All Roads/Session 2
ST: The afternoon passes without note, weather as gray and miserable as it had been in the morning.
ST: As three pm rolls around the expected delivery arrives.
ST: It's brought by two mystagogues by the name of Gwendolyn and Arctos.
ST: The first is a young, quiet blonde girl in her early 20's. The other is a slightly slovenly looking middle-aged man.
ST: The packages they bring are as unassuming as they are, two cardboard boxes secured with packing tape.
ST: "Nothing interesting." Gwendolyn offers a slightly apologetic smile to Isis. "Just a couple of books and things."
ST: They plant them down in the hallway and shortly after make their exit.
Isis: Sitting in the middle of a huge spiderweb drawn across perhaps a hundred pages of printed paper scattered through her room Isis blinks at the sound of the doorbell. Then, realizing that it's the shipment from the Aldwych library she's out in a flash and skipping down the stairs to the door.
Isis: "Hello Gwendolyn, hello Arctos. Thanks for bringing these here." Isis peers at the nondescript packages, as if that would allow to see what's inside. "This one's the books, and this one's the 'things', right?" She smiles.
Isis: She nudges one of the boxes to see if they're light enough for her to carry.
ST: Gwendolyn nods, rolling her blouse sleeves back down after carrying the box. Arctos has already stepped back outside, lighting a cigarette as he heads to the car. "Yes," She nods, "The one with the books is quite heavy, so be careful carrying them down."
Kenan: Isis' cellphone rings, it's Kenan
Nebuchadnezzar: Nebuchadnezzar, having finished he meeting comes in shortly after the delivery. Pushing his glasses up his hose and letting the suit jacket slide off onto a coat hook as he enters.
Isis: Isis nods. "Thank you." She looks serious then. "On behalf of the City and the Tower I take custody of these items then," she says with an air of formality.
ST: She smiles, "Your service is appreciated, as always." As Neb enters she glances over her shoulder. "Hello. Just dropping off a few things."
Isis: As the little speaking machine rings in her room upstairs Isis looks over her shoulder. "Ah." She should probably carry the thing with her more often, like people have told her.
Nebuchadnezzar: He gives the appropriate hand signals as is proper, if slightly warily as the Mind spell retarding his fatigue begins to wear off.
Nebuchadnezzar: "Nice to see a scheduled delivery. Building up this collection is important." He nods repectfully to Gwen and Arctos. "Any thing I would be interested in in this lot, then?"
Isis: Isis looks back and forth between the boxes and the stairs for a moment, but in the end decides that they will be safe enough. "Please excuse me for a moment?"
Isis: Back upstairs, after digging out the small but loud device from underneath various papers, Isis presses the green button. "Hello?"
Isis: The phone held to her ear she drifts back toward the stairs. She doesn't want to miss out on what Gwendolyn might say about the items either.
Kenan: "hello, I figured the delivery should be arriving right about now - is everything all right? do you need help?"
Isis: "Ah, it's you, hello! It arrived just now."
Isis: "Two boxes, but I haven't had a chance to look inside yet."
Kenan: "all right. if it seems like you need assistance, just call, I could probably leave work early. In any case, I'll be leaving in a while anyway, I'll get you on the way to the meeting"
Isis: "It's Kenan," Isis explains to Nebuchadnezzar and Gwendolyn as she comes back down the stairs.
Isis: "I think it will be ok? But you can come if you want. Should I say that so you can leave work early?"
Kenan: "sounds good, it's not like there were many customeres today anyway. I'm sure old Appleby will understand. see you in a bit!"
Isis: Isis laughs. "See you!"
Isis: "Kenan wants to help with the Athenaeum additions as well," she explains to the others.
ST: "Not sure." She shrugs a little, pushing her glasses back up her nose. "It's mostly pretty benign. Couple of old project notes, some books on local history. We've been through it all though."
Kenan: (are they sure there's nothing to worry about? if so, we should probably run away as quickly as possible)
ST: "One thing." She points to the box of 'things', as Isis had put it, "There's an interesting specimen in that one."
ST: "Looks like a lump of wood most of the time. Keep it in the cage though, it likes to wake up now and again."
Nebuchadnezzar: "Does it pertain to my research at all?" Nebuchadnezzar says. "Or is it something to file away in the deep vaults?"
Isis: "What does it do when it wakes up," Isis inquires curiously.
ST: "Turns into a pretty foul-looking spider creature. Probably a homunculous of sorts, though we haven't determined what causes it to animate."
ST: "It's pretty harmless though, so we see no need to keep it at the library. We're pushed for space as it is."
Isis: "Interesting. Perhaps I could ask it." She tilts her head slightly, considering. "Unless it's some sort of spirit. Which seems likely. I can't ask those."
ST: Arctos gives a shout from outside, and Gwendolyn looks back over her shoulder. "It doesn't seem to have any sort of mind that lets it communicate."
ST: "Right, well, sorry I can't help you unpack but we've got a couple of other deliveries to make before the showing tonight."
Isis: "Animate, but without a mind. Mmh." That her spontaneous idea won't work only seems to intrigue Isis.
ST: She nods her head a little as she makes her leave. "I'll see you both tonight, if you're coming."
Isis: "Oh, yes, of course. Thanks again for coming to visit."
Nebuchadnezzar: "Otherwise take care, Gwyn, Arctos."
Nebuchadnezzar: "I haven't decided yet." Neb says with a grimace. "Not something that particularly interests me, but probably something that should be dealt with."
ST: "No problem!" She raises her hand in parting as she makes her way down the path to the street. "Bye."
Isis: Once the two Mystagogues have departed Isis turns to Neb. "If someone carries them down to the Athenaeum I'll do the sorting and storing. So you can go back to your work?"
Nebuchadnezzar: "I may as well he;lp. Some of it could be of interest and my day job is finished for the moment." He says with a weary smile.
Nebuchadnezzar: Grabbing a box however he begins to lug it down to the Aetheuem
Isis: Isis tries the lighter box with the artifacts to see if she can manage this one.
ST: The box of books is really a bit of a struggle. The second is a lot lighter, and you can hear the items inside shift and clatter as you carry it down.
Isis: If not she leaves it to Neb.
ST: It is light enough for the girl to manage.
ST: Though quite cumbersome considering its size.
Kenan: Kenan will enter the house in exactly the same moment that all the lifting and carrying is done
Isis: Isis pauses for a moment, then speaks a word in High Speech to enhance her perception of space and the objects filling it around her. Then with some effort she lifts up the lighter box to follow after Neb.
Isis: (should I roll? I figure this would be an Unveiling Practice of Space)
ST: (Always roll, but send me the results in a separate window)
Isis: (Isis is quite casual using her magic, as the others would know, even for things that could perhaps be accomplished without)
ST: The walk down to the bunker is a short one and soon enough you're among shelves stocked with all manner of magical curiosities.
Nebuchadnezzar: "Typical. Show up when all the real work is done."
Nebuchadnezzar: Neb mutters as Kenan appears.
Isis: Isis is already busy unpacking.
Kenan: "hello, anything left to do?"
ST: Within the box there is indeed a small mesh cage. Inside rolls a lumpy knot of what appears to be wood.
Nebuchadnezzar: Neb starts looking through the books with interest
ST: Along with that are a couple of mundane items, though their nature secures their storage away from mortal eyes. Some silver jewelry inscribed with atlantean symbols, for example.
Isis: Isis lifts the cage out of the box to examine it from all sides. There's a brief pressure against the Unseen Senses as Mage Sights are brought up.
ST: One other curiosity is a large, tacky looks trophy of sorts. It consists of a big lump of clouded quarts set onto a black plastic base. The library tag reads 'Soul jar - Empty'.
Isis: "We're unpacking now, then sorting and then storing," Isis points out helpfully if slightly absent-mindedly.
Kenan: Kenan begins to examine the items as well, first mundanely, later with magic
ST: Sorting through everything isn't particularly exciting. As Solaris told you earlier most of this stuff is just old rubbish.
Isis: "Interesting," Isis says quietly. "It has the fate of something importan, but no magical qualities that I can see." After a few more minutes she sets it aside. "I'll look at it again later."
ST: The clock begins to near 7pm. It's not a long walk down to the old brewer's hall, a Guardian demense and meeting point in this part of the city.
ST: It's already very dark as you make your way down, the streetlamps lighting your way.
ST: (James, is Neb going or is he staying back to work/sleep?)
Isis: As usual before leaving the sanctum Isis speaks a few Words while crossing her arms in a protective gesture.
Nebuchadnezzar: (I think he'll attend)
Nebuchadnezzar: (Sleep is something he is avoiding)
Nebuchadnezzar: (and he probably should be responsable and keep an eye on Isis)
Isis: Another spell of hers turns curious eyes away from her on the way. There are too many people in the city, she has once explained, she doesn't like them all looking at her at once. Naturally the Cabal is not affected.
ST: The Guardians chose their site well when they claimed this place. The Brewer's hall is little more than a warehouse, and from outside looks impressively unassuming.
ST: The building itself is about as run down as the neighbourhood surrounding it.
ST: The entrance is accessed from an alleyway, and as you approach you see a familiar figure at the side door, ushering guests in.
ST: Eidolon is a Guardian herald, and a person you're all acquainted with. He acts as primary liason between the secretive faction and the other faction cabals at ground-level.
ST: "Nebuchadnezzar. Isis. Kenan." He tips his hat, and raises his arm towards the door. Golden light spills out from inside, which looks enticing considering to the brisk weather.
ST: "Glad you could make it. Go on in."
Kenan: "thanks" Kenan smiles in reply and enters
Isis: simply nods, gratified that once there are no - to her mind - unnecessary remarks about her age and happy to get between four walls. Even with the pale green winter jacket over her cardigan it's rather cold outside.
Isis: She lets the Just Another Face in the Crowd spell drop, it having served out its purpose.
Nebuchadnezzar: wanders in, his black suit jacket, hanging loose. His white tie flaps in the draft as the door closes behind them and looks around as they enter the Brewery
ST: The inside of the building is a far cry from its outer appearence. It is clean and fresh; official, even.
Kenan: Kenan looks around curiously as they enter, clearly at ease
ST: As you enter you are suddenly hit with the buzz of loud chatter. The short corridor you stand in leads to the main hall, and it sounds as though there is a full house.
ST: It isnt a great leap to surmise that the building must be enchanted to prevent sound from travelling outside.
ST: It is certainly in keeping with the guardian's usual behaviour.
Kenan: "nice place" Kenan remarks as he's looking around for familiar faces
Isis: Hands in the pockets of her jacket Isis looks a little nervous but determined. A Guardian stronghold, the proverbial lion's den according to some of her many teachers.
ST: Walking in you see there are at least 50 people here, many faces you recognise. The hall itself is tall and reasonably large.
ST: It is carSTd and warm. Against one wall you see that there are stacked chairs and tables, obviously where they cleared the main space for tonght's event.
ST: The skylight windows are covered neatly with black plastic, to keep away any prying eyes.
ST: "Changed your mind, then, Neb?" Solaris approaches from the mix, swigging a bottle of coke. He grins a little.
Nebuchadnezzar: "I decided leaving Isis unaccompanied around scoundrel's like you Solaris was unwise." He says with a smerk, "Not to mention with some of the Guardians. Think of what she might start bringing home."
ST: A couple of Guardians you recognise as the cabal who operates this demense make final preparations about the room.
Nebuchadnezzar: "Are their refreshments for everyone or did the guardians, as always, forget that little detail and leave us bringing our own?"
Kenan: hearing Neb's remark about leaving Isis unaccompanied, Kenan looks at him as if hurt; he's not really serious about it, though
Isis: Isis gives Nebuchadnezzar A Look, though she is in fact glad that both he and Kenan have come along.
ST: "Hah. That's a laugh." He caps the bottle and pushes it into a satchel at his hip. "I don't think 'nice' is covered in the Guardian budget."
ST: "Still, a buffet probably would have brought more people." He smirks in return.
Isis: "There is a budget for emotions? Or attitudes?" Isis is suddenly curious.
Isis: "Isn't that very difficult to keep track of?"
ST: "I wouldn't put it past these guys." He grins at Isis, though turns his attention quickly back to Neb.
Isis: nods, grimacing slightly. Being a Guardian of the Veil must be very unpleasant. A good thing she was warned.
Nebuchadnezzar: "There is a budget for food. If your an order other than the Guardian's and have an accoutant that isn't a cheapskate." Neb explains. He pulls out a hip flask, "Fortunately I brought my own just in case."
Isis: "That's wise," Isis agrees. "This way no one can poison you either." She seems quite serious.
ST: "Always one step ahead, eh Neb?"
Kenan: "of course, that doesn't prevent him from poisoning himself, eh?" - Ken jokingly points at the flask
ST: Solaris chuckles at the comment.
ST: "Wish they'd hurry up though." He nods to the guys hastily daubing atlantean runes on the paper-covered walls.
Nebuchadnezzar: Neb gives Kenan a sharp look and then shrugs.
ST: As if in answer there is a call from one end of the hall. "Ladies and gents, if you would excuse me."
Isis: Isis looks alarmed for a moment before she puts it together. "Oh." She is glad for the distraction of the call to order.
ST: On the raised area that appears to be the focal point of the room stands a fairly gaunt and aging man, dressed smartly.
ST: You recognise him as Wickerman, provost of the Guardians of the Veil.
ST: Due to the absence of their Epopt, Finch, Wickerman is often seen as the public face of the Guardians.
ST: He gestures to the crowd. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. It reassures me that so many of you are prepared to give up your time to help our investigation."
Isis: Isis turns to watch and listen. It's time to learn why exactly the Guardians have called so many mages together this evening. Even for a ritual casting more than fifty is too many, usually.
ST: "What happened last week on Orchard Street was a tragedy." He begins. His voice is smooth, carrying the practiced tone of an experienced speaker.
ST: "As no doubt you are all aware, the peaceful austerity protest that took place upon that evening was subject to a quite terrible turn of events."
ST: "An abyssal intrusion claimed the lives of two mortal protesters, and a number of others were hurt in the ensuing chaos. If it were not for the actions of two of our finest," He gestures outward to the floor, but to no-one in particular, "the cost could have been significantly higher."
ST: "A suspect for this unspeakable crim was witnessed at the time, however as of yet we have not been able to positively identify the individual."
ST: "The purpose of tonight will be to allow all of you to witness the events that occured on that day."
Nebuchadnezzar: Neb stifles a yawn.
ST: "It is our hope that you all might help us with any information you might have. If you recognise anyone at the scene, or perhaps notice any magical effects you feel familiar it would be of great help if you could bring it to our attention."
ST: "Additionally, tonight will allow all of you to learn the signs that you mus be vigilant for in the coming days."
Isis: "Truly witness? No phantasm?" Isis murmurs surprised. "Shining City, that would be impressive."
ST: "We are working hard to apprehend this man, but until such a time we must all be aware and keep our eyes open for danger."
ST: "The following ritual combines both spatial and time-based magics in order to provide a projected, postcognition effect. We have strived for coverage broad enough to include everyone here tonight, but should any of you not experience the vision then accept my deepest apologies. As you all know, such things are never certain."
ST: "Now, without further delay we shall begin. If at any time you become distressed or otherwise need to leave, exiting the hall will end the vision."