Magos Ordinatos Caradin

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Revision as of 10:02, 20 September 2011 by Scarik (talk | contribs)
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Refresh 2[edit]

Character Aspects[edit]

Ancient Onmissianic Congregator

The Choir of Fortress Cadorax

Rite of Pure Thought

"You all look the same"


Skill Rating Skill Rating Skill Rating Skill Rating
Assault 3 Firefight 0 Might 5 Athletics 0
Strategy 2 Pilot 0 Navigation 0 Wilderness 0
Tech 5 Demolition 3 Science 4 Lore 2
Wealth 3 Politics 0 Charm 0 Commerce 0
Will 3 Divination 0 Telekinesis 0 Telepathy 0

Stress Boxes
Health 5
Composure 4
Status 4


Mechanicus Implants: Gian (Tech) Implants

Master of Cogitators: +1 to Science when interfaced with a Cogitator, +1 Implant

The Flesh is Weak: +2 to Might for physical resistance

Ferric Lure: Swap Tech for Telekinesis to manipulate metals.

Builder of Horrors: +2 to Tech to create Servitors


Ommnissian Axe

Dragonscale Powered Armor

Bionics and Implants[edit]

Powerful Potential Coil

Utility, Optical and Manipulator Mechadendrites

Archeotech Mind Interface Unit

Prosanguine Vitae Supplacement

Maglev Grace