CrimsonStar:House Markae
Game: Children of the Crimson Star
Noble House Markae
General: A house of some political influence, moderate military strength and very lucerative land holdings.
Economy: Markae has relatively small land holdings but quite a few holdings are oasis or water rich areas. Quite a bit of the wood in Tyr comes from Markae (or associated merchants).
Military: Markae does not have much in the way of heavy infantry or anything in the way of cavalry. But they DO have a large amount of archers. A good section of the Army Of Tyr's archery compnent is supllied by Markae.
Political: Markae has a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time in terms of political matches etc. Recently one of their most eligable bachelors died when his bed burned with him in it.
Known Goals: Cornering the lumber market (easier said than done). Revenge house Erinyes for the lose of their bachelor.