik (talk | contribs)
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Warrior Celerity: 4 Assault: 4 Firefight: 3 Fortitude: 5 Hunting: 0

Seer Farsight: 0 Channeling: 0 Wraithsight: 0 Artisan: 2 Lore: 1

Prince Glory: 3 Politik: 2 Strategy: 1 Merchant: 0 Will: 3


Raptor's Gaze: +1 to Firefight for Gunnery

Instinctual Awareness: Use Celerity instead of Hunting for Perception.

Mountain's Resolve: +1 to Fortitude when performing a strength based feat.

What God Gave You: +2 damage for Assault when grsppling

Military Grade:


Path - Wallowing in the Mariner's Ditch

Doom - Poorly Half-Crafted

Patron - Caludian, Shatterer of Mountains

Mastery - Stout Before the Mast

Self - Repentant for Imagined Sins


Combat knife

Shuriken pistol

Shuriken catapult

Eldar Mesh armor