Fates Intertwined Character Generation Guidelines

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from thread Character Generation rules so far: Use the character generation errata from the Scroll of Errata.

Solars, Lunars, Sidereals, and Abyssals use the same XP/BP costs based on Solar pricing. If there is no Solar equivalent use the standard cost.

Lunars use Domino’s Lunar Character Creation : 9/7/5 Attributes, Two Favoured Attributes from the three related to their Caste, two more chosen from any of the remaining seven, 7 Charms 3 Knacks, Knacks cost 8xp per instead of 11xp.

All Exalts start the game with 30 BP and 30 Ability Points.

If your Exalt type has a required number of dots in an ability, those dots are free.

Add 10 Background Dots to your initial number of dots. Background dots can be used to raise Backgrounds above 3.

2 free spells for each circle initiation.

You receive one free Excellency for knowing a Charm. So if you know a charm from the Melee tree you receive a Melee Excellency or General Charm of your choice.

You receive an extra 5 (your Essence rank) Excellencies/General Charms of your choice. Interpret that the best you can for Yozi stuff. Infernals...you so weird.

I'll give everyone Base # of Charms + 5 more free Charms.

All characters begin with 250 XP.

All Exalts begin at Essence 5. No points can be applied to raise Essence.