Episode 606: Fireworks, Special Features

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  1. What sort of terrorist threat did the PSA on approach to Sho Je Downs mean?
    1. Was the mine field we ran afoul of attributed to/laid by the terrorists alluded to in the PSA? If so, why? If not, who?
  2. What are the mines made of? Who made them?
  3. Why does the chemical component of the mine go through metal like a hot knife through butter but take longer to go through a human body? After all, Kiera's initial patient had been injured by it for hours before finally crashing from internal injuries.
    1. Her encounter with the nugget remaining inside the patient's body was immediately painful and she sustained a healthy burn. It made her yell from the pain. One has to assume it would have elicited the same response in the patient upon first contact. Yet the patient wasn't operated on immediately even though the man had to have been screaming. Why?
  4. What will happen to Rob Roy? Left in space by her crew, will she still be there when they come back to retrieve her? Or will she have been salvaged and taken away?
  5. Why does Jonathan Sullivan find it necessary to have a mobile base of operations separate from his headquarters on Sho Je Downs?
    1. Why was it out in the middle of the desert? Is it because the desert is remote and the weather hostile? Does he hope to use the conditions as a deterrent? If so, why and against whom?
    2. The facility is equipped with some pretty high-end fancy labs. Does Sullivan do experiments and development in them that he cannot trust to more conventional facilities? If so, why?


Part 1:
jīxíng de gāisǐ de gǒupì! = 畸形的該死的狗屁! = jee-shing deh guy-sih deh goh-pee!= freakish(freakin’) goddamned shit! Sound clip

Part 2:
Hè ěr wéifǎn. Hè ěr wéifǎn. Chuányuán jiǎbǎn. 10-32. =赫爾違反。赫爾違反。乘客甲板。 10-32。= Huh ehr wee-fahn. Huh ehr wee-fahn. Chun-kurr chyah-bahn. Shih sahn-shih urr. = Hull Breach. Hull Breach. Passenger Deck. 10-32. Sound clip

Qǐdòng cāng bì suǒdìng =啟動艙壁鎖定 = Chee-dong sahng bee soo’uh-ding = Initiating bulkhead lockdown Sound clip

Shi or Shii = 屎 = shih = feces, shit Sound clip

Xúnzhǎo bìnàn suǒ. Jiǎn yā. Hè ěr wéifǎn = 尋找避難所。減壓。赫爾違反 = Chun-shee’ow bee-nahn soh-uh. Jin-yah. Huh ehr wee-fahn. = Seek shelter. Decompression. Hull breach. Sound clip


Part 1:
Yebani v’rot = Ебаны в рот = Yee-bah-nee v’roht = Holy shit!/Fucked in the mouth Sound clip

Part 2:
Yebat’ menya! = Ебать меня = yee-bahts meen-yah = Fuck me! (expletive) Sound clip


  1. Pressure doors installed at:
    1. med bay entrance
    2. top and bottom of all stairs
    3. all transverse corridors
    4. crew quarters

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