PerilsOfTheWarship:Main Page

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Campaign Information


Character Sheet Template (copy this entire section and replace this line with the name of your character)

Name Player Career Rank WS BS Str T Ag Int Per WP Fel Wounds Fate XP
Random Joe Purple Guardsman Sergeant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10/10 3 / 4 400 / 400



Monthly Salary:


Talents & Traits:

Psychic Powers: (delete this line if you don't have any psychic powers)

Insanity Points:

Degree of Madness:


Corruption Points:

Degree of Corruption:






Experience Log:

  • 100 Acute Senses

Still-Untitled Imperial Psyker

Name Player Career Rank WS BS Str T Ag Int Per WP Fel Wounds Fate XP
Random Psyker Sunhawk Imperial Psyker Scholar Medicae 29 32 25 29 32 38 36 54 37 8 / 8 7 / 7 3400 / 3400

Gear: Axe, Staff, Compact Stub Revolver, Psykana Mercy Blade, Quilted Vest, Deck of Cards, Psy-Focus

Thrones: 683

Monthly Salary: 91


  • Agility: Dodge, Pilot (Spacecraft)(Basic), Sleight of Hand
  • Intelligence: Chem-Use, Literacy, Medicae, Navigation (Stellar)(Basic), Tech-Use
    • Common Lore: Tech (Basic)
    • Scholastic Lore: Occult
    • Forbidden Lore: Psykers, Warp
  • Perception: Awareness, Psyniscience
  • Willpower: Invocation
  • Fellowship: Blather, Deceive, Inquiry, Performer (Storyteller), Trade (Merchant, Soothsayer)

Talents & Traits:

  • Traits: Close-Quarters Fighter, Officer on Deck, Unreadable Mind, Void Accustomed
  • Weapon Training: Melee (Primitive), Pistol (SP), Basic (SP)
  • Psychic: Psy-Rating 4, Discipline Focus (Divination)
  • Resistance: Psychic Powers

Psychic Powers:

  • Minor Powers: Chameleon, Dull Pain, Fearful Aura, Flash, Inspiring Aura, Sense Presence, Spectral Hands, Unnatural Aim, Weapon Jinx, ?, ?
  • Divination Discipline: Dowsing, Glimpse, Psychometry, Soul Sight

Insanity Points: 11 (failed -20 test)

Degree of Madness: Unsettled

Disorders: None

Corruption Points: 7

Degree of Corruption: Tainted

Malignancies: None

Mutations: None


Homeworld: Calixan Battlefleet


Experience Log:

  • 300 Background (Living Nightmare)
  • 100 Willpower +5
  • 250 Willpower +10
  • 100 Perception +5
  • 250 Perception +10
  • 100 Intelligence +5
  • 100 Trade (Soothsayer)
  • 100 Forbidden Lore (Warp)
  • 100 Forbidden Lore (Psykers)
  • 100 Scholastic Lore (Occult)
  • 100 Awareness
  • 100 Chem-Use
  • 100 Deceive
  • 100 Performer (Storyteller)
  • 200 Sleight of Hand
  • 100 Inquiry
  • 100 Blather
  • 100 Dodge
  • 100 Tech-Use
  • 100 Medicae
  • 200 Psy-Rating 2
  • 200 Psy-Rating 3
  • 200 Psy-Rating 4
  • 200 Discipline Focus (Divination)


17th Catachan Jungle Fighters Detachment

Solar Storm

Ship Name:Solar Storm
Ship Class:Dominator II Cruiser (Retrofit)

The original Dominator class cruiser was a brutal warship at close range thanks to its impressive Nova Cannon. However the Adaptus Mechanicus realized the inherent flaw in the design of the ship – the relative short range of it’s desctructive firepower compared to other ships in space – so they took one of these powerful cruisers and retrofitted it with numerous enhancements and upgrades.

The goal of these retrofittings were to equip with ship with an all-in-one type ship that could handle multiple situations instead of having to call for specialized support, which often takes weeks or months. The introduction of this retrofitting is the first step towards a fleet-wide upgrade where all ships will have less reliance on others, and can thus operate more independently as needed.

The Solar Storm is the first of these new retrofitted cruisers to be put into the field. This new design includes many upgrades, including:

  • Research & Development Labs: The original Dominator was purely a warship. A significant portion of the Dominator II has been transformed into research and development labs for Imperial scientists.
  • Civilian Decks: There is a small section that has been designated as a civilian zone. By putting in proper security checkpoints and biometric scanners, a small city-like structure has been added to the ship. The purpose of this is to allow civilian merchants to provide services to the rest of the crew without compromising security. There are even several large hangars available for civilian usage for ships. While the city isn’t populated yet since this is a new vessel, it is hoped that trade and business will be attracted to the ship shortly after deployment. The other advantage this offers is that unlike other vessels, this section allows the family of the crew to travel with the ship instead of remaining behind.
  • Automated Control Systems: One of the annoying flaws in almost all Imperial ships is the ridiculous amount of crew needed to maintain and operate the ship. A large portion of these processes have been automated to enable the ship to run with a significantly smaller crew (hundreds compared to thousands).

The Solar Storm the same weapon system that a typical Dominator is loaded with:

  • Port/Starboard Side Weapons Batteries: Standard issue short-range assault batteries which are common on most Imperial ships. The primary purpose of these batteries is to fend off frigates and assault craft which get close.
  • Prow Nova Cannon: immensely powerful cannon which fires a huge burst of charged plasma at medium range. The Nova Cannon is based on the Plasma Cannon which is frequently carried into battle by Imperial troops, however it is approximately one thousand times as powerful. Historically, the Nova Cannon has decimated cruiser-size ships with a single volley, and it has severely damaged battleship-size ships with ease. The biggest challenge with this weapon system is that it’s range is less than desirable, working out to approximately 15kms whereas most other ships have ranges of 20-30kms for their primary weapons.