The Eagle and the Wolf/Skills

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Remember that the listed stunts are merely examples; others can be created.

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All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 121 for trappings, p. 149 for stunts).

Animal Handling[edit]

This skill takes over the portions of Survival relating to the care and training of animals.


Breed Knowledge
You can recognize particular breeds of animals and know their strong and weak points and other characteristics. This is a knowledge trapping, used for assessments and declarations.
You know how to load cargo onto pack animals in the most efficient fashion, so that no animal in the train will be overburdened, loads will not shift or cause sores, etc.
You can communicate with animals, to the extent that such is possible without magic. This trapping functions in place of social skills such as Empathy, Intimidation and Rapport when dealing with natural and many supernatural animals.
Given time, you can train animals to perform tasks or tricks.


Beast Whisperer
Gain +1 to attempts to communicate with animals and gain their trust.
Gain +2 when working with one broad category of animals, such as dogs. Gain a further +1 when working with a specialization within that category, such as guard dogs.


This skill covers bows and crossbows (and, by extension, other projectile launchers).


These are identical to the Guns trappings of the same names (see p. 131).
Bow Knowledge
You can recognize cultural styles of bows and arrows, etc., making assessments and declarations with Archery skill.
Other Projectile Weapons
Blowguns and other projectile launchers that are not thrown use the Archery skill, possibly at a penalty for unfamiliarity.


Arrow Storm
This is identical to the "Fast Reload" Guns stunt on p. 153.
You are trained in the art of crossbow construction and maintenance. You may use Archery instead of Craftsmanship when building and fixing crossbows and making crossbow bolts, and take a +1 modifier when so doing.
You are trained in the construction and maintenance of bows. You may use Archery instead of Craftsmanship when building and fixing bows and making arrows, and take a +1 modifier when so doing.
Hand-Eye Coordination
Pin Them Down
Target-Rich Environment
These are identical to the Guns stunts of the same names (see p. 153).


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 121 for trappings, p. 149 for stunts).


This skill covers dealing with organized human systems, both governmental and commercial.


Searching files, assessing the authenticity of documents, etc.
Basic and advanced accounting knowledge, and the ability to assess the potential profitability of commercial ventures given sufficient information.
Working the System
The Bureaucracy skill tells you to whom you need to talk to get the signatures you need to get the permits you need to do whatever it is you're planning on doing—or whom you need to bribe to stop your enemy from getting those signatures.


+2 when examining a paper trail to determine whether, when, how and by whom a crime has been committed.
You can use your Bureaucracy skill in place of Scholarship when preparing or researching legal documents.
Organization Man
You can use your Bureaucracy skill in place of Contacts and Rapport when dealing with the particular bureaucracy in which you work or formerly worked.


This skill is combined with parts of Deceit and renamed Larceny (see below).


With the exceptions listed below, all trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 123 for trappings, p. 150 for stunts).

Important Note: Contacts covers not just how many people you know, but how easy it is for you to get to know new people. Therefore, even though you will start out knowing no one, you may have a non-zero Contacts skill. You will take severe penalties at first, but these will decrease as you become familiar with your surroundings.


City Knowledge
This is the function of urban navigation normally fulfilled by the Driving skill (see p. 129, especially the sidebar).


Like the Back of My Hand
This works like the Driving stunt of the same name on p. 151.


With the addition below, all trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 124 for trappings, p. 150 for stunts).


Blessed Words
Given a proper amount of time to pray to your God, you may lay an aspect upon a scene with a successful Conviction declaration representing the results of that prayer. You must have the Bless This House power to take this stunt.


With the exceptions listed below, all trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 125 for trappings, p. 150 for stunts).


Car Mechanic
For obvious reasons, this stunt is not recommended.
Civil Engineer
You are trained in large-scale construction work (this is a new trapping; most people can't design buildings, bridges, siegeworks, etc.).
Demolitions Training
This stunt is renamed "Sapper."


All the non-social trappings and stunts of Deceit are moved to the new skill Larceny (see below). The social trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 126 for trappings, p. 150 for stunts).


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 127 for trappings, p. 151 for stunts).


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 129 for trappings, p. 152 for stunts).


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 130 for trappings, p. 152 for stunts).


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 130 for trappings, p. 152 for stunts).


With the exceptions listed below, all trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 131 for trappings, p. 153 for stunts).

Important Note: If your character concept calls for this skill, take it. You can always learn the Fusilier stunt later.


Other Projectile Weapons
This trapping has been moved to Archery (above).


You know how to load and fire black-powder weapons (this is a new trapping; most characters, even ones with a high Guns skill, cannot accomplish these tasks without training).
Way of the Bow
The use of bows and crossbows is a separate skill (Archery, above).


With the addition below, all trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 132 for trappings, p. 153 for stunts).


You can employ "extreme" interrogation methods effectively. Treat this as a mental conflict; the victim defends with Discipline.


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 133 for trappings, p. 153 for stunts).


This skill combines the old Burglary skill with aspects of the old Deceit skill.


These trappings are identical to the Burglary trappings of the same names (see p. 123).
Distraction and Misdirection
These trappings are identical to the Deceit trappings of the same names (see p. 126).


The Big Picture
Hairpin Maestro
These stunts are identical to the Burglary stunts of the same names (see p. 149).
Document Forging
Makeup Artist
These stunts are identical to the Deceit stunts of the same names (see p. 150).
Stage Magician
This stunt is renamed "Legerdemain."
Stooled to the Rogue
You can substitute Larceny for Contacts and Rapport when dealing with the criminal underclass.


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 134 for trappings, p. 154 for stunts).

Important Note: You may not start with Lore above Average (+1) without an appropriate high concept, and you may not start with Lore above Good (+3) for any reason.


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 135 for trappings, p. 154 for stunts).


With the addition below, all trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 135 for trappings, p. 154 for stunts).


Stage Makeup
This duplicates the "Makeup Artist" stunt of Larceny (formerly Deceit; see p. 150), but uses Performance instead of Larceny.


With the addition below, all trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 136 for trappings, p. 154 for stunts).


Small Unit Tactics
You have experience leading troops in combat, and gain +1 to Presence rolls in such situations. You can use Presence for assessment and declaration actions in small-unit combat.


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 138 for trappings, p. 155 for stunts).


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 139 for trappings, p. 155 for stunts).

Important Note: You may not start with Resources above Mediocre.


This skill takes over the Riding trapping from Survival and extends it.


This trapping is identical to the Driving trapping of the same name (see p. 128).
Horse Care
The Riding skill may be used in place of Animal Handling when dealing specifically with riding animals.
Knowing the Countryside
Rural navigation depends on the Riding skill in the same way that urban navigation depends on the Contacts skill (see p. 129, especially the sidebar).
One Hand on the Reins
This trapping is identical to the "One Hand on the Wheel" trapping of Driving (see p. 128).


Like the Back of My Hand
Shake the Tail
These stunts are identical to the Driving stunts of the same names (see p. 151).
Trick Rider
You can use Riding in place of Athletics for acrobatic stunts while mounted, and in particular for dodging attacks.


This skill now covers only the humanities and soft sciences. Science (below) covers the rest of its former scope.


Declaring Minor Details
Exposition and Knowledge Dumping
These trappings are identical to the Scholarship trappings of the same names given in the book (see p. 140).
This trapping is identical to the "Research and Lab Work" trapping of Scholarship (see p. 141), except that it covers only research in the humanities and soft sciences.


A Library's a Library
You may substitute your Scholarship for your Lore when performing arcane library research.
Capable Researcher
This stunt is identical to the Scholarship stunt of the same name given in the book (see p. 155), except that it covers only research in the humanities and soft sciences.
Forgery Expert
These stunts are identical to the Scholarship stunts of the same name given in the book (see p. 155).
Historian of Technology
You may substitute your Scholarship for your Science when using the Answers, Declaring Minor Details, Exposition and Knowledge Dumping, and Research (but not lab work!) trappings regarding technologies that fall within your specialty field. Requires a Scholar stunt (see above) in some field of history.


This skill is split off from Scholarship (above) and covers the hard sciences, medicine and mathematics.


Computer Use
Declaring Minor Details
Exposition and Knowledge Dumping
Medical Attention
These trappings are identical to the Scholarship trappings of the same names (see p. 140).
Research and Lab Work
This trapping is identical to the Scholarship trapping of the same name (see p. 141), except that it covers only research in the sciences, medicine and mathematics.


Capable Researcher
This stunt is identical to the Scholarship stunt of the same name (see p. 155), except that it covers only research in the sciences, medicine and mathematics.
These stunts are identical to the Scholarship stunts of the same names (see p. 155).
Your efforts to invent new technology or repurpose old technology are one time increment faster and receive a +1 bonus.
Scientific Method
Your Science complements your Lore when performing arcane lab experiments.


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 142 for trappings, p. 156 for stunts).


Animal Handling and Riding have been moved to separate skills (above). With those exceptions, all trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 143 for trappings, p. 156 for stunts).


All trappings and stunts are identical to those in the book (see p. 144 for trappings, p. 156 for stunts).

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