Session 221
Chapter 31
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
<Angelo> HI guys! ^_^
<Lazarus> ... wow, I just found out down arrow in this IRC client kills your message x_x
<Random_Nerd> Okay, we have a quorum.
<Angelo> yay!
<Verithe> Hi, Angelo!
<Lazarus> (was going to ask whether anyone knew whether Chrome's download can be throttled.)
<Knockwood> amazing
<Angelo> a quorum for what?
<Random_Nerd> The game.
<Random_Nerd> We were short people, last time.
<Angelo> ahhh!
<Knockwood> damn it, we just lost The Game!
<BethE> Hi Angelo! *HUG*
<Random_Nerd> Actually, the Imperator of Thinking About The Game got ganked.
<Random_Nerd> Everyone won.
<Verithe> Angelo, I'm sorry! I just finished Rubi a minute ago!
<Angelo> ok, no pro :-)
<Knockwood> (uhoh, my virus checker is doing an 'important' autoupdate)
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and do you guys mind if the game ends in one and a half hour or so? Sooner than usual, I realize, but I need to get up a bit sooner than usual.
<Angelo> no pro, I don't mind
<Knockwood> 8-8:30 here... no big deal
<Lazarus> sure.
<Lazarus> (the high def texture package for Dragon Age that I'm downloading ought to be done by then :D)
<Verithe> That's fine.
<Random_Nerd> Okay. Since we'll end earlier than usual, shall we try to get started?
=-= Lazarus is now known as Brian
<Brian> (seeing Mars?)
<Verithe> Yes!
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<Random_Nerd> ___________START______________
<Random_Nerd> Dante, you feel a prayer-itch.
<DanteE> "Someone's calling me..."
- DanteE answers
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Okay, how did you do it?"
<Brian> (ohcrap?)
<Theresa> (Who did what in the huh now?)
- Kite builds a box from stolen jewelry.
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "I understand why. But I want to know /how/."
|<-- DanteE has left (Ping timeout)
<Theresa> (There's your answer!)
<Ftisk> (Bye Dante!)
<Brian> (d'oh)
<Kite> (Awww. :( )
<Kite> (Attack of the virus-scanner, then?)
<Brian> (speaking of, mine just popped up with a virus database updated :D)
<Theresa> (Probably.)
-->| DanteE ( has joined #Nobilis
<DanteE> (Dang anti-virus, killed my browser right as I was answering the prayer)
<Kite> (Thank heavens the virus scanner didn't eat you!)
<Theresa> (Welcome back!)
<DanteE> (What happened after /me answers?)
<Brian> (I see, once again, we failed to get a quick start ;) )
<DanteE> (ah)
<DanteE> to C: "Do what?"
- Ftisk put in Dante's hand a dvd with a label: 'JbJ - Ftisk deal'
- Ftisk return to Theresa shoulder
<Random_Nerd> C: "It wasn't you? Making the lawbreaker thing not work? It wasn't you?"
<Brian> (ok, that's an even more "ohcrap" moment)
<DanteE> "Not work? We were still putting our money on diplomacy... what happened?"
<Brian> "Dante, what is it?"
<Random_Nerd> C: "I know how you are. Tell me, straight out, that you didn't do it, and I'll believe you."
<DanteE> to T: "Consequences. Something about the lawbreaker 'not working'."
<Random_Nerd> C: "But I want an answer."
<Brian> "That's ... fucked up."
<Ftisk> "Yay! Brian!"
<DanteE> "Consequences, I assure you we didn't do anything to your familia or the lawbreaker except talk.
<DanteE> "And I don't know how we'd screw up a lawbreaker doing anything anyway.
<Theresa> "What could make it not work? Especially if that's Shadow's speciality?"
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "And did you, by talking, do anything that you have reason to believe would make the process not work?"
<DanteE> "... plant enough doubt in Shadows' mind, maybe?"
<Brian> "Lawbreakers are outside the Rules. That's just how it is. The only thing I could think of that would break it would be ... something like Shirk?"
<DanteE> "We certainly didn't do anything deliberately...
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Well, fuck."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "If it wasn't you, then I'm stumped."
<DanteE> "What exactly happened?"
<Theresa> "Consequences would have to believe that talking to us alone would mess it up. Which I would think is highly doubtful since Shadows is loyal to his family."
<Kite> "Who all knows about the prophecy or the lawbreaker?"
<Random_Nerd> Consequencees: "Shadows summoned the Lawbreaker, bound it to a circle, and confirmed that it was what it was supposed to be. The boss went in to talk with it, worked out an arrangement, and... nothing happened."
<DanteE> to T: "He's still learning summoning, and we were telling him that would be a bad idea.
<DanteE> to C: "Are you sure nothing happened?
<DanteE> "Or maybe just nothing you could see?"
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "This isn't that, a failed summoning. I know what /that/ looks like."
<Theresa> "We've told plenty of people that stuff that they are doing are bad ideas. That doesn't make it a guarantee that it works."
<DanteE> to C: "Is the Lawbreaker still there?"
<Theresa> (Uh...could it be that since Shirk came through, anything else that comes through right now gets affected? Like passing through a tainted waterfall? And if we have another Excrucian come through - *plonk*)
<Random_Nerd> C: "Yes, it is."
<DanteE> "Sounds like it may be ... Shirking its duties.
<DanteE> "Which means it's Excrucian-tainted. Worse than usual.
<Random_Nerd> C: "It seems at least as surprised as we do."
<Brian> "Also, it could just be a liar."
<DanteE> "You need to convince Barakiel that his plan would be a Bad Idea,
<Random_Nerd> C: "It's definitely a lawbreaker. We brought in a pacifist to punch it in the face, and he didn't feel even slightly bad."
<DanteE> "with a capital B and a capital I and a capital OH FUCK."
<DanteE> (We could go there, but I'm not sure how we could help.
<DanteE> (... but has that ever stopped us?)
<Kite> "Dante. Do we need to go help investigate this thing?"
<Ftisk> (go there!!!!)
<Theresa> (I wouldn't let us anywhere near it. :) )
<Theresa> (And I didn't know lawbreakers had personalities.)
<Ftisk> (lol I'll let you but Ftisk ... :-P)
<Random_Nerd> C: "I knew the plan would be difficult, and risky, and all that. I don't think any of us considered that we would pull it off and /nothing would happen/."
<DanteE> to Kite: "How could we help? Brian's the most experienced in our group,
<DanteE> "and he's about halfway through Summoning For Dummies."
<DanteE> (Does C know about Shirk?)
<Kite> "We could hunt down a saboteur, maybe."
<DanteE> (We're still on the airship, right?)
<Ftisk> (right)
<DanteE> "Sam, can you steer us to Jupiter?"
<Theresa> (Wasn't one of the other kings Failure?)
<Kite> "And maybe try to find a road to Mars from Jupiter-Hell."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Easier than Mars. There are cities on Jupiter."
<DanteE> to C: "You heard about Shirk, right?"
<Random_Nerd> C: "Sure. Duty's pretty sure this isn't that."
<DanteE> (Any chance he's lying to us?)
<Random_Nerd> C: "But it's difficult to know for sure, because Lawbreakers are... morally neutral, and the Boss has always been very hard to get a reading on."
<Random_Nerd> (Any chance? Yes. But you don't /think/ he is.)
<DanteE> "Any chance the boss did make a deal and isn't telling you the details?"
<DanteE> (we're headed there, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (Sam's getting the map.)
<Random_Nerd> C: "With the Lawbreaker? We'd be able to tell."
<DanteE> (Time for my alter ego Winston Wolf to come through...)
<DanteE> to C: "We're heading there. Don't screw with the lawbreaker AT ALL.
<DanteE> "Have Shadows double check the summoning circle to see if there's a glitch in it.
<Ftisk> (and Ftisk came with you... so WE carry screwage!)
<Random_Nerd> C: "Already on that..."
<Random_Nerd> (Cut to you guys arriving?)
<DanteE> "You and Duty, check to see if one of your locals is acting weird... er than usual.
<Ftisk> (yes sir)
<Brian> (sure)
<Kite> (After Dante fills us in?)
<Theresa> (Sure.)
<Kite> (During the cut, I mean.)
<DanteE> "Assuming you can mollify Barakiel..."
- DanteE fills everyone in during the 10-minute ride. :)
<Random_Nerd> Okay, you're in Shadows' lab.
<Random_Nerd> In a big space, that previously was unoccupied, is a large summoning circle made of various kinds of metal.
<Random_Nerd> In it are Barakiel and an indeterminate but probably humanoid shape.
=-= YOU are now known as Conrad
<Random_Nerd> It's probably either the Lawbreaker, or Consequences without his pants on.
- DanteE makes sure none of us cross the circle...
<DanteE> (Shadows and Consequences?)
- Kite inspects unrelated shiny things.
<Random_Nerd> Two people who are dressed like Shadows and Consequences stand on the outside.
<Theresa> (Oh come on, like we needed that indeterminate picture in our heads...)
- Conrad wave "Hi Shadows, Hi Cons!"
<Random_Nerd> Probably-Shadows is looking at various magical tools that look like vintage surveying equipment.
<DanteE> to Shadows: "What happened?"
<Random_Nerd> Probably-Consequences is pacing.
- Brian looks at the circle. Normal, analytical, and mythic
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "It all went okay. I summoned it, I bound it, the boss started to confer with it, we waited for the weird to take hold... and, nothing."
<DanteE> "the weird?"
<Random_Nerd> Normally, it's not exactly a /circle/. It's a polygon with so many sides that it looked like a circle until you saw it up close.
<DanteE> "Brian, feel up to telling Barakiel what Jan ben Jan said?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "The... the thing they do. Trade madness for immunity."
<Brian> "Dante, you can report it if you wish."
<Theresa> "This may be a weird question but...does your boss have enough madness?"
<DanteE> to B: "You're the one he told."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Yes, yes, the 'how would we be able to tell.' But surely there would be /some/ difference..."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Dante, would you mind lying to the Lawbreaker?"
<Random_Nerd> (It feels like it would be perfectly okay to do so.)
<Kite> "Does Lord Barakiel himself believes that nothing happened?"
<DanteE> to the lawbreaker: "Don't worry, we know exactly what we're doing."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "How did that feel?"
<Random_Nerd> (About the same as lying to a rock.)
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "Well, that's reassuring. I'm glad /someone/ here does."
<DanteE> "Surprisingly neutral."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "So that confirms it. We have the real deal here."
<Brian> "Lord Barakiel will confer with a Lawbreaker. After that point, none of his actions will be based in truth or reality."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Hmm. And what was the /question/?"
<Brian> "What are the five biggest threats to Creation that I will face."
<DanteE> to L: "You know of Shirk?"
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "That wimp? Sure, he's got breadth, but no depth."
<DanteE> "... what about Sakharoth? Or Suebi?"
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "Far better to have an individual piece of art with some real complexity to it."
<Random_Nerd> L: "Who?"
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel paces within the confines of the circle.
<DanteE> (I'd like to ask him what happened on Breach Day, but I don't know how to specify when that was
<DanteE> (considering time is on our side. Literally.)
<DanteE> (What's the best form of address to an Angel?)
<Random_Nerd> (Depends how much time you have.)
<Random_Nerd> (Also, fallen or non?)
<DanteE> (Barakiel)
<DanteE> (so, both)
<Theresa> (Heh. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. :) )
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. "Sir"? He'd be insulted by the idea that you though that any grandiose title was actually sufficient.)
<DanteE> "Lord Barakiel. I know this is part of a great plan to save Creation.
<DanteE> "But I can't help but think that a course of action that scared the Lord of an Age is a bad idea."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "If it's any consolation, he scares me, too."
<DanteE> to L: "Have you been to Creation before?"
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "He used to be /reasonable/."
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "To where?"
<DanteE> "... good point. Let me rephrase. Been on this side of the Wall before?"
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "Not sure. It didn't make that much of an impression on me. Could have seen it before and forgotten about it>"
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel, to Shadows: "So, this creature is definitely what you were instructed to conjure?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Definitely. We even used Dante to double-check it."
<DanteE> to C: "That doesn't make much sense, considering the Valde Bellum..."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "And the procedure we're using is what's done?"
<Random_Nerd> C: "Hmm?"
<Random_Nerd> L: "I try to stay out of internal squabbles like that."
<DanteE> "If they're fighting over Creation it should impress them."
<DanteE> "Internal squabbles?"
<Random_Nerd> L: "Civil wars. Whatever. You guys, those guys, you all look the same to me."
<DanteE> "What is the war all about, anyway?"
<Random_Nerd> L: "I thought /you/ knew."
<DanteE> "We're a little confused.
<Random_Nerd> L: "You mean you guys don't even /know/ what you're fighting over?"
<Random_Nerd> L: "That's idiotic."
<DanteE> "From our point of view you guys just charged in and started slaying people."
<Random_Nerd> L: "S'gotta be religion, am I right?"
<Kite> "We know that we're trying to defend ourselves."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Okay, there's one more test we can perform. But we need a volunteer."
<Theresa> "Yeah, pretty much religion. That and property."
<DanteE> "We've been fighting to prevent you from stealing our stuff ever since."
<Brian> "Yo?"
<Kite> "What do you need, Shadows?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Hey, anyone want to be temporarily insane and severed from morality?"
<Theresa> (Oh...dear.)
<Conrad> "MEEEEEEEE!"
<Theresa> "Don't ask that, you'll get too many volunteers from this group..."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Uh... should I flip a coin?"
<Kite> "I request, on behalf of my Imperator, that you do not choose my brother."
<DanteE> to Conrad: "Who isn't already?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows turns to Brian: "Okay, you want a go?"
<Brian> "Not Conrad."
<Conrad> "Shush Kite! You always draw away all the fun!"
<Brian> "I'll take it. I'm probably the least damaging."
<DanteE> to Shadows: "What do you have in mind?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Something small and brief."
<Theresa> (I love Kite. ^^ )
<DanteE> to S: "What do I do?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Okay... give me a moment..."
<Theresa> ("Let's not talk about Brian's sex habits here in front of Ftisk..")
<Random_Nerd> He rummages around on his desk, and pulls out a pendant which looks to have been whittled out of a lump of plastic, on a piece of string."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Wear this when you cross the circle."
<Brian> (I suspect that the "lack of sex habits" is what Ftisk would want to fix :p)
<Conrad> "... I don't need a babysitter Kite"
- Brian puts on the "amulet" and steps over.
<Theresa> (Ftisk is a helpful being.)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Okay, now, talk with the Lawbreaker about something you want to do, but that's against the law, morally wrong, or whatever."
<Conrad> (always T.)
<Kite> "Of course not. You need a whatever-body-your-using-at-the-moment sitter."
<Kite> (*you're)
<Theresa> ("I want to kill Lord Entropy! With a rock!")
<Brian> (...) "I want to kill Lord Entropy."
<Conrad> "TOTALLY not true!"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "...okay, or you could go big."
<DanteE> (more like "I want to kiss Lord Entropy! With tongue!")
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "And that would be wrong, for you?"
<Brian> (That's Ftisk)
<Brian> "It's against Entropy's Laws, anyway."
<DanteE> (Not really...)
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "Ah. Which do you value more, your ability to distinguish people's faces, to be aware that you are alive, or to be able to see the left half of rooms?"
<Theresa> "Uh oh."
<Brian> "I like being able to see all of rooms."
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "How about the one with faces, then?"
<Theresa> "Uh, Shadows, that's a, uh, bad sign, right? That this is kinda working and should we pull him out of there?"
<DanteE> to Barakiel: "Did your deal get to the bargaining stage?"
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "Yeah. But when we made it... nothing happened."
<Kite> (I'm curious now...from Brian's perspective or from the room's perspective?)
<Brian> "I'm wondering what awareness of being alive would be like. Or lack thereof, anyway. Would be interesting."
<Theresa> (Aw crap. Brian's the connection. He'll enable Barakiel to make the deal.)
<Conrad> (but why Brian is the connection?)
<Brian> (I have no idea what's going on with the Big Prophecies)
<Random_Nerd> The Lawbreaker flows apart and swirls around Brian. For a moment, it comes together in a humanoid form that overlays him entirely.
<Random_Nerd> Brian and the Lawbreaker, together: "I Want to kill Lord Entropy."
<Random_Nerd> Then it flows away.
<Random_Nerd> And takes its form where it had stood.
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "That certainly /looked/ like it worked."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Now, to test it... aw, shit."
<Brian> (how do I feel?)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Brian, would you mind trying to assassinate Lord Entropy? For science?"
<DanteE> (Quote page!)
<Random_Nerd> (It feels like killing Entropy would be okay.)
<Conrad> "Go Brian go!"
<Kite> "'Aw, shit?' As in...something went wrong?"
<Brian> (Brian focusses on "aliveness")
<Kite> "Or...oh...."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "I just realized that if it /didn't/ work, this could get complicated."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "But I'm, like, /90%/ sure it did."
<Random_Nerd> Also, Brian, you know how you can't make out the faces of Consequences and Shadows? It's like that for everyone now.
<Theresa> "So..if Entropy dies or at least doesn't care that Brian takes a potshot at him...we're...I think I need to sit down."
<Random_Nerd> Except the Lawbreaker. He now appears to have your face.
<DanteE> "It worked with Brian, but not with Barakiel?"
<Theresa> "Wait a moment. If Brian has been Lawbroken...doesn't that mean that anything that Ymera Ben Jan null and void?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Certainly looks that way."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "And we're sure that these things can work with Imperators."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Sure. Happens lots of times."
<Brian> "Well, I've certainly got the madness effect."
<Conrad> "... I want try...."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Brian is only severed from law in one respect, an attempt on the life of Lord Entropy."
<Kite> "So, Brian. Ready to grab a rock and kill the Lord of Earth?"
<DanteE> to Barakiel: "What exactly did you ask for?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Our plans for the boss were more..."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "Extensive."
<Brian> "Not yet. But I'll be good when I am. And I can recognize his bloody hands."
- Conrad jump in the circle
<Kite> "Though, I guess the rock part is moot now, I guess."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "The moral irrelevance of myself with respect to love, murder, surrender, treason, retreat..."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "Lots of things."
<Theresa> "Indeed."
<Brian> "Don't break the circle, idiot."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "None of them did anything."
<DanteE> to Bar: "You want to act like the Excrucian Kings?
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Oh, and fair warning, this should only be good for one try on Entropy."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "But better."
<Kite> "Fti-....Con-....whoever you are now, get back here!"
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "They want to come in here and mess with our morals? I'm going to show them what an Angel can do when he sets his mind to it."
<DanteE> "How would you know? Those are absolutes."
<Brian> "Not until I succeed or die trying?"
- Conrad pout at Kite
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "AT LEAST, THAT WAS THE PLAN!"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Once a lawbreaker is involved, absolutes become... less so."
<DanteE> (I wonder if Theresa hit it, this facilitated Brian becoming Barakiel's tool)
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "And you're sure it's not just that this one is broken?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Sure."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel closes his eyes.
- Conrad ponders "... uhm...."
<Random_Nerd> This is a lengthy and elaborate process that takes some time and actually produces a mild breeze.
<DanteE> to Theresa: "There is one other possibility as to who is interfering."
<Kite> "Just one?"
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "And it's not that it is unwilling. It cannot."
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "Hey, it was a shock to me too, buddy."
<Theresa> "And that has never happened to you?" *will not make soul-Viagra jokes*
<DanteE> to the L: "Know anything about 'Breach Day', when a bunch of Excrucians came over?"
<Random_Nerd> Lawbreaker: "Not how it works. With him, it was like I tried to impose my nature on one of my own kind."
<DanteE> (oh crap)
<Random_Nerd> L: "Don't they do that all the time?"
<Random_Nerd> L: "Or is that some other ones?"
<DanteE> "Usually only one at a time.
<DanteE> "One day a bunch came in at once."
<Brian> (Is Lord Barakiel a Wildlord?)
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel, opening his eyes: "There's more than one way to get what I want."
<Random_Nerd> (No. He's been in Creation too long, and all the angels recognize him as one of their own kind.)
<Random_Nerd> (A crazy one, but an angel.)
<Brian> (ah)
<Kite> "It sounds like you already possess the nature of a Lawbreaker, Lord Barakiel."
<Random_Nerd> (He's always been kinda weird, mind...)
<Theresa> (I have the urge to back from a nuclear countdown.)
<Brian> (If I wanted to slay Lord Barakiel, now's the time to try. I wouldn't succeed, though)
<DanteE> reply to Kite: "That... actually makes sense."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel takes the lawbreaker between two immense fingers, eyes all over them staring at it, and squeezes.
<Random_Nerd> At first, it seems like he's crushing it.
<Random_Nerd> But it's more... absorbing.
<Random_Nerd> The substance of the lawbreaker flows into the eyes, and unravels its form as it does so.
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "I... feel..."
<Brian> "That's ... um."
<DanteE> (I repeat: oh crap.)
<Theresa> (Brian - don't you mean Entropy?)
<Brian> "That's the thing we were supposed to stop."
<Conrad> "Hey! And my turn to be weird?"
<Brian> (Nope. Barakiel. Would make our lives easier.)
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Boss? This was not part of the plan..."
<Brian> "Nope. You are no longer working from truth."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "We need a new plan. This one didn't work."
<DanteE> to Brian: "But Jan ben Jan was able to see him.
<DanteE> "If nothing's changed...
<Theresa> "I think we have a severe world change here."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "But we know that Jan ben Jan could see the future him that had become severed from law. He /told/ you about him."
<Brian> "He's not From Outside. And the prophecy was about him being severed from sanity and truth, not law."
<DanteE> "Right. But something threw a monkey wrench into that future."
<DanteE> "... oh."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Uh... I have a question."
<Kite> "Yes?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Okay, so, the Lawbreaker's now part of him. He shares in its essence, right?"
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "But it's... timeless. It's like the fetch thing. If you have one, you've always had one."
<DanteE> "Maybe... but I'd think that would qualify as a change/
<Theresa> (You're the Imperator!)
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Where are you going with this?"
<DanteE> to Barakiel: "When did I lie to you?"
<Theresa> "Oh. Uh-oh. And uh, would you guys also be affected by being part of your Imperator?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "I was thinking about what Kite said."
<Kite> "This would mean that you are already immune to law, Lord Barakiel."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "Did you?"
<Kite> "And morality and...."
- Kite waves his wings.
<Kite> "Stuff."
<Conrad> "Awesome!"
<Theresa> (Huh, I wonder if that would explain the Indeterminate gift.)
<DanteE> (Barakiel didn't answer me...)
<Kite> "No. He's immune to awesome too."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "If Barakiel had... /always/ been part Lawbreaker, because of this. And he shared in its nature. How would that work? What would that look like?"
<Random_Nerd> (Didn't he?)
<Theresa> (Yeah, he did. He asked if you did lie to him.)
<DanteE> "I'm asking you."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "If you lied to me?"
<Theresa> "Maybe he becomes outside of prophecy once he realizes his nature?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Stop me if I'm wrong, but he'd... he'd be seen by others as acting insane, unpredictable."
<Brian> "... perhaps."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "He'd be immune to law. Maybe he could misbehave in Heaven, and still not get sent to Hell."
- Conrad nod nod
<Kite> "That sounds right, from what I've heard of Lawbreaker things."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "And... like, those that shared his soul would have these same traits to a lesser degree..."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Kite, I almost wish you hadn't said that."
<Brian> "Barakiel, what's your history? Have you ever done anything and got away with it?"
<Random_Nerd> S: "Earlier, I mean."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "I'm still around, aren't I?"
<DanteE> (Barakiel's outside of time?)
<Random_Nerd> (Not all of him. But the part of him that used to be part of the lawbreaker is.)
<Theresa> (Barakiel is _the_ angel that can get around stuff, get away with stuff.)
<DanteE> (He's a Lawbreaker on our side?)
<Theresa> (He's on his own side.)
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: " life's work is either entirely futile, or a time-shattering thing of impossible genius."
<Theresa> "Uh, so that may give the idea as to the Familia resemblence comes in."
<Conrad> toS "I hope the second"
<Theresa> "Go with the latter. Looks better on your resume."
<Kite> "Believe in the latter, Shadows."
<DanteE> "Wait. Jan ben Jan saw what he was doing until some future point where he makes a deal with a lawbreaker.
<Random_Nerd> (Besides, Barakiel was around before time.)
<Random_Nerd> (All the older angels were.)
<DanteE> "If he was always part lawbreaker what did Jan ben Jan see?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "I just summoned and bound a creature of Noble power-level, and did so well that the effects took place before the beginning of time!"
<Kite> "Jan ben Jan's prophecies are moot now, since they were focused on Brian and Brian is...well..."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "What was the exact question again?"
<DanteE> to Kite: "Only with regard to one thing, killing Entropy.
<Brian> "What are the five greatest threats to Creation that _I_ will face."
<DanteE> "Everything else should still be the old Brian."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "I am a mighty badass of magic! Fuck you, Hermes Trismegistus! Up yours, Papa Legba!"
<Kite> "Anyway, I think this one is taken care of. No threat."
<Brian> "Shadows, you know it only retroactively happened because an Imperator did it, yeah? *wink*"\
<DanteE> "Maybe."
<Theresa> "Okay, okay, we'll get you your cult later. And a beer."
<Kite> "Hermes Trismegistus? What does Papa Legba have to do with this?"
<DanteE> "We'd have to ask Jan ben Jan."
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Random_Nerd> (And Brian's question was about /events/ which took place in the future, and the results of them weren't part of the deal.)
- Ftisk fly on Theresa shoulder
<Random_Nerd> (As an event, this is one that just happened.)
<Random_Nerd> (It's just that the results... seem to have gotten a head start.)
<DanteE> (Wait, the prophecy came true?)
<Brian> "One down, four to go. Who the Hell knows if we fixed this."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Oh, he does esoteric magic. BUT NOT AS WELL AS I DO! THIS WAS ESOTERIC AS *FUCK*!"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "This was more esoteric than a witch's secret pornography collection behind the iron curtain!"
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Yes, yes."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows, sulkily: "Well, it /was/."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "We know. We were there."
<Brian> "Remind me to learn dream weaving."
<Brian> "That's even more esoteric."
- Kite Assembles a mechanical, victory-dancing figuring of roughly Shadows' build and outfit.
<Kite> "Here, Shadows. A gift."
<DanteE> (Still can't tell is this is really good or really really bad)
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and Jan ben Jan previously said, about the events, "The timing on some of these is... unclear... to me")
<Kite> (It's as good or as bad as we make it.)
<DanteE> (JbJ had a prophecy about something that always was?)
<Random_Nerd> (Or about how it came to be that it always was.)
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "So, this nature has been mine all along. All my life, to do with as I wished, if I only knew?"
<Brian> "Sort of. It now always was."
<Brian> "But it wasn't always was until now."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Does it matter? You /have/ done as you wished. You have ignored law and custom."
<Brian> "I have a feeling this would be easier Outside... Tensing is weird."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "True, true. But now... now I know what I'm /doing/."
<DanteE> (Ever read the Hitchhiker's Guide?)
<DanteE> "... would you fill us in?"
<Kite> "Good luck in your endeavors, Lord Barakiel!"
<Random_Nerd> ("The 'future perfect' tense was discarded, as it was discovered not to be.")
<Brian> (I got to that point and it destroyed my mind.)
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "I'm going to go play some games with the Excrucians. I don't think they will enjoy these games very much."
<Ftisk> "Hey, not all the excrucians are bad! Keep that in mind!"
<DanteE> (now he's the Joker?)
<Theresa> "I hope that no one loses Creation in a poker game."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "And the wall can't stop me! I don't have to maintain it, because that doesn't apply to me! They don't have to keep me from crossing it, because that doesn't matter either!"
<Brian> "well ... shit."
<DanteE> "Uh... you do know crossing it screws with your memory, right?"
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "Oh, Kings of the Unforgivable Dominions, it is ON!"
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel's seventy-seven wings unfurl themselves, and begin to beat.
<Kite> (Barakiel is about to play the most dangerous game of Calvinball ever.)
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "My memory, yes. But not my /purpose/."
<DanteE> "Not necessarily.
<DanteE> "Ask the Excrucian on our moon."
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "I will remain as I am. My nature, my goals, my desires... those will remain the same."
<Random_Nerd> He isn't listening.
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel: "That, I think, will be enough.
<Random_Nerd> His wings beat again, and he flies off through the roof.
- Kite waves.
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Hey! That was mine! Uh, unknowable god-monster dad."
<Brian> "Barakiel, come with us to the meeting with Vassa."
<DanteE> (When did Attaris say the end-game would start?)
<Kite> "Do you want me to fix it?"
<Brian> "Please don't do anything until then."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows, to Brian: "Hey, remember when my most complicated problem was a Summer Glau penangalan that lived in my mind? I... kinda miss those days."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows, to Kite: "Would you?"
<Brian> "Those were good days."
<Kite> "And I don't think bringing Lord Barakiel to the meeting with Vassa would be wise."
<Random_Nerd> (Lesser Creation of Assembly. Totally trivial for you.)
- Kite re-Assembles the ceiling.
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Sweet."
<DanteE> "Did we just accidentally unleash hell?"
<Kite> "No. It was never leashed."
<Theresa> "Um, what if...and this is a big if...what if your Imperator goes through the wall, plays with Time and becomes a King of the end times?"
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Maybe you did. I just /deliberately/ unleashed hell."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Sure, some of the details were different... but yeah. I think this counts as 'all according to plan.'"
<Brian> "um."
<Kite> "So, do you guys know how to get to Mars from here?"
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "For certain values of 'all', 'plan', and 'according', at least."
<Random_Nerd> Shadows points off vaguely up and to the left.
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Thataway?"
<Brian> "Ha Qadosh Berakha will despair and retire from the Council and go Outside. His replacement is unseen by Jan ben Jan, but that there is a replacement is."
<DanteE> "Silly question, Consequences... can you see what he's going to wreak?"
<Random_Nerd> Shadows: "Or you could just borrow the pigeon. I've been enhancing it, and I'm pretty sure it can carry living things now."
<Ftisk> "I volunteer for a ride!"
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Barakiel may be erratic, but he /really/ doesn't like the Excrucians. Or Entropy. Or... well, a lot of things."
<DanteE> to Shadows: "We've got an airship now."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "He's pretty fond of me, though. So I'm fine. You guys probably are too."
<Brian> "What are the Consequences of Barakiel replacing HQB on the Council?"
<DanteE> (He's screwing with our vocabulary! The bastard!)
<Kite> "Could travel by pigeon? That would be fascinating!"
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Hmm... depends how he did it. If it was willing on Berakha's part... not actually all that dramatic."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Much more so if it's a coup."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "Wait... I see something interesting. If he was on the Council, Ananda could side with him against Entropy."
<Brian> "HQB retires out of despair. Retires out of Creation altogether. Given that, and Barakiel stepping in..."
<Brian> (was Ananda involved in one of the prophecies?)
<Random_Nerd> (Not directly.)
<Random_Nerd> (HQB and Entropy were, Ananda and Surolam were not.)
<DanteE> to Consequences: "What does Entropy do if the Council starts voting against him?"
<Theresa> "But I thought your boss hated Ananda as much as he hates Entropy?"
<Brian> "Entropy's seat will be vacant."
<Random_Nerd> Consequences: "'Answer hazy, try again later'. Or, in other words, that's a big one, and I don't have much power left at the moment for big ones."
<Ftisk> (crap FF is shutting down!)
<Random_Nerd> (Okay, mind if we stop here?)
<DanteE> "We just witnessed the start of an avalanche."
<Brian> (sure)
<Dante> (OK.)
<Random_Nerd> _________STOP__________
<Kite> (Sounds good)
- Ftisk has signed off IRC (Client exited).
- DanteE is now known as Knockwood.
- Kite is now known as Verithe.
- Ftisk has signed off IRC (Client exited).
<Random_Nerd> Sorry that this one was largely you guys watching NPCs do things.
<Random_Nerd> I try to avoid that whenever possible.
<Knockwood> Well, the extra Drama Points will be worth it. Oh, wait...
<Verithe> We got to interact, which was still good.
<Verithe> And, wow!
<Knockwood> so, did JbJ's prophecy come true, or not?
- Brian is now known as lazarus.
- Brian is now known as lazarus.
<Verithe> Barakiel is, and always has been, Lawbreaker infused!
<Random_Nerd> Knockwood... hmm. "Arguably."
<lazarus> I am not sure how to quantify what I did in terms of prophecy and stuff.
<Theresa> I think that this....6 year setup...should be presented to the Nobilis Tabletop Open thread.
<Random_Nerd> I didn't have all this planned back when the game started.
<Random_Nerd> Didn't even know about lawbreakers until...
<lazarus> but you wrote enough ambiguity to collapse the waveform.
<Knockwood> Who gets Destiny? We might need it.
<Random_Nerd> Until 2008.
<lazarus> so only 3 years.
<Random_Nerd> But I did know that there was /something/ up with Barakiel as of session 1.
<Random_Nerd> And the details filled in later.
<Knockwood> (Hm... info to trade to JbJ)
<Ftisk> no too early
<lazarus> if we can get him out of his depression
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, this probably counts as... /something/, project-wise.
<lazarus> finding about imperators and wildlords for ... kwd?
<Random_Nerd> Who's got stuff relating to Barakiel, Jan's prophecies, that kind of thing?
<Random_Nerd> Well, this wasn't Wildlord stuff.
<Knockwood> hm...
<Random_Nerd> Okay, now. Honest question. Given how much of the game has involved the Locus Barakiel crew... do you guys feel overshadowed?
<Random_Nerd> Because if you want them to drop into the background for a while, now's a good time for it.
<Random_Nerd> Their big plan's done.
<Random_Nerd> Or, at least, implemented.
<Knockwood> (Damn, I'm not sure where I could get points...)
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Let me see.)
<Verithe> Not really. They are major NPCs, but I don't feel like their machinations are taking over our plans or anything.
<lazarus> I think their plans and machinations are orthogonal to ours
<Knockwood> well, did you just introduce a Big Sorta-Bad?
<Random_Nerd> A Big Neutral?
<Random_Nerd> Huh. Dante has several "find out about or deal with" esoteric stuff projects, but none are really about this.
<Knockwood> a Complication From Hell?
<Random_Ner> Brian, do you have a link to your thing?
<lazarus> no, I don't. I have to log into Mind Meister again, to see if that's where things are.
<Random_Nerd> Because Barakiel's powerful and dangerous, but he sees you as vaguely allied to him.
<Knockwood> maybe 'Dante, Defender of the Universe'? :)
<Random_Nerd> Eh...
<lazarus> I /do/ have a find out about Outside.
<Random_Nerd> I don't see how this changes how Dante sees himself.
<Random_Nerd> Could you explain?
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. Do you have one about high summoning, Laz?
<lazarus> yeah. Give me a minute to see if I can find it.
-->| YOU (Ftisk) have joined #Nobilis
<Verithe> (welcome back!)
<Ftisk> (what I lost?)
<Random_Nerd> That's probably relevant here.
<lazarus> I haven't updated that one in ages, though. But I haven't done anything on it, so there youg o.
<Random_Nerd> When did you drop out, Angelo?
<Knockwood> 'Bring Nobles together/Encourage cooperation'?
<Ftisk> one sec I check the log
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. How does this either help or hurt that, Knock?
<Random_Nerd> You guys are on friendly terms with Locus Barakiel, but you have been for forever.
<Ftisk> last thing seen:
<Ftisk> [2011-09-30 05:28:09] <DanteE> to Consequences: "What does Entropy do if the Council starts voting against him?"
<Knockwood> Depends on 1) how we're seen in the eyes of Barakiel's group and/or 2) how everyone else feels about unleashing Barakiel
<Knockwood> ack
<Verithe> I think this may have eased the tensions that were possibly building due to the prophecy. So maybe this helped with Nobles Working Together?
<Random_Nerd> Oh, hey! Brian has a thing about his revolution against Entropy, right?
<Random_Nerd> He's gotta have a success for that.
<lazarus> I apparently have a Learn About High Summoning and Learn the Properties of Outside. But that was on pre-release stuff.
<lazarus> I should probably re-do that project into one more proper.
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Knockwood> Maybe 'Deal with the Age End'... by starting it.
<Random_Nerd> I'll give you a success for Learn About High Summoning here.
<Random_Nerd> That could work.
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and the face thing won't last forever.
<Random_Nerd> It'll wear off in time.
<Knockwood> What could work?
<Random_Nerd> As will the correlative immunity to law.
<lazarus> and yeah, I do have that one. I think that one's on my iPad. (Damn me for not finding a mind mapper I like)
<lazarus> success is (2), yeah?
<Random_Nerd> 3?
<Knockwood> I think it's 3
<Random_Nerd> Lemme check.
<lazarus> I thought 3 was failure?
<Knockwood> I remember failure is 5
<Angelo> success 2 failure 3
<lazarus> or 2 for statement, 3 for success, 5 for failure?
<Random_Nerd> Failure is 5, I think...
- Random_Nerd checks.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah. A non-trivial victory is 3.
<Knockwood> going by my map: Minor victory=2, Victory=3, Failure=5, Revelation=10
<Knockwood> so, you add up everything I failed at this time, I get... 200. Kewl. :)
<lazarus> oh yeah. I wanted to work on getting Internet connected between Amyra and the Earth, on a wide scale.
<Random_Nerd> Sadly, you failed at failing.
<Knockwood> so, 5 points?
<Knockwood> :D
<Random_Nerd> But they're imaginary points.
<Random_Nerd> You have to square them for them to count.
<Knockwood> They all are!
<Random_Nerd> And then they count backwards.
<Angelo> well, I go, *hug*
<Knockwood> cya Angelo
<lazarus> RN: nah, just rotate your worldview 90 degrees.
<lazarus> see ya Angelo
<Random_Nerd> I think rotating your worldview into the complex plane is what Barakiel just did, actually.
<lazarus> I thought that was going Outside?
<Verithe> Take care, Angelo!
<lazarus> either way, it's certainly not Numbers!
<Theresa> Night, Angelo! *HUG*
<Knockwood> and think about what we could be telling HQB
<Random_Nerd> The weird thing, and I didn't really plan this...
<Random_Nerd> Barakiel /would/ make a good replacement for him.
<Random_Nerd> They have a similar approach in some ways.
<Knockwood> "Yeah Barakiel just realized he was part lawbreaker for all of history, so he may be going after your job. But _don't panic_. Jan ben Jan said you would and that would be a bad thing."
<Verithe> We should take HQB on a sightseeing tour to show him how awesome Creation is.
<Knockwood> ... and then he asks us if we're drunk.
<lazarus> oh great.
<lazarus> we're boned.
<Random_Nerd> "The only thing you have to fear is fear itself. And a crazy angel for whom it is legally and morally okay to toss you in the woodchipper."
<Random_Nerd> Of course, that goes both ways.
<Random_Nerd> Murdering Barakiel is /also/ okay.
<Knockwood> laz: when were we not boned?
<Random_Nerd> Brian isn't!
<Random_Nerd> Ba-dum-tish.
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, g'night.
<lazarus> g'night
<Verithe> G'night!
<Knockwood> g'night RN
<lazarus> (should we register the channel again?)
<Random_Nerd> Thanks for tolerating a NPCs-do-things session.
<Random_Nerd> I'll try to not make them happen too often.
<lazarus> I like watching them do things time to time
<lazarus> but. g'night.
<Knockwood> gotta set the scenes sometime
<Random_Nerd> It works best when used sparingly.
|<-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: Pull the pin and count to what?)
<Random_Nerd> But sometimes, yeah, gotta have the set-piece.
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<Verithe> Take care, Knock!
<Knockwood> g'night Verithe
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0/20110922153450])
|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0.2/20110902133214])
|<-- Theresa has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis
[[Amyra:Chapter_31|Chapter 31]