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Changelings don't posses one solid or unique form. Due to her xenophilic nature she is willing to take on any appearance and wear it proudly to whoever watches her. However she does posses a small inherit bias, partially having to do with the fact Changeling wound up reading Chantal's mind and due to some strange events inside (that she doesn't quite remember) Changeling wound up gaining an inability to take on any male form. This and the fact her mind has adapted to the constant female body means that changeling almost always looks cute, adorable or regally beautiful.

Changeling's NATURAL form, however, is probably something that would shatter your mortal mind.


Changeling is overly naive of much of the world around her. While she honestly does try her hardest to do her best she is often too forgiving and optimistic about people she meets. Believing that even the most vilest of demons is redeemable, Changeling can be easy to fool, easy to trust but overall not someone you want to double cross more than once. Changeling is very fond and protective of those she considers her friends and any assault on them will automatically send her flying into attack mode, and even the disarmingly pure changeling can look ferocious when her arms become a mass of wriggling tentacles.


Changelings primary powers are the ability to take any shape or form (though she lost the ability to take a masculine humanoid shape) as well as the ability to use telepathy and communicate with most other people. She has lost the ability to communicate with grue.

Background and Continuity[edit]

In this universe Changeling was a normal Grue solder from this universe before she wound up reading the mind of Chantal Chandler. Whatever it was inside her mind that changed her, Changeling had all connections of the Grue entity purged from her mind, her mental communication with them destroyed and suddenly gained the inability to turn into a male form. The being forcibly removed from the unity forced her to run around in a stupor with a form that wouldn't stop changing until eventually she met Clarissa the Snow Cat.

Taken back to her apartment and then to Claremont Clarissa was given the job by Pseudo to look after changeling and to help her till she could grow accustomed to human society. Changeling has since grown fond of Clarissa and the two can often times be seen braiding eachother's hair.

Changeling has also taken it upon herself to sometimes transform into a less powerful version of the Snow Cat and call herself Clarissa's sidekick. Clarissa has responded to this pretty much how you'd expect her to respond.

Halt Evil Doer!