Colonel Sir James Darcy Fitzwilliam
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Biographical Info
- Name Colonel Sir James Darcy Fitzwilliam
- Sex male
- Age 62
- Height 5 feet, eleven inches
- Weight 165 lbs
- Background This is not the first time the League has called Colonel Sir James Darcy Fitzwilliam out of retirement, and while his harridan of a wife lives, no destination is too remote, wot? His trusty batman can have his master’s saber polished and ready to go on an hour’s notice. The colonel is noted for his utter lack of brilliance, even stodginess, yet somehow the job always gets done with "Lucky Fitz" in charge.
- Class Fighter
- Level 3
- Level Title Swordmaster
- XP 4,800
- XP required for next level 8,000
- Alignment Lawful
- STR 11
- INT 10 (reads and writes native languages)
- WIS 12
- DEX 12
- CON 11
- CHR 14 (+1 reaction adjustment; maximum 5 retainers; morale 8)
Combat Stats
- AC 9
- HP 8+8+4= 20
- Move 120/40/120
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison 12
- Magic Wands 13
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14
- Dragon Breath 15
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 16
Race and Class Abilities
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance
- Armor
- Weapons
- saber 1d8
- revolver + a box or two of ammunition
- elephant gun + some number of rounds for same
- Gear
- toiletries: razor, strop, scissors, nail file, moustache wax
- field uniform
- civvies: jodhpurs, shirts, riding boots
- tent, large
- cot + bedding
- map table
- Coins GP EP SP CP
- Treasure