Dane (The Starsoul Crown)

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Appearance and History

Appearance (as Alycia)

  • Height: 5'10" (5'6")
  • Weight: 130 (150)
  • Eyes: White (Green)
  • Skin: Gray (Fair)
  • Sex: Female (Female)
  • Hair: White staight (Red Curled)

(Alycia looks like a pudgy Felicia Day)


Dane is a user who likes nice things and comfort. However she aviod being flamboyant and attracting attention. For example, her wagon is simple on the outside, but well appionted and has a feather bed, so that adventuring she is never really roughing it.

She has a reputation for loving and tending animals, in particular seemingly dozens cats. When it reality it is her familar in various guises.

For Dane appearance are everything. She takes greta pleasur ein becomeing someone else. It is an art, but at the same time it is business too. Dane is in adventuring for the business and the money. Its all a means to an end. She tells herself its just "enlightened self-interest."

However for those outside her "family," she has no qualms about conning them for all they worth, and then some. If they are not smart enough to keep thier money, they don't deserve it.


Dane has a full history of all her false identies, especially Alycia, and is more than happy to talk to strangers, about seemingly nothing. Its how she gets information. But as far as Dane the changling, she likes to keep her past mysterious. In was only duress she revealed her identity as a changling the group, but they accepted her none the less.

She likes to give the impression of a harsh upbringing as a changling brought up in a human family. In reality she grew up in a small Reality Seeker villiage of changelings, and part of large familiy. She chaffed in the rural lifestyle.

Her cover as a seamstress is rooted in working with as her father's assistant. A bit before reaching majority, she left home and like many changling dappled as a rogue and as wizard, and then discovered a talent for soceror - one of the few taboos in Changling society.

Up until, recently she was working out of the city of Carrais where she well established as a seamstress and with the Thieves Guild there. However due to a deal gone bad resulting in the death of some freinds, she left town. She teamed up a with group of adventures and has been working with them ever since. She tries to act as the sympathetic sister to all the memebers to get into their good graces. However, although she would never admit it to herself, the group has become like a second family to her.


  • Dane is a neat freak and like to bathe at least once a day.
  • He changling powers change he physicque but not her clothes, so she has a hat of disguise.
  • The hat of disguise is vulnerable to touch, so nothing beats a well made suit for disguise. As a seamstress she makes a lot of her clothes including some made for infiltration. Most of her clothing are reversible for obvious reasons. As a seamstress she has a perfect story as to why she has stauch a strange and varied wardrobe.
  • Her favorite piece as dress with ties so that can be bound and and work as a catsuit.
  • If challenged, she may confess to having a hat of disguse, or to being a wizard. Thats her cover story and give her a hole card. Dane has shown her that "Solids" are a strange lot. Tell them you are a wizard can cast fireballs and they can deal with that. But tell them your a changling, and they freak.

What Dane Thinks Of:

  • Adahm- Full of himself and easily manipulatable. But its also fun to press his buttons. The annoying little brother of our group.
  • Pawn- "Big. Stoic. Quiet." Does speak unless there is something to say which is infuriating. Tough to manipulate since he really does not want anything. But useful for his combat skill and that he is suprisingly adept at macrame.
  • Magnus- A bit of a stick-in-the-mud. Capable, and nice selction of spells, but stuck in the "box." Repsects that he can cast higher level spells, but would argue who is the "better" caster.
  • Minimee Pinn - "She gives me the creeps." Typical dour dwarf but she has common sense. Minimee particularly bothers Dane since Dan follows no particular god, her soul goes to Wee Jas. So she tries to keep Minimee on her good side. Dane worries that Minimee could see right through her act . Older sister of the group.
  • Walker- Our little feral child. Can't wear a suit well if his life depended on it. But she envies his animal shapeshifting abilities an dlooks forward to being to use polymorph to chang into non-human shape. He woudl be a font of wisdom. If only he could understand the concept of small talk and eating utensils. She may tell him she knows what its like to be abandoned by one's parents.


Ability Score Modifier
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 16 +3
Wisdom 13 +1
Charisma 18 +4


  • Total Hit Points: 29
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Armor Class: 17 = 10 +2 [dexterity] + 4 mage Armor+ 1 Ring


Skill Base Bonus Rank Changling Synergy Familiar Total
Appraise Int 3 +3 (Raven) 6
Bluff Cha 4 6 2 +3 (Snake) 15
Climb Str 1 +3 (Lizard) 4
Concentration Con 2 5 7
Craft (Alchemy) Int 3 1 4
Craft (Tailor) Int 3 5 8
Decipher Script Int 3 5 8
Diplomacy Cha 4 2 2 8
Disable Device Int 3 2 5
Disguse Cha 4 8 10 2 24
Gather Information Cha 4 5 9
Hide Dex 2 2
Intimidate Str 1 5 2 2 10
Knowlede (Arcana) Int 3 5 8
Language Int 3 3 6
Listen Wis 1 +3 (Bat) 4
Move Silent Dex 2 3 +3 (cat) 8
Open Locks Dex 3 5 8
Search Int 3 2 5
Sense Motive Wis 1 5 2 8
Slight Dex 2 2 4
Spellcraft Int 3 8 2 13
Spot Wis 1 +3 (Owl) 4
Swim Str 1 1
Use magic item Int 3 1 2 6


Initiative 0 Dex +2 0 0 0 +2
Fortitude 2 Con +2 +2 +3 0 6/9
Reflex 1 Dex +2 +2 +3 0 5/8
Will 6 Wis +1 +2 +3 0 9/12
Attack (handheld) 2 Str +1 0 0 0 3
Attack (unarmed) 2 Str +1 0 0 0 3
Attack (missile) 2 Dex +2 0 0 0 4
Grapple 2 Str +1 0 0 0 3

LOAD Light load: 43 lb. or less Medium load: 44-86 lb. Heavy load: 87-130 lb. Lift over head: 130 lb. Lift off ground: 260 lb. Push or drag: 650 lb.

Languages: Common Draconic Elven Giant Goblin Dwarf Orc TBA


  • Improved Familiar [hand-edit as needed]
  • Scribe Scroll [free to wizard]
  • Craft Potion [free to wizard]
  • Proficient Caster (+4 up to HD in casting) Currently +2 Wizard (5th) and +2 Soceror (3nd)



  • Knows spells at lv 1
  • Cast at lvl 3
  • Zero-level Sorcerer spells: 5 per day
    • Known:5
      • Open/Close, Dancing Lights, Detect magic, Light, Mage hand, Mend
  • First-level Sorcerer spells: 4 (3+1) per day
    • Known:2
      • Burning Hands, Charm


  • Knows spells at lv 3
  • Cast at lv 5
    • Known Spells
    • Zero-level Wizard spells: 4 per day
      • Daze, Touch of Fatigue, Prestidigitation, Mend, Mage hand, Message, Resistance, Acid Splash
    • First-level Wizard spells:
      • Comprehend Languages, Magic Missile, Charm, Mage Armor, Detect Secret Doors, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Identify, Repair light damage, Silent Image.
    • Second-level Wizard spells:
      • Rope Trick, Mirror Image, Acid Arrow, Resist Elements, Darkvision, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility,
    • 3rd
      • Dispell Magic, Fireball, Fly, Tongues, Summon Monster III
  • Daily Selection
    • Zero-level Wizard spells: 4 per day
      • Daze, Touch of Fatigue, Mend, Acid Splash
    • First-level Wizard spells: 3 (2+1) per day
      • Mage Armor, Protection from Evil,Comprehend Languages, Magic Missile
    • Second-level Wizard spells: 2 (1+1) per day
      • Acid Arrow(2d4 two rounds), Invisibility, Rope Trick



  • Eberron character race.
  • +2 on saves vs. sleep and charm
  • +2 on bluff, intimidate, sense motive
  • Natural linguist (Speak language is a class skill)
  • Minor Change Shape
  • As a soceror, Dane in natural form has "exotic good looks" by changling standards. The "exotic" aspect is lost on non-changlings however. She is however tall.

Class HP rolled

  • Level 1: Changling Thief 6
  • Level 2: Sorcerer 4
  • Level 3: Wizard 3
  • Level 4: Wizard 4 +1 to charisma
  • Level 5: Wizard 2


Vardo/Gypsy Wagon 200
2 Horses Saddlebages gear 280
Ring of protection +1 2000
Cloak of Resistence 1000
Hat of disguise 1300
Feather fall 2200
Daggers 4 8
pack 2
Silk rope 11
Alchemy Lab (+1 to rolls) 200
Potion cure light 50
Mage Armor x2 50
Clothing/textiles 700
Jewlers/Gemcutting Equip 100
Food 2 weeks 10
Masterwork Thieves kit 100
Kitchen kit 5
Artisan (Tailor) masterwork 55
Musical instuments 10
Rapier 20
Hand crossbow 50 bolts 55
Sleep Arrow (3) 396
Caltrops 5 batches 5
Waterskin 10
Quarterstaff 1
Bedroll 1
Sunrods 5 10
Bullseye Lantern and oil 12
Lantern With Conitual light 55
Tent 100
Tent Small 10
Sap 1
Falconry gear 50
Padded Armor (2set) 10
Var Holy Symbols 10
GP 32


Class feature: Wizard:

  • Find Familiar
  • Familiar Special
    • Morphic Familar:Natural State Toad (Races of Errberon P 123)


  • Spell Shield (Replaces Find Familiar)
    • As an immediate action when you take damage from any source, you can attempt to sacrifi ce spell energy instead of losing hit points. Expend a spell slot as if you had cast a spell of that level. Then, make a Concentration check with a DC equal to 15 + the level of the sacrificed spell. If you succeed, you ignore an amount of damage equal to five times the level of the spell slot you gave up. If you fail, you still lose the spell, but the magical energy fails to negate any of the damage. You can attempt to deflect damage as often as you wish, but you can make only one attempt per round.(DungeonScape Pg 14)