Mira Brightwell
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Biographical Info[edit]
- Name Vladimira "Mira" Eugénie Leonora Brightwell
- Sex Female
- Age 29 (A guess. A lady does not divulge her age.)
- Height 5'9"
- Weight 145 lbs (Nor does she discuss her weight.)
- Background The only daughter of impoverished Russian émigrés, Mira was married off at age nineteen to a wealthy English aristocrat fifty years her senior. When he succumbed to ten months ago, suspicion fell on his young wife, his sole beneficiary. Life at Percival Brightwell's remote Northumberland estate had always been deadly dull, and when she found all doors closed to her after her husband's death, she came to London in search of adventure.
- Class Fighter
- Level 3
- Level Title Swordmaster
- XP 4,800
- XP required for next level 8,000
- Alignment Chaotic
- STR 16 (+2 hit/damage, +10% XP bonus)
- INT 13 (native languages + 1 additional language)
- WIS 12
- DEX 10
- CON 11
- CHR 15 (+1 reaction adjustment; maximum 5 retainers; morale 8)
Combat Stats[edit]
- AC 9
- HP 24
- Move 120/40/120
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison 12
- Magic Wands 13
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14
- Dragon Breath 15
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 16
Race and Class Abilities[edit]
Gear and Treasure[edit]
- Encumbrance
- Armor
- Clothing only
- Riding habit
- Walking boots
- Hat, with short net veil
- Umbrella
- Handkerchief
- Clothing only
- Weapons
- Rapier (hidden in umbrella handle)
- Tiny pearl-handled Colt 6-shot revolver (in reticule)
- Dagger (in boot)
- Small Galand 6-shot revolver (in garter holster)
- Small dagger/scissors (in sewing kit)
- Hat pins (worn)
- Gear
- Riding crop
- Reticule
- Mirror
- Smelling salts
- Small vial of perfume
- Lip ointment
- Comb
- Various cosmetics
- Rolling suitcase, leather
- 2 travelling dresses
- 1 riding habit
- 1 pair of silk slippers
- 1 pair of walking boots
- Silk unmentionables
- Lavender-scented toiletries
- 1 cloak
- Sewing kit
- Coins GP EP SP50 CP
- Gems 5 10-SP, 1 50-SP
- Treasure