Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 48

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Session Start (Deliberative:#celestialdeliberative): Sun Sep 18 13:09:48 2011 -0400

[13:09] *** Bushranger has joined #celestialdeliberative

[13:09] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberative is: Exalted 2nd: Dawn of the Third Age / IC Channel

[13:09] *** Topic set by dakkareth (2 hours ago at 11:02 AM)

[13:10] *** dakkareth sets mode -a dakkareth

[13:10] *** dakkareth sets mode -o dakkareth

[13:59] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative

[13:59] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu

[13:59] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu

[14:02] *** Virgil has joined #celestialdeliberative

[14:08] <Virgil> Damon drags Brazen under the waves, both of them going under at the same time. Underneath the waves, even though he shouldn't be audible he speaks. "A draw, Light of Heroism, to spare both our ego's.

[14:09] <Virgil> Moments later they are both on the beach, much the same way they arrived earlier when Damon dragged them out to the ocean

[14:09] <Lob> Brazen coughs underwater, trying to keep it out of his "lungs". "Oh...well...I had you right where I wanted you, you know."

[14:09] *** Bushranger is now known as Shrike

[14:09] *** Lob is now known as Brazen_Sand

[14:10] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki

[14:14] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen began to climb up the rock around the beach, easily clambering up a mountain in a few seconds

[14:14] <Brazen_Sand> *easily climbing up the rock face

[14:14] *** Anshu is now known as Siran_Bhavna

[14:16] <Virgil> "If you still care to talk I will meet you at the hold." He says as he vanishes yet again.

[14:17] <Brazen_Sand> "Wait, where's the hold? What's a hold?"

[14:17] <Brazen_Sand> "...god dammit."

[14:17] <Virgil> Nomoe and Nashita stand watching the glowing form of Brazen descend beneath the waves. Moments later they are joined by a small portly man with silver rimmed glasses and old eyes

[14:17] <Brazen_Sand> Now covered in water, Brazen began to stomp back in the direction of the party. Might as well have some fun.

[14:18] * Nomoe_Hideaki turns slightly to face the newly arrived man and bows in greeting. Now that he is closer maybe it will be easier to make sense of his essence ...

[14:20] <Virgil> Nashita greets him in a warm embrace. Turns and points at Nomoe, "May I introduce Deliberator Nome Hideiki, Lord of Sanken, Princeps of House Nomoe, Chosen of the Unconquered Sun and of the Eclipse Caste"

[14:22] <Virgil> "Deliberator Nomoe, may I present to you Damon, lord of Damon's Isle, once Damonasta, Father of Oceans, Contemplative Soul of the what became the Sea that Marches Against the Flame. And my husband and father of the other part of the Damon line." She gestures to her husband.

[14:27] * Nomoe_Hideaki bows again, deeper this time, affording the Deva almost equal status. "It's an honor to meet you, Lord Damon."

[14:35] <Virgil> Shrike, Jovun and now Siran who has managed to rapidly shake the stupified Clerk devle deeper into the compound

[14:36] <Virgil> Thus far they have managed to avoid attracting any attention and the guards appear distracted with some game on the far side of the compund

[14:36] <Virgil> None yet have noticed their arrival

[14:36] <Shrike> Shrike keeps her senses alert, knowing that assuming the guards will stay occupied is a good way to ensure they won't.

[14:38] <Virgil> "I expect Lord Nomoe, that we have met before now." He offers Nomoe a similar bow. "One of your kind negotiated my defection once long ago, perhaps even you yourself. Though I doubt you'd remember it" His tone is respectful, merely recollecting the past but not being beholden to it

[14:40] <Virgil> The party is still in full swing as Brazen arrives, people dancing in the steet, food on every table and the rum flowing.

[14:41] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen began drinking up, grabbing an entire keg and pouring it in his betoothed maw.

[14:43] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods thoughtful but unsurprised. "Across the ages and incarnations memories fade. If such be the case, well met once more."

[14:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "And allow me to add that I have no wish to interfere with the privacy the Lady Nashita mentioned you desired."

[14:52] <~Siran_Bhavna> Siran tries to follow Shrike's lead as they slink through the slave compound, clamping down on her combative personality and essence.

[14:56] <Virgil> "Privacy in my business is a survivors tool. You Prince's of the Earth tend to think up mad plans for me otherwise." He says again with no malice. "I thought it wiser to let everyone forget me and I would prefer," he glances down at a glowing Brazen, "if most remained ignorant of me."

[14:57] <Virgil> Jovun slides across the floor, silent as the wind.

[14:57] * Nomoe_Hideaki turns a doubtful look in the direction of Brazen's blazing anima. "I will see if I can impress upon the Infernal the necessity of discretion."

[14:58] <Virgil> The girls get closer to the cages, where they can hear the whispered sobs of the slaves, the wracked cough of those ill and the snores of those asleep.

[14:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Unless you have already done so, of course, Lord Damon."

[14:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> It's a small thing after all, and only polite to do for someone who might well be a future ally.

[15:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "At your convenience there is a matter that would benefit from discussion between us, but I would not be greedy for your time so soon after," he looks out over the water again, "your afternoon excercises?"

[15:09] <~Siran_Bhavna> "I don't think we'll be able to sneak our way out with this many slaves," Siran whispers.

[15:09] <Virgil> "I am not worried about what that one says. I doubt man of your kind take him all that seriously." He gives a sad laugh, "As for time, now is better than later Nomoe Hideaki. Better we get this over with.".

[15:10] <Shrike> Shrike frowns, and nods to Siran. "We might have to just case the area for now and come back later better prepared," she admits.

[15:15] <~Siran_Bhavna> "There must be something we can do..."

[15:15] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head slightly in agreement. "As you are no doubt aware the reunited and reinstated House Iselsi has entered an alliance with House Nomoe. The subject of joining this branch of the Iselsi family to that alliance has arisen - but of course such an alliance can only be with the whole, not with merely a part of the Iselsi Damon family."

[15:18] <Virgil> "We'll need a bigger ship than mine I think for all these people." Jovun admits ruefully.

[15:19] <Virgil> "But I am a pirate." He says with a wink, "And I'm sure between the three of us we could summon up a likely crew for a few of the bigger vessels. I assume one of you ladies can sail right?"

[15:19] <~Siran_Bhavna> Siran nods. "Yes... I have a plan on how to get them out, though it's rather unsubtle..." *And requires me to reveal my true nature.* "... But we should make sure we have a way to get them to safety first."

[15:20] <Shrike> Shrike chuckles softly. "I just love it when a plan comes together," she whispers. "So, how do we get them from here to the docks? I can distract or...eliminate threats if need be, but better to avoid them, but with that many slaves..."

[15:21] <~Siran_Bhavna> "I can fake it if I have to," Siran says.

[15:24] <~Siran_Bhavna> "Sailing, that is."

[15:25] <Virgil> "Many of the offspring that are not blessed by the dragon's are my offspring. You are asking me to make them beholden to you?" He asks plainly without emotion. He glances at Nashita, "This is what you had in mind?"

[15:25] <Virgil> She nods in reponse

[15:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I am saying that I will not be party to an agreement that would divide a family apart."

[15:32] <Virgil> He glances at his wife, then to Nomoe and back to his wife again. "Fine, Solar, state what you would have us do and it shall be done. I acquiese." He sounds disinterested.

[15:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> In quick and concise words Hideaki once more lists the conditions, terms and likely practical consequences of joining the Damon family to reunited Iselsi and thus the alliance with House Nomoe.

[15:33] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen was slightly tipsy by now, and that had his mind working in different directions.

[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> "Hey...that place looks interesting..." Brazen noted

[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> "Guys...guys...I'm gonna go...go over there" He said, flapping his claws in the hold's general direction.

[15:34] <Brazen_Sand> He then flew over there, having been the life of the party, leaving crowds of onlookers crying for no longer being able to be in his presence.

[15:35] <Virgil> "So the House becomes Vassals and possibly in time full members of the House?" He says to sum up Nomoe's list. "Do I understand correctly?"

[15:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "That would be a simplified but basically correct assessment," Hideaki says simply.

[15:39] <Virgil> The Elder's begin to swear their acknowledgement of the Nomoe leadership and their willingness to abide by the deal. Meanwhile Damon himself looks torn.

[15:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> The words of the oath are laid out in detail in the alliance agreement, and there are a lot of them. Among other things it is meant to make sure that among the leadership of House Iselsi no trace of the infiltration by akuma and other Reclamation agents remains.

[15:45] <Virgil> "Well that makes two Captains. What's the rest of the Plan?" Jovun says expectantly. "I can possibly rope in a cousin of mine with a ship as well."

[15:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> In the pale gold radiance of Nomoe's anima the Oaths are witnessed by Heaven, sealed and recorded for eternity.

[15:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> A written instance of the alliance agreement is prepared by Nomoe's aides to be signed and affixed with seals.

[15:46] <Shrike> Shrike frowns, looking thoughtful. "Captain, how...expendable are the guards?" she asks, cautiously yet also pointedly.

[15:47] <Virgil> "It would be unfortunate if they died, but they are Concordant guards and I'm sure the family could well explain a rogue band of adventuress's were responsible.

[15:50] <~Siran_Bhavna> Siran shakes her head with a small smile. "Not here, Captain. For now I suggest we leave and get our shipping ready for tomorrow night."

[15:52] <Virgil> He nods, "A wiser plan than most." He says with a sigh.

[15:53] <Shrike> Shrike nods in agreement, remaining quiet as she consideres the best route to discreetly get from the slaves' quarters to the docks

[15:55] <~Siran_Bhavna> "Oh, believe me, the temptation to be foolish was quite great," Siran murmurs. "It's not often I take the cautious route."

[15:56] <Shrike> "Fools rush in where Raksha fear to tread," Shrike can't help but quip.

[15:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> To Lord Damon who stands aside undecided yet Hideaki speaks quietly. "I can see that the prospect of being bound by an Eclipse-sealed oath weighs on you, Lord Damon. No doubt you have recognized yourself that there would be no requirement for you to speak the oaths if you renounced your status and leadership position."

[15:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He spreads his hands, his expression frank. "It is not the way I myself would choose to serve my family, and I would be sad to see you in a position lesser than befits your age and wisdom, but I will not judge or object if that is the right path for you. Only you can decide that."

[15:58] <Virgil> Shrike rapidly reaslises the most rapid route is down the main street. It is also both the most conspicious and the most likely to be full with traffic. Several plans on how to clear the byway the night of the raid occur to her but ultimately if the emancipation remains undetected, the back routes will be safer.

[15:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *for you and your family

[16:00] <Virgil> "You understand Nomoe Hideaki that there are other oaths, older oaths, that still bind me. Centuries after your predecessors who made them are but dust? Things I must still do, because ten thousand years ago I swore to do so." He smiles uneasy still. "You can see why I am loath to swear another one, at least so quickly."

[16:08] * Nomoe_Hideaki meets Damon's eyes in respectful understanding. "I understand only too well. Sealed or not my given word is inviolate. I cannot afford to give it lightly, even with such a short span of time for prior bonds to accumulate compared to yours."

[16:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "That is why I will not attempt to sway you one way or another. Consider in peace, take your time, and decide carefully what is best for you and your family."

[16:10] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head once to indicate that he will leave Damon alone to contemplate the matter.

[16:10] *** Brazen_Sand has quit IRC: Disintegrated: ~ Trillian Astra - (Link: http://www.trillian.im)www.trillian.im ~

[16:16] <Virgil> "That may take some time, Nomoe Hideaki. Sometime indeed."

[16:19] <Shrike> "We'll have to scout out a quiet route to get them to the ships."

[16:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I can afford to wait. Simply appoint a proxy for the duration of your absence, or otherwise see to it as the tradition of your family may be."

[16:24] <Virgil> "I understand and accept that proposal. I shall take some time to consider. In the meantime I select Jovun to represent me on the council." He gives Nomoe a wink, "He'll hate doing so, so I know he will take it seriously."

[16:25] * Nomoe_Hideaki gives a measured smile. "As you say."

[16:31] <Virgil> He nods, "Now if you will excise me Lord Nomoe." He retires

[16:31] * Nomoe_Hideaki bows once more. "Until we meet again, Lord Damon."

[16:35] <Virgil> The evening passes, and a new days dawns.

[16:38] <Virgil> As eveniing passes but before dawn breaks, Siran, Shrike and Jovun have retired to a little inn owned by his cousin

[16:38] <Virgil> Meanwhile Nomoe is in a midnight meeting with the Elders, learning the state of play

[16:39] <Virgil> Though Jovun has yet to arrive, it seems the others have had trouble locating him.

[16:40] <Virgil> "What specifically do you wish to know Lord Nomoe?" Iselsi Turvan asks, as Nashita has retired to her lab for the night.

[16:42] <Shrike> Shrike picks out a chair in the inn's private room, and the exotic redhead languidly sprawls in it with a relaxed sigh.

[16:42] <~Siran_Bhavna> Siran looks around the room. "How confident are you that we won't be overheard here?"

[16:43] <Virgil> "Relatively." He smiles, "Another bit of family business. We should be fine."

[16:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Due to the late hour we should focus on immediate and near future threats and problems," Nomoe proposes and barring objections continues.

[16:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "There is one I have mentioned before but will restate now, the Deliberative position on piracy directed against Deliberative assets and the matter of slavery, which they are likely to begin enforcing soon. Naturally I will not allow a direct intervention, but it would be best to avoid the necessity for conflict altogether."

[16:48] <Virgil> "The slave problem will be relatively easy to expunge, though it may well be difficult to avoid Concordant retribution. They are very powerful here."

[16:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Secondly there is the Varangian Concordate, which you have mentioned would likely become a problem in the context of action taken in the first matter," Nomoe nods.

[16:48] <~Siran_Bhavna> "... All right." Siran faces Jovun squarely and lights her caste mark.

[16:48] <Virgil> "As for the piracy, we can stop that within the family and with our allies, though it will not completely erase the problem." He grimaces, "This is after all not the only free port for them."

[16:50] <Shrike> Shrike arches an eyebrow and watchs for the pirate captain's reaction.

[16:50] <Virgil> "Bollocks..." He swears and his grin fades, "Trust you Jovun to fall for the Celestial Exalt." He tries to rally a new grin and fails.

[16:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "If you could appraise me of the extent and nature of their influence and power, as well as the ways in which they are likely to act in retribution, I would be thankful. My own intelligence regarding them is sadly limited."

[16:50] <Virgil> "So who am I dealing with then? Concordant? Deliberative? Silver Prince?"

[16:51] <Virgil> "Or a lovely independant. Not that their are many of those, everyone seems to want to be a member of a club."

[16:51] <Virgil> His grin reappears if somewhat muted.

[16:52] * Nomoe_Hideaki tilts his head slightly. "As long as your family and its allies are safe I would, at least in the short term, consider the problem solved in so far as it affects us, wouldn't you?"

[16:52] <Virgil> "Initially, the Concrdant will likely take trade steps against us. First buy cutting its substantial trade ties, and then by imposing full on embargos." Tuvan replies.

[16:54] <Virgil> "This will likely step up to a Blockade, after it becomes apparent we have no intention on changing our mind. Accompanying this will be raids for Slaves and plunder by their allies locally."

[16:54] <Virgil> "This will likely end with full on invasion should it become clear we have sided with the Deliberative. Assuming Deliberative forces are not already present."

[16:57] <~Siran_Bhavna> Siran waves a dismissive hand. "Technically Deliberative, but I've never had much use for politics. I love the thrill of combat and adventure - and things are so wild - and Wyld, for that matter - out here that I thought it would be fun."

[16:58] <Shrike> "What she said," Shrike says, waving a hand in Siran's direction - and lighting her own caste mark. "Being Exalted doesn't mean you don't know how to have fun."

[17:00] <Virgil> He looks really miserable as Shrikes forehead lights up, "You too?" he says with a pained look, "Well I really can pick them can't I?" He straightens his stance and smiles sadly. "Still this will make the plan somewhat simpler."

[17:00] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. "On the mercantile front we can be prepared to some degree - we will discuss details tomorrow - though of course an impact cannot be completely avoided."

[17:00] <Shrike> "Don't worry. Everything I said was genuine," Shrike hastens to reassure the Captain with a bright smile.

[17:03] <Virgil> "Nashita would know what commercial assets the family could place at your disposal. Certainly she has been aiming to develop them. But it is best she is left to tell you in the morning." Tuvan shrugs sadly, "She is old and needs her beauty rest."

[17:03] <~Siran_Bhavna> "Look on the bright side, Captain - I assume you're of the Dragons - if you can get us into your bed, you won't have to worry about holding yourself back," Siran winks.

[17:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "In terms of military action however I am not worried. Deliberative presence is likely to increase in the future and I foresee losses in capability on the part of the Corncordate in the near future besides." Nomoe gives a small smile.

[17:04] <Virgil> Jovun represses a grin at Shrike's and Siran's statement and continues, "I imagine this will go a llittle way towards that." He says retorically with a sly wink. "So what does this ahve to do with the plan anyway?"

[17:05] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Apropos, a question: Are the territories under your control and that of your allies completely surrounded by Wyld-tainted lands?"

[17:06] <~Siran_Bhavna> "With my charms, I can make the slaves into a formidable fighting force, temporarily at least. If we can get inside the compound like we did tonight, we can fight our way out and to the ships. It will be quite unsubtle, but it's the best I can come up with for so many."

[17:07] <~Siran_Bhavna> "In fact, it would probably be best for you if Dorotha and I tried to get in by ourselves. I'm sure the clerk will be quite happy to see me again, and Dorotha has ways of passing without notice."

[17:07] <Virgil> "At present, yes. Though such territory also includes land claimed by other parties. Deliberator Cowl for instance." He gestures northwards, "It is all that has stopped the Silver Prince from Annexing the area in its entirety like he has done so with much of the rest of the west."

[17:08] <Shrike> "I specialise in the sneaky bits," 'Dorotha' says with a nod. "Especially when it comes to the removal of items of value without the owners of said items ever noticing I was there."

[17:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> A flash of satisfaction which he does not try to hide crosses Nomoe's expression. "Very good. The Deliberator is not likely to be a direct problem, I take it?"

[17:08] <Virgil> "I can make sure the ships are ready and waiting, certainly you will likely need me a lot less if you are as half as capable as I think you are." Jovun agrees.

[17:10] <Virgil> "He guards his own territory jealously but is otherwise an indifferent neighbour. He will not act as long as you do not tresspass. Our spies have been unable to ascertain if he is a member of the Concordant"

[17:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "And another question: If the Deliberative should require a safe position where to marshal its forces, would you be opposed to hosting them? It occurs to me that if Damon's Isle were to be a Deliberative strongpoint that would be a neat solution to all military and many mercantile concerns ..."

[17:12] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. "I will require accurate maps showing your territories, those of Deliberator Cowl, and the borders and depth of Wyld regions all around."

[17:13] <Virgil> "Such a thing is doable, even preferable, though it would upset some of our younger members. I suspect they enjoy the daring roguish pirate lifestyle." Says one of the other elders in the room

[17:13] <Virgil> Tuvan hurries to provide a map

[17:14] <Virgil> "The chain is large and well scattered. Damon territory is here at the South Eastern tip. encompassing a relatively small area.

[17:14] <Virgil> Deliberator Cowl claims the North East. A relatively modest area for a Deliberator

[17:16] <Virgil> "The Concordant control the western end of the chain and several major island and trade routes with the further West." He circles the largest of the three areas. "They also have some trade with both the Deliberative and the Silver Prince, I suspect both sides are attempting to woo them against the other."

[17:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I'm sure ways to make such a transition more palatable to them could be found," Nomoe says to the comment about the family's younger members, contemplating the difficulty of getting the Deliberative to issue letters of marque.

[17:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "And these are the borders of Wyld-tainted regions?" Nomoe confirms, tracing them on the map with one finger without touching it.

[17:24] <Shrike> "Well, your company is certainly favourable," Shrike says with a chuckle. "But it would be less suspicious if we weren't with you while you arranged shipping."

[17:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Speaking of the Prince, how likely are his agents or forces to become a problem in the near future?"

[17:27] <~Siran_Bhavna> Siran nods her agreement.

[17:29] <Virgil> "Understood my lovilies, I will try to organise as many ships as I reasonably can." His smile returns if more faintly, "Shall we say tomorrow night?"

[17:31] <~Siran_Bhavna> "I think that would be best, yes."

[17:31] <Shrike> "Agreed," Shrike says, smiling with the hint of color in her cheeks at the dashing Captain's title for them.

[17:38] <~Siran_Bhavna> "I may be lovely, but whoever said I was yours?" Siran grins.

[17:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Late at night, returned to the On Wings of Mela's Blessing, Nomoe composes a short note to be delivered by Infallible Messenger.

[17:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Deliberator Nomoe Hideaki to Admiral Darkest Dawn of the Westerns Deliberative Fleet. Please be advised that the Iselsi Damon family and all their territories are as an House Nomoe ally under my personal protection."

[17:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Any Celestial assets that may or may not operate in the area would benefit from being apprised of the that fact. With cordial greetings and in hopes of beneficial future cooperation, Deliberator Nomoe Hideaki."

[17:43] *** Nomoe_Hideaki is now known as dakkareth

[17:43] *** Shrike is now known as Bushranger

[17:44] *** Siran_Bhavna is now known as Anshu

[17:47] *** Virgil has left #celestialdeliberative

[17:50] *** Anshu has left #celestialdeliberative

Session Close (#celestialdeliberative): Sun Sep 18 17:50:47 2011 -0400