Let The Galaxy Burn Ezikael

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Name: Ezikael Silanus Archetype: Champion Alignment: Unaligned – Chaos Undivided Pride: Charm Disgrace: Dread Motivation: Vengeance

WS 44 BS 58 S 45 T 46 Agi 45 Int 46 Per 54 Wil 44 Fel 60 Inf 40

Wounds: 22 Corruption: 30

Skills: Athletics Awareness Common Lore (War) Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes, The Horus Heresy, the Long War) Linguistics (Low Gothic, High Gothic) Navigate (Surface) Dodge +10 {Agi} Operate (Surface, Starship+10) Parry Command +10 {Fel} Scholastic Lore (Legend) {Int} Charm +10 {Fel} Scrutiny +10 {Per} Deceive {Fel} Intimidate {S} Tech-Use +10 {Int} Trade (Armorer) {Int}

Talents: Ambidextrous Bulging Biceps Legion Weapon Training Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight) Nerves of Steel Quick Draw Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poisons) Unarmed Warrior Iron Discipline Air of Authority Lesser Minion of Chaos Rapid Reload Sound Constitution x2 Armour Monger Hip Shooting Hotshot Pilot Bolter Drill

Traits: Amphibious Unnatural Strength (+4) Unnatural Toughness (+4) Inspiring Presence

Gifts of the Gods: Illusion of Normality Infernal Will

Equipment: BQ Legionnaire Power Armour (Black Legion's Armour) Legionnaire Bolter (100m Basic, S/3/-, 1d10+9X, Pen 4, Clip: 24, Rld: Full, Tearing, Recoil Baffling) Legionnaire Shotgun (30m Basic, S/2/-, 1d10+6I, Pen 0, Clip: 10, Rld: 2 Full, Reliable, Scatter, Pistol Grip) Legionnaire Combat Knife Bolter Magazines x4 Legionnaire Power Sword Recoil Glove BQ Pocket Chrono Various selected musical datacards

Acquisitions: 3 BQ Legion Power Armor 2 Legion Shotgun w/ Pistol grip 1 Recoil Baffling for Bolter 1 Good Helmet Augmentations

Starting XP: 200 xp Deceive 200 xp Intimidate 100 xp Per +5

Unaligned: 3,000xp 16 picks Int +5 100xp WS +5 100xp BS +5 100xp Tech Use 100xp High Gothic 100xp Tech Use +10 200xp Operate (Starship) 100xp Operate (Starship) +10 200xp Per +10 250xp BS +10 250xp Navigation (Stellar) 100xp Armour-Monger 300xp Hip Shooting 300xp Hotshot Pilot 300xp Bolter Drill 400xp Agi +5 100xp

Tzeentch: 600xp 2 picks Wil +5 250xp Scrutiny +10 350xp

Slaanesh: 1200xp 4 picks Fel +5 250xp Rapid Reload 250xp Charm +10 350xp Dodge +10 350xp

Nurgle: 1250xp 4 pick Sound Constitution 250xp Sound Constitution 250xp Hardy 500xp T +5 250xp

Khorne: 600xp 2 picks Command +10 350xp Strength +5 250xp