CrimsonStar:House Orestes
Game: Children of the Crimson Star
House Orestes (Oh-REST-ease) was, until a decade ago, an ally of House Erinyes. But one of their sons backed away from a marriage with a scion of Erinyes, instead choosing a daughter of House Tartaros. Erinyes' elders did not acknowledge the insult publicly, even sending a representative to the wedding to bless the union. No evidence could subsequently be found to prove that it was Erinyes' gift which brought plague into the house, killing the newlyweds and a half-dozen of their closest relatives, but the message was heard nonetheless.
Known Goals[edit]
Crest and Motto[edit]
A 30 year old popular bard. He is the most sought-after bard of the Court of Kalak. It was revealed that:
- He is a notorious womanizer
- He tried to become the Red Tower District's pimp
- He poisoned the previous bard of the Court of Kalak, and his poison dealer thinks Megaera is rather fetching