M&M2e Stats[edit]

PL: 10 (120 + 7 pp)
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 154lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blue
First Appearance: The Tribe #1
In some ways, Jack's a bit like a puppy; the whole world is new to him and he wants to see it all at once. This makes him very energetic and very excitable, but also very easily distracted, and it doesn't seem like there's much he takes seriously. It's not that he can't focus on things, it's just that he doesn't want to. Jack's jumpiness will probably mellow out in a year or two, as he gets used to Freedom City, but he'll likely never lose his love for the new. In a sense, Jack's a young-adult Peter Pan, and he's finally found his Neverland.
Part Time Jobs or Internships[edit]
None, currently, but see below for notes on money and how Jack keeps busy.
School Funding[edit]
When Jack left the Terminus, he knew he'd have to find somehow to make a way for himself on earth. So he took as much as he could with him, including a chest full of gold coins and jewels. This money was enough to buy his freshman expenses at FCU, but Jack's going to have to find another source of cash before the summer term rolls around, or else he'll be out on the street.
The Terminus is a cold and heartless place. Those raised there learn nothing of love and, even though Jack has escaped most of the indoctrination of Mister Whisper's school, he's still too giddy from his newfound freedom to have quite caught on that, on earth, romance is a possibility for him.
Where do you like to Hang Out when not in class or at work[edit]
Partly a legacy of his indoctrination at Mister Whisper's School and partly because of the wonderful fun of it all, Jack's a joiner. He volunteers at the FCU Wellness Center, gives campus tours to prospective students, serves as floor representative to the Baxter Hall student council, is on the school's gymnastics and karate teams, is a member of the school's yoga club and plays intramural soccer. He'll try his hand at pretty much anything. The only question is: will he stick with it?
Physical Appearance[edit]

Jack's average height, but with a whip-thin frame, the result of his extensive training and his ultra-efficient alien anatomy. Other than his wavy hair, which is naturally a dark and vibrant blue, Jack looks like a typical, if boyish, college student; his chin is pointed, his eyes are wide and he hasn't quite lost the baby fat in his cheeks. There's almost always a smile playing in the corners of Jack's mouth; after the horrors of the Terminus, even the tensest situations on earth are a piece of cake.
Jack hasn't, however, quite mastered the art of fashion. He usually wears a distracting mix of grunge and preppy - a white dress shirt under a cashmere sweater, with sleeves pushed up on both, over a pair of faded jeans with shreded knees and heavily beaten-up high tops.
Heroic Motivations[edit]
Freedom and liberty. Earth is the opposite of the nihilistic Terminus and, even though he doesn't always understand the way things work, the blue sky and shining sun are infinitely preferable to the void, the firepits and the murder machines. Jack's view seems simplistic, but he fights so that no one has to grow up like he did, in a world without love and happiness.
Jack's loyal to his friends. The trouble is, right now he thinks of pretty much everyone as his friend. He belongs to so many different groups that, inevitably, the schedules conflict and Jack has to choose one over the other. He doesn't do it on purpose, it's just that he has a hard time saying "no."
History & Heroic Origin[edit]
Arion was born on the planet Chion in the otherdimensional space called The Terminus. Chion is a broken world of dangerous climactic extremes, an atmosphere more poison than air and a cold sun that sheds only black light. Like many in the Terminus, Chion's people are little better than slaves to the tyrannical Omega, ruler of the Terminus and one of the greatest threats to all life in the omniverse.
Even servitude, however, is not without rank. The lowliest of Omega's soldiers are his hounds, but those who show promise when young, like Arion did, are taken from their homes to Omega's special officer's training facility, Mister Whisper's School for Wayward Boys and Girls. While there, Chion's youth is subjected to torture disguised as training; imprisoned in the Fire Cube, chased by the Atmo-Sphere and forced to fight against the Destructobots. Many die, but those who survive are some of the most skilled soldiers in the Terminus, and the creme of that crop are subjected to Mister Whisper's final exam: the Murder Machine.
Arion learned Mister Whisper's fiendish lessons well and achieved the final level of mastery that the dark schoolmaster could teach: knowledge of the Terminus Coil, the dread technique pioneered by Omega himself for taking apart and reassembling matter. What Arion never took to heart, though, was the mental conditioning into servitude that Mister Whisper spoon-fed his students along with their training. One other student, the girl Hiphaea, shared both this resistance and Arion's knack for survival. But while she didn't want to leave the only home and way she'd even known, Arion needed to be free. No matter what new tortures Mister Whisper subjected him to, be it a dunk in the Hydro-Coffin or a spin through the Spike-Lo-Tron, Arion would not submit. Finally, with Hiphaea's help, Arion stole one of Mister Whisper's prized Crash Tunnels, a device capable of small-scale dimensional teleportation, and escaped to freedom on earth.
Battle Tactics[edit]
Breakout's a creative, tactical fighter. He uses the environment to his advantage, aided further by his power to reshape it to his needs, and hits with careful, unexpected strikes. He specializes in throwing his enemies off-balance and setting them up for his harder-hitting allies.
3x3 NPCs[edit]
- Hiphaea - Arion's one confidant in the Terminus
- Jillian Kleiner - Fellow yoga enthusiast
- Lester "Less" Alderson - Jack's roommate, a journalism major
- Mikhail Compos - FCU gymnastics coach, astonished at Jack's skills
- Jeff Kidder - FCU Wellness Center Manager
- Kelly Louder - University-area barrista
- Mister Whisper - Diabolic Headmaster of the School for Wayward Boys
- The Lost Boys - Mister Whisper's prize pupils, a rag-tag collection of murderous and misfit youths, with similar training to Jack's and strange powers besides.
- Christian Saunders - Domineering Baxter Hall Student President and science geek
- Baxter Hall - Jack's dorm building
- Rogers Hall - FCU's Wellness Center
- The Fourth World - Kingston area dance club/arcade/pool hall and one of Jack's favorite off-campus places
- FCU Yoga Club
- FCU Gymnastics Team
- United - Intramural Soccer Team