Session 218

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Chapter 31

Thank you to Verithe for the log while I was not there.

--»| YOU (Verithe) have joined #Nobilis
--»| lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
«Verithe» Hi!
«lazarus» hey V
«Verithe» How's life?
«lazarus» not overly bad.
«lazarus» clipping out Samurai figures
«Verithe» Ooh!
«lazarus» Sara has a day off (her first in 11 days x_x)
«Verithe» Geez! I hope she gets enough relaxation out of it!
«lazarus» yeah
«lazarus» I'm also wishing I knew where to look for a comprehensive, or at least representative, look at L5R clan armour colours. Not just descriptions, but pictures
«Verithe» Hmmm
«Verithe» Did you try a google image search of each clan?
«lazarus» I'm wondering if I should just print off a copy of the Imperial Gift PDFs and see what they've got there.
«lazarus» (I don't have many L5R CCG cards otherwise)
«lazarus» (another option is just say "screw it" and go plain historical, but that's less fun :p)
--»| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
«Random_Nerd» Braaaaiiiiins.
«lazarus» hey rn
--»| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
«BethE» Hi guys! *HUG*
«Verithe» Hi!
«Random_Nerd» Laaaaawwww.
«Random_Nerd» In my braaaaiiiin.
«Verithe» D:
--»| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
«Knockwood» Hi guys
«Knockwood» ...?
«Verithe» Hi!
«BethE» Hi Knock! We're kinda tired. ^^
«Random_Nerd» Law school.
«lazarus» zombie laz too
«Knockwood» oh, well, there's your problem, you can't swallow that
«Random_Nerd» Started up again. Now I have actual clients who want me to get actual divorces and restraining orders. Do these people not know that sometimes I forget where I left my pants?
«Random_Nerd» But anyway... Nobilis.
«Knockwood» RN: have you checked over your head?
«Random_Nerd» For hovering snails?
«BethE» (Yeah, it's weird to come home and find your husband studying the divorce laws of Illinois.)
«BethE» Nah, if Ftisk were visiting us, he'd be on my shoulder.
«Random_Nerd» So, Meon ate the heart of Lord Entropy to steal his power, and then turned everyone into My Little Ponies, but you guys have joined the Pegasus Resistance, so...
«Knockwood» for your pants
«Random_Nerd» Or is that next week?
«Knockwood» next week.
«Random_Nerd» Oh, okay.
«lazarus» wrong game even. I'm certain that's Beth's Buffy game
«Random_Nerd» Oh, right.
«Verithe» I didn't know Meon was into My Little Ponies.
«BethE» Nah, I only have one pony in mine. So far.
«BethE» Although, some of the ponies in Friendship is Magic do match up with some of the characters in my Buffy game.
«Random_Nerd» He isn't into them. He is, however, into Desecration.
«Knockwood» Everyone's into it: http://www . sinfest . net/archive_page.php?comicID=3992
«Random_Nerd» And how do you think Jan ben Jan would react if he woke up and he was a pony?
«Knockwood» "OK, now I need 2 cosmic answers."
«Verithe» That's what I think, anyway.
«lazarus» "Jan ben Jan, would you rather be a My Little Pony or a Carebear?"
«Random_Nerd» Barakiel might not even notice.
«Random_Nerd» "No."
«lazarus» "no third choices"
«lazarus» (Care Bear Bodyparts!)
«lazarus» (»_»)
«Verithe» I think he prefers the oblivion of defying choice than those choices.
«Random_Nerd» Or if he's still a huge planetoid made of body parts... but /pony/ body parts.
«BethE» JBJ is collecting Noble and Imperator bits to do an Imperial Care Bear Stare?
«Random_Nerd» Unicorn horns, hooves, pegasus wings, adorable eyes...
«BethE» Cutie marks!
«Verithe» The marks would be most valuable!
«lazarus» ... are we sure we want to have a session tonight given this? ...
«Verithe» YES!
«lazarus» ... or is this not even the weirdest thing that's been discussed w.r.t. this game? ...
«BethE» (Darn it, I am disappointed in Chibi Ex. I thought she would re-explode him...)
«lazarus» leeeeezard!
«Random_Nerd» So... where /were/ we? Let me check the log...
«Random_Nerd» Oh, yes.
«BethE» (For you, laz - http://www . youtube . com/watch?v=_mdMb6bRXt4&feature=related )
«lazarus» we were just getting Barakiel's Nobilis upset at us
«Random_Nerd» You'd talked with Consequences and heard about the Big Plan.
«Random_Nerd» You must admit, it is sheer elegance in its simplicity.
«Verithe» I don't think we are convincing Consequences today.
«BethE» *throws self off of cliff with a scream*
«Verithe» :(
«BethE» The thing is, Conseq. had a good point/plan.
«Knockwood» That reminds me, I might get Destiny for a (epic) failure in "Bring Nobles together"
«BethE» V - sorry, it was a reference to the show where RN got the "it is sheer elegance in its simplicity"
«Random_Nerd» It's not quite an epic failure yet...
«Random_Nerd» But you can make it be one!
«lazarus» (Beth why the flying hell was that?!)
«lazarus» (what! the flying hell was that?)
«Random_Nerd» (Leekspin.)
«BethE» (Well, it's a girl from Bleach. She's spinning a leek. To a song. And someone made a technoversion of the song.)
«BethE» (It's what I like to listen to when I'm zoning out. The leek is hypnotic. And the girl character is Bethish.)
«Random_Nerd» So, should we cut to the conference room, after Dante's told the rest of you what's up?
«Verithe» Sounds good to me.
«lazarus» Sure. Brian was off failing to turn himself into his Fetch, but he'd figure out he wasn't.
«Random_Nerd» Okay.
«Random_Nerd» ____________START_____________
«BethE» "I have a large headache."
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
«Random_Nerd» William: "Should I assume that this information is privileged?"
=-= YOU are now known as Kite
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
«DanteE» "Absolutely."
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
«Brian» (Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger)
«Random_Nerd» William: "...good? Because I don't know what other people would do if they heard about this."
«Random_Nerd» William: "But I'm sure it would be bad."
«DanteE» "Panic.
«DanteE» "That much I remember. I should be able to figure people out, damn it."
«Brian» "So. One failed to be prevented. Four to go?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "So, if Barakiel were to go utterly insane and outside the bounds of law and reason... how could we tell, exactly?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "Squirrel."
«DanteE» "Jupiter turns purple?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Huh?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "In a world where that's happened, what I said may very well seem like a logical reply."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Daaamn."
«Theresa» "But William, did you account for a Wild chancel?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "Hmm?"
«Theresa» "Was your answer calibrated for the lack of sanity of a Wild Chancel?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "Squirrel."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "He's got you there."
«Brian» "Well, it doesn't make sense here."
«DanteE» "You mean 'Mu'
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "So, here's my thing. You Amyra guys all at least nominally follow the Wild philosophy, right?"
«Kite» "William is not a cow, Dante."
«Brian» (btw, where's Angelo?)
«DanteE» "Yes..."
«Random_Nerd» (Beats me, but I'm going to stop early, so I wanted to get going.)
«Kite» ((I don't know!))
«Theresa» "Well, I'm more toward the philosophy of the Children of the Ash, but smidgens of Wild. Which..makes me think about what was said about our activities and how they could be seen by folks who think we're Mimics."
«Theresa» "And we're leaning waaaay on the sanity crutch at the moment."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Boss, where do you stand on this one?"
«Brian» "Truth and sanity are not the same thing. If'n that's what you were wondering."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "But, I mean... what do we do about this? Stop it? Help them out?"
«Brian» "Point it out to them, and when they say they are in control, we get out of the blast radius."
«Brian» "So, who wants to go Outside?"
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "But I thought the point was to direct him at the Excrucians?"
«DanteE» "Nobody if they know what's good for them...
«Kite» "I heard Outside messes you up something fierce. I prefer to stay In."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Shouldn't we go hide in, like, a particularly boring part of Iowa or something?"
«Brian» "It's Iowa. It's /all/ boring."
«Theresa» "William, has anyone ever brought a lawbreaker into Creation before?"
«Brian» "That's what makes it Iowa."
«Brian» "I'm certain the Powers of Bored and Boring make it their home."
«DanteE» "... two of the 5 are basically caused by great swaths of Imperators losing hope...
«Random_Nerd» William: "Not incredibly frequently. You have to be pretty good to swing something that big."
«Random_Nerd» William: "But it's certainly happened before."
«DanteE» (and, no Hope, still.)
«Theresa» "How were they dealt with? Any huge consequences of them being around?"
«DanteE» "Uhoh. You realize they could be connected.
«DanteE» "If Barakiel does something completely nuts because of the counsel with the Lawbreaker..."
«Random_Nerd» William: "I think they're normally short-term things. Summon one, confer with it, kill your enemies, send it back home, sleep off the crazy."
«DanteE» "Describe 'the crazy', William?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "Based on what info I've been able to look up, all sorts of stuff. Working with one messes with your head."
«Theresa» (Which they could be connected, Dante?)
«Brian» (I'm worried we're going to need more Aides. That two isn't enough anymore)
«Random_Nerd» William: "But some think that the advantages of being outside of law are worth it."
«DanteE» (Barakiel's a Big Name. If he does something completely nuts others may take that as a sign.)
--»| Ftisk ( has joined #Nobilis
«Theresa» (Well you're the one who promoted one.  :) )
«DanteE» (Hi Ftisk)
«Ftisk» (Hi guys!)
«Theresa» (Hi Angelo! *HUG*)
«Kite» "Is it the sort of crazy that one can't adequately describe because it's a Lawbreaker?"
«Kite» (Hi!)
«Random_Nerd» William: "I don't think it's generally /Imperators/, though."
«Ftisk» (sorry I'm late! ....)
«Theresa» "After the Lawbreaker was sent back, what happened to the summoner?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "No, it's... delusions, hallucinations, that kind of thing."
«Ftisk» (someone can send me the lines I missed?)
«Random_Nerd» William: "What /would/ happen to them? If you're under the influence of a lawbreaker, and you go kill some people, it is /okay to do so/. So they hadn't done anything wrong."
«DanteE» "You know of Imperators taking counsel with Lawbreakers, or just Nobles?"
«Theresa» (Well, if it's that, probably half of the Imperators who know Barakiel wouldn't be surprised.)
«Random_Nerd» William: "We don't know of it. However, Aides working in such a chancel would likely be asked to keep that information private."
«Brian» (I'm wondering if Barakiel is the one who takes HQB's place)
«Random_Nerd» (Plausible, but not definite. Could be Shirk, for instance.)
«DanteE» "The phrase 'delusional, hallucinating fallen angel' doesn't exactly fill me with confidence..."
«DanteE» "Hang on. We're forgetting someone.
«DanteE» "Attaris.
«DanteE» "She's doing ... something ... soon. That may be a catalyst."
«Theresa» (That's my guess as well.)
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "I still think you wouldn't really be able to tell."
«DanteE» (How soon?)
«DanteE» (And I thought of what to get for my next stone, which may help us here.)
«Random_Nerd» (She wasn't sure of the timeframe when you talked.)
«Theresa» "Well, I think that she has plenty of stuff to pick from to create a spectacular changing of the Ages."
«Random_Nerd» William: "Any of the things we know about, could they plausibly be her work?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "The Barakiel thing seems to have been going on too long, but what about the others?"
«DanteE» "Let's review the 5...
«Kite» "Wildlords going crazy.....-er."
«DanteE» "... wait...
«Random_Nerd» William: "A possible..."

  • Ftisk float in the room

«Random_Nerd» William: "She is a magister of the wild. So there's a connection"
«DanteE» "Breach day. Kudzu momentarily connected with his old self.
«Theresa» "All of the Wildlords might have."

  • Ftisk land on Theresa shoulder

«DanteE» "That might motivate many of them to try and re-join."
«Brian» (RH to Kudzu) "Boss? I have a questionish thing for you."
«DanteE» (Brian, how much did you tell us about the 5 Calamities?)
«Brian» (most things were detailed, the Wildlords one definitely. The Entropy one was just "Entropy")
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "At the Wall, keep it quick, Numbers."
«Theresa» "Rejoin Outside? Maybe. If they thought they could go back with their stuff. Or if they thought that they would die here. Or if they found out that all of the other Imperators have decided to kill off the Wildlords on the off chance that they are all Excrucians in disguise."
«Theresa» (Just send him the whole thought memory, Brian. It'd be quicker.)
«Brian» "I've been told, Prophetically, that Wildlords will decide that dying will resurrect them Outside. You know that's not how to make it happen, right?"
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "I see no reason why that would even work."
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "What's your source?"
«Theresa» (Sanity, crutch!)
«Brian» (RH) "About a third of your colleagues will make the decision. JbJ himself."
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "Odd."
«DanteE» (What kind of Imperator is HqB?)
«Theresa» (Wild.)
«Brian» (RH) "Can you do what you can to keep others from making the decision? I'm sure you know more Wildlords than we do."
«Theresa» (That may be why he steps off of the Council.)
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "There isn't, like, a Grand Congress of the Wildlords. We're not the /Light/ or something."
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "They do their shit and I do mine."
«Brian» (RH) "True enough."
«DanteE» (Another Breach Day happens... making him doubt himself, like Kudzu did.)
«Random_Nerd» Kudzu: "If it starts to happen, I can talk to people, but that's all. There's no authority above Wildlords to appeal to."
«DanteE» (There should be a GCofW!)
«Kite» (We'll have to spread the word. What Wildlords do we know? Jeremiah?)
«Theresa» (Dante - but that would be sane.)
«Random_Nerd» (And Kudzu, HQB, Caesar, Ananda.)
«DanteE» (Tell HqB?)
«DanteE» (Ananda's a Wildlord?)
«Random_Nerd» (Err... the current age one...)
«Random_Nerd» (What'shername...)
«Random_Nerd» (Attaris.)
«Theresa» (Attaris Glados?)
«DanteE» (and technically Caesar's a Domination, IIRC)
«Random_Nerd» (That's debatable.)
«Random_Nerd» (/Surolam/ was a Domination.)
«Random_Nerd» (Suebi was a Warmain.)
«DanteE» (You mean Sakharoth?)
«Random_Nerd» (Caesar has decided that he isn't either of them, that he's going to define his own nature.)
«DanteE» (or is law school eating your brain?)
«Random_Nerd» (Err, yes.)
«Kite» (Kite considers Caesar a Domination for the sake of any Imperial Miracles Caesar is trying to accomplish.))
«Brian» (we should talk to Surolam. Just 'cause)
«DanteE» (Unless you just revealed a major plot point... »:»)
«Random_Nerd» (So, Imperator who came from Outside, dedicated to personal freedom... in most books, that counts as Wildlord.)
«DanteE» (Except, if he's dedicated to personal freedom he wouldn't have his followers)
«Random_Nerd» (Kudzu has chancelfolk too, though.)
«Theresa» (He came from Outside and doesn't want Creation to end. Therefore, Wildlord.)
«Theresa» (And I doubt that RN will give away spoilers unless it's the law-brain doing it.)
«DanteE» (Chancelfolk, not thralls. Remember when we first saw him?)
«Random_Nerd» (And everyone who's with Caesar came there on their own.)
«Random_Nerd» (Indeed, he was having to drive away some of them.)
«Random_Nerd» (Some dionyl will go try out whatever's new.)
«DanteE» (sounds like thralls)
«DanteE» (Oh, wait, Dionyl)
«Brian» (for them, ideology is like booze or drugs for humans)
«Brian» ( ... it is, after all, so much hot air ... )
«Kite» (brb - family called)
«DanteE» "These things Jan ben Jan said sound like bad reactions to some huge event...
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "One or more, yeah."
«Brian» "But if there was a huge event that threatened Creation, it would've been on the list, surely"
«DanteE» "Except for Barakiel's, which is already in motion."
«DanteE» "So, it's a huge event they _think_ threatens Creation...
«Brian» "Unless we die."
«DanteE» "... the last one should be avoidable just by us learning it's to avoid."
«Theresa» "Change of Ages, movement of Shirk and friends, a member of the Council quitting..."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "But what if it's an event that Jan ben Jan can't see?"
«Brian» "Because it's just what ... I ... am going to be involved with."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "Then he'd see the effects, but not the cause."
«Brian» "Quick, who are the Kings?"
«DanteE» "We need to figure out the causes...
«Random_Nerd» William: "Shirk, Treason, [the other two, gimme a moment.]"
«DanteE» "and maybe Meon."
«Random_Nerd» William: "But probably not. I think that was spin, not prophecy."
«Random_Nerd» (And the other two were Treason and Shame.)
«Random_Nerd» (Err, Failure and Shame.)
«DanteE» (what was #5?)
«Theresa» (JBJ giving up?)
«Brian» "Shame ... sounds like JbJ's issue."
«DanteE» (the 5th king)
«Brian» "Failure possibly HQB's."
«DanteE» "No, it's fear of Failure."
«Random_Nerd» (Depends on the version. Nobody, or Entropy, or Meon.)
«Theresa» (The 5th king was supposedly Entropy.)
«DanteE» (I mean what was his title?)
«Theresa» "And JBJ can only not see stuff that is hidden by a Lawbreaker? Or what else can shield his sight?"
«DanteE» "Brian, for number three you just have 'Entropy' on this note. Can you elaborate?"
«Brian» "Outside."
«Random_Nerd» (Desecration.)
«Brian» "And, Entropy. It's Entropy - a threat to Creation that we will have to deal with."
«DanteE» "What did he say about Entropy?
«Brian» "That he must be stopped."
«DanteE» "He couldn't have told you about the Big Question, we'd have every communication channel lit up."
«Brian» "I suspect I know how his prophecy will be fulfilled, but he'll only get a chance to betray Creation if we don't stop him in time."
«DanteE» (Are you withholding information from us because of your vendetta against Entropy?)
«Brian» (pretty much.)
«DanteE» "OK, how will his prophecy by fulfilled?"
«Random_Nerd» (With BACON!)
«Brian» (but it's more confirmation bias - Brian saw the Entropy prophecy as saying "must kill Entropy before he goes Outside")
«Brian» "He is destined to give Creation to the Excrucians, if we don't stop him from going Outside."
«DanteE» (Heh. Dante would have seen '_prevent_ Entropy from getting lost outside')
«Brian» "And the only way to stop him ..."
«Ftisk» "is with a rock"

  • Theresa is pondering about what reason JBJ could give Ftisk to have him kill her...

«Random_Nerd» (One DP to Ftisk! Err, wait, this isn't Buffy.)
«Random_Nerd» (But perfect comic timing there.)
«Ftisk» ( /me bow ^_^ )
«Random_Nerd» (And I believe that wasn't the /only/ way to kill him, but the /best/ way to kill him.)
«Theresa» (Well, of course it's the best way to kill him. You're the GM. :P )
«Brian» (I would've expected "brick!")
«Brian» (in which case: "ok, the movie or the building material?")
«Theresa» (Nah, I've seen his rock fetish in Buffy games.)
«Theresa» (Brick is for being happy, yet out of it.)
«DanteE» "... anyway. Number 5. Jan ben Jan prophesied himself.
«Kite» (Famileeeeeee...)
«Theresa» "I would prefer to negate that one. Before it happens."
«DanteE» "Which means he may still be subject to it. Either that or it's completely out of his control..."
«Theresa» (*waves at Kite's family*)
«Brian» "Jan ben Jan is not allowed to cause that one to not come true."
«DanteE» (/me waves as well...)
«Brian» "If he invalidates it by his own conscious actions, then reality eats him."
«Random_Nerd» (You mean families!)
«Ftisk» "We have to find a way around"
«Theresa» "Well, fine then, but _we_ can cause it to not happen."
«DanteE» "It's about his own despair. That ship's sailed."
«Theresa» "You paid for the knowledge. Therefore it is legally obtained."
«Kite» (International birthday call was supposed to be before game...but wasn't. Now it's over. Summary of what I missed?))
«Random_Nerd» (And Jan ben Jan's rules only bind him.)
«DanteE» (Got it! We need to feed Entropy to the big ball!)
«Brian» "More importantly: we can't just convince him not to do it."
«Random_Nerd» (A lot of strategising, mainly. And Brian's holding back on the Entropy prophecy.)
«Kite» (The...big ball?))
«Ftisk» "But we can convince peoples to 'use' him "
«Kite» (Ah)
«DanteE» (Kite: the big ball of parts JbJ is collecting)
«Kite» (Oh!)
«Brian» (Brian creatively reinterpreting the Entropy prophecy :p)
«Theresa» (I'm not sure if you can sacrifice someone else. Once a part is cut off, fair game, but I don't think we could give JBJ Entropy without E's permission. And I had a bad thought...)
«DanteE» to Ftisk: "Well, if we had a prophecy that came true the way he predicted we'd have a lot more leverage."
«Theresa» (If we put Entropy in JBJ's big ball of fun...won't he just corrupt the whole thing?)
«Random_Nerd» (And remember, too, that the "big ball" is /part/ of Jan ben Jan. It wouldn't work, otherwise.)
«Ftisk» "uhm... Can we with the right questions let JbJ discover guided truths that let him not despair?"
«DanteE» (How much detail did you give us about #5, Brian?)
«Ftisk» "And Dante, for example, I can plant in the mind of all Amyrans that they had to purchase to death from JbJ, that will increase the parts he receive"
«Kite» "If we have the currency to pay for them."
«Kite» "Perhaps"
«DanteE» "Does he want average people parts?"
«Ftisk» "Don't know"
«Kite» "I don't see why not. Every penny helps."
«DanteE» "Hm... this mentions rules he has to follow."
«Theresa» "...Ftisk, that probably wouldn't be good. Because there wouldn't be a knowledge given to them."
«Random_Nerd» (You know that Noble parts are worth much more, and Imperator parts more still.)
«Kite» (So, slay an Imperator and ask JbJ a Big Question?)
«Brian» (full detail on #5.)
«Ftisk» (yep but all Amyrians+all vulcanians can be worth a lot wholesale... I hope)
«Random_Nerd» (Of course, whether the parts of a murdered Imperator would work is unclear.)
«Random_Nerd» (Heh! Unless you had an Imperator with regard to whom laws and rules were irrelevant!)
«DanteE» "Be nice if we knew the rules. Be nice if he knew the rules as well."
«Random_Nerd» (I hadn't even thought of that bit before...)
«Kite» (!!!)
«Ftisk» ( I second Kite9 )
«Random_Nerd» (If Barakiel went all Lawbreaker-touched, Jan could just /eat/ him, and it would be okay!)
«Theresa» (So...we would have to be able to kill an Angel. Who is already crazy and outside of the law. But killing them would be okay since they're outside the law?)
«Kite» (But...I don't want to lose Consequences, Duty, Eclipses, Shadows and....was there another one?)
«Random_Nerd» (Of course, he would then contain within himself a crazy angel who erodes law.)
«Theresa» (I think that was it.)
«DanteE» (Stale Bong Water.)
«Random_Nerd» (Consequences, Duty, Shadows, and Eclipses are the only ones.)
«DanteE» "... be right back."

  • DanteE lets JbJ know he'd like to ask a few things.

«Theresa» (*sigh* JBJ needs to put us on speed dial or call-waiting.)
«Random_Nerd» Jan ben Jan: "Not now. I need time alone."
«DanteE» "Hm. Maybe not. Brian, you may have rattled him."
«Brian» "Wasn’t my fault."
«Kite» "Why do you say that, Dante?"
«DanteE» "Just tried to ask him something and got 'Not now'."
«DanteE» "Strange, considering his big quest... you'd think he'd want to make lots of deals..."
«Theresa» "Is there an award for freaking out an Imperator and surviving?"
«Kite» "His sulking is going to fulfill his prophecy."
«Kite» "The reward, I think, is surviving."
«DanteE» "Maybe you should make us badges."
«DanteE» "We'll wear 'em like boy scouts."
«Random_Nerd» Sam: "But... you don't /need/..."
«Random_Nerd» William gives him a look.
«DanteE» "Don't forget my Snarked At By Vulcan' badge."
«DanteE» "... William, do the aides have a volume on Imperator Psychology?"
«DanteE» "I should catch up on my reading."
«Random_Nerd» William: "Dante, Imperator Psychology is an entire academic discipline."
«DanteE» (Which leads to my next Stone, "Heart of the Monsters" :) )
«Random_Nerd» William: "Going back rather longer than writing."
«Theresa» "And I'm sure that there are many schools of thought on it."
«Theresa» (Ooo, I want to visit the Department of Sneezes! ^^ )
«Kite» (What?)
«Theresa» (If your Imperator needs to be stalled, sneeze! It confuses them!)
«Ftisk» (was in GWB)
«DanteE» "Then I'll check out the pile of books."
«Brian» (and N30)
«Kite» "William, I was wondering. Are Nobles allowed to become Aides?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "Nobles become /Aides/?"
«Kite» "That's right."
«Random_Nerd» William: "The reverse happens, on occasion. But when they become Ennobled, they are no longer part of the organization proper, just an allied Noble."
«Random_Nerd» William: "But I don't think anyone's actually tried. You'd have to see with Luc."
«Random_Nerd» William: "Not that he's technically in charge..."
«Random_Nerd» William: "But you'd still have to see with him."
«Kite» "Okay."
«DanteE» "Got a list of Allied Nobles?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "...we don't normally share those, but under the circumstances... yeah, I can get you one."
«Random_Nerd» (Because of that Stone earlier.)
«Random_Nerd» William: "I'll need to go to the home office for approval, but I'm sure I can get it."
«DanteE» "Well, let's deal with the other prophecies."
«DanteE» "We can talk to Ha-Qadosh, certainly. Or at least send him a confidential report."
«Random_Nerd» (Mind if we stop in fifteen minutes or so? I seriously need to get some sleep tonight.)
«Kite» (Alright with me)
«Brian» (fine by me)
«DanteE» (We may be hitting a lull anyway)
«Ftisk» (ok)
«Random_Nerd» (Actually, does stopping here work for you guys?)
«Kite» (It looks like a good enough place)
«Theresa» (Stopping here would be okay. We seem to have hit a road bump. )
«DanteE» (OK, can we talk OOC a little?)
«Random_Nerd» William: "Can I take a car, to go and get approval to disclose the list?"
«Ftisk» (I see no problem here)
«Random_Nerd» (Sure.)
«DanteE» "Do it."
«Kite» "Do you need us to make you one or are you good?"
«Random_Nerd» William: "We have some on hand. I'm good."
«Random_Nerd» _____________STOP_____________
=-= Brian is now known as lazarus
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
«Random_Nerd» William and Sam have purchased several cars for the clocktower motor pool.
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
«Knockwood» only 90% of which smells like beer and vomit!
«Kite» (Kite would have totally made him a Batmobile sans several functions.)
=-= Kite is now known as Verithe
«Angelo» (and would have been totally awesome)
«Verithe» That also reminds me that Kite was still in his Batman costume the entire session.
«Random_Nerd» Why would he not be?
«Random_Nerd» I mean, /Batman/.
«Verithe» Props to Will for taking a bird in a Batman costume seriously.
«Angelo» right, bat costume is completely fine
«Verithe» Not that it's out of character for him, but still...props.
«lazarus» He's an Aide.
«Knockwood» So, I was thinking of a new Stone... "Heart of the Monster". Basically, it's the ability to (effectively) use his Psych skill on, say, rogue fallen Angels and wackier than usual Wildlords.
«Random_Nerd» He had a series of classes in taking Noble fashion decisions seriously.
«lazarus» it's his job.
«Random_Nerd» And as for Sam, a Batman costume is practically drab by his standards.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm...
«Random_Nerd» How do you see that as working, in practice?
«Knockwood» including the occasional Armor-Piercing Question.
«Knockwood» The occasional "He wants ...." or "He believes ... " or "He's acting like he just ...."
«Knockwood» maybe even "He may be lying."
«Random_Nerd» But bear in mind, Barakiel's Unfathomable quality is grandfathered in from Nobilis 2nd.
«Random_Nerd» He's pretty much definitionally immune to attempts to understand him or get the truth out of him.
«lazarus» I'm going to head off now. g'night.
«Random_Nerd» And I would say that a core imperator property like that would trump a stone.
«Knockwood» Mainly, something so that Dante can actually deal with people even though my EQ is apparently somewhere in the Forrest Gump range... :/
«Angelo» night Laz
|«-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)
«Random_Nerd» Well, your main problem is that most of the people you deal with in this game are, uh, kinda nuts.
«Random_Nerd» Sometimes in functional ways, but still.

  • Angelo sneeze

«Knockwood» As a Psych major who was considering being a counselor Dante should be able to deal with that.
«Random_Nerd» In some cases.
«Random_Nerd» But are you thinking of the Locus Barakiel crowd?
«Random_Nerd» Because they're explicitly included in some effects of Barakiel's that make normal methods not work.
«Random_Nerd» Same reason you can't make out their facial features.
«Knockwood» Everybody. Fr'ex, IC, I should probably twig to the fact that Brian's hiding something from me...
«Random_Nerd» Yeah, I'd say you would.
«Random_Nerd» You've known him long enough, and your Aspect is at least as good as his.
«Knockwood» and I'd like to be able to come up with a reasonable guess as to what would cause HqB to doubt his loyalty.
«Random_Nerd» Hmm. "I understand how Wildlords think" would be acceptable.
«Random_Nerd» Or, at least, understanding it as much as /they/ do.
«Knockwood» can that go broader?
«Verithe» Broader feels like more than one stone should cover.
«Knockwood» and, speaking of which, Destiny points?
«Random_Nerd» Yeah. Understanding Wildlords is nontrivial even for a Noble.
«Random_Nerd» Well, none of you actually /did/ anything this time.
«Random_Nerd» You came up with some plans...
«Knockwood» I meant more than just Wildlords. Angels?
«Random_Nerd» But Destiny comes from /implementing/ plans.
«Random_Nerd» Most angels are pretty straightforward. You probably already have a good feel for most of them.
«Random_Nerd» Barakiel, some of the Fallen, and some of the other Watchers are edge cases.
«Knockwood» and we're supposedly made in their image... :)
«Random_Nerd» But the majority are probably as comprehensible to Dante as humans are.
«Knockwood» (Then I should be able to work better with Barakiel, damn it. Also Consequences.)
«Knockwood» (BTW, that 'damn it' was to me, not you.)
«Angelo» I have a tough design question on Ftisk...
«Angelo» How model Conrad as an Independent entity that want and will sometimes take over?
«Knockwood» worth noting Dante still doesn't know what you sacrificed, BTW
«Random_Nerd» (But for Barakiel, being incomprehensible is something that's part of his core concept. And in a way that is represented by game mechanics, and has been established since the first live session.)
«Random_Nerd» (It's not because he's an Angel. It's because he's Barakiel.)
«Knockwood» (ah.)
«Random_Nerd» I see two ways, Angelo.
«Random_Nerd» As a Bond if you want to control it, or as an Affliction if you want me to.
«Angelo» Affliction then
«Angelo» and to model the reverse?
«Random_Nerd» (Specifically, see page 147, Nobilis 2nd.)
«Angelo» I mean outside Conrad is in charge but I would like to have Ftisk on or trying
«Random_Nerd» Ah.
«Knockwood» (2nd?)
«Random_Nerd» (Second Edition.)
«Knockwood» (not 3rd?)
«Random_Nerd» (Barakiel has Soul-Twisted and Unfathomable. That's why you can't make out the features of his Nobles.)
«Random_Nerd» (Yeah. This is one of the things that was grandfathered in. It's probably all done with Afflictions now, but I haven't bothered to covert it.)
«Knockwood» welp, guess we go and let you do that weird 'sleep' thing
«Angelo» RN, can I have project for Conrad?
«Random_Nerd» Yes. What do you want it to be about?
«Knockwood» (and I mean that: http://xkcd . com/203/ )
«Angelo» I would like to have "How I(conrad) excruciated Love and I'm in peace with creation" and "How I kill Theresa and made it"
«BethE» 'made it'?
«Verithe» "survived"?
«Angelo» yep without Dante or .. what Verithe say
«Random_Nerd» Heh.
«Knockwood» hm.
«Angelo» (cit Marge Simpson as the Devil: Everyone needs an hobby!)
«BethE» Ah. Why would you want to kill meeeee? *sad Theresa eyes*
«Angelo» because JbJ said is interesting!
«BethE» Crap. I'm doomed.
«Knockwood» You realize setting our merry band against one another may just be what They want, right?
«Random_Nerd» Later, all.
«Random_Nerd» Good session.
«Knockwood» g'night RN
«Verithe» Take care, RN
«Angelo» night RN
«BethE» They're waving something interesting in front of Ftisk/Conrad. Doesn't take much.
«BethE» Night, guys. *HUGS*
«Angelo» night Theresa!
«Verithe» Take care, Beth!
«Angelo» Night Beth
|«-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
|«-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
«Knockwood» good night, guys
«Angelo» night Knock
|«-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0.1/20110830092941])
«Angelo» I too go, Night Verithe
«Verithe» Take care, Angelo!
|«-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0/20110811165603])
«--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

[[Amyra:Chapter_31|Chapter 31]