Termina d'Vyse

Character Aspects
Defining: High-born, genius tech-priest
Fate: “An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.”
Creed: Rediscover lost secrets for the Omnissiah
Excellence: “Knowledge is power; guard it well.”
Personal: Beautiful monster
Skill | Rating | Skill | Rating | Skill | Rating | Skill | Rating |
Assault | 1 | Firefight | 2 | Might | 1 | Athletics | 1 |
Strategy | 0 | Pilot | 0 | Navigation | 2 | Wilderness | 1 |
Tech | 5 | Demolition | 0 | Science | 3 | Lore | 4 |
Wealth | 3 | Politics | 3 | Charm | 2 | Commerce | 0 |
Will | 2 | Divination | 0 | Telekinesis | 0 | Telepathy | 0 |
Stress | Boxes |
Health | 3 |
Composure | 3 |
Status | 4 |
Mechanicus Implants: gain a number of Implants equal to your Tech
The Flesh Is Weak: swap Might to Tech for physical resistance, +1 Implant
Disciple of Thule: +1 for secret/ancient Tech knowledge
Servo-Harness Integration: You own and can operate a servo-harness.
Speaking with a Forked Tongue: +1 Politics for deception
Armored Bodyglove
Bolt Pistol
Servo-harness (2 servo-arms, combi-tools, fyceline torch, plasmacutter)
Servo-skull familiar
Cybernetic Implants
Cortex Implants
Calculus Logi Upgrade
Utility Mechadendrite
Medical Mechadendrite
Augur Arrays
Brief History
Termina d'Vyse was once beautiful- though she would still count herself as such, few now would agree. Standing at a good six feet tall, every inch of Termina's flesh has been replaced by the purity of the machine, in an extreme form aping that of a tight-laced noblewoman. Her face has been replaced by a simple mask of steel with two shapely red bionic eyes and a delicate filtration device where her mouth should be. Instead of two arms, Termina now has four, each of which ends in a complicated device of mysterious application. She carries herself with dignity and poise and still speaks in the soft, refined voice of a young woman of breeding. Towards those with extensive bionics themselves, her voice often takes a particularly sultry tone, hinting at potential illicit liaisons.
Termina was the youngest daughter in a family of high Malfian nobility. Tragically, she was born frail and sickly due to inbreeding in her family's line. Her mind, however, was peerless, and in time she turned her attention towards her weak form and how it might be improved. With the guidance of an older Augmenticist mentor, she began replacing limb after organ with superior versions made of steel and adamantium, and as she did so her thirst for the secrets of the machine only increased. Eventually her family bought her entrance into the cult of the Mechanicus; possibly as a kindness, or possibly to get rid of her before she bankrupted them (or worse) in her quest for knowledge.