Its A Mad World Epic4E:Autumn Iceclaw

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Autumn Iceclaw, "Its A Mad World" character

Autumn Iceclaw, Sword of the Raven Queen



  • Height*: 5'8"
  • Weight*: 140lb
  • Age*: It is always unwise to ask a lady her age
  • Alighnment*: Unaligned
  • Deity*: Raven Queen
  • Hair*: Dark Brown, nearly black.
  • Eyes*: Amber


  • Autumn was born into a mixed trading town of humans, elves and shifters on the border of one of the great forests. Had Fate not intervened, she probably would have become a hunter/trapper like her parents.
  • The town was invaded and nearly destroyed by an army of undead, raised by an ambitious necromancer. They razed the town and killed nearly everyone, including Autumn's family. She escaped, and with a handful of other refugees made it to the dubious safety of the city. There, young Autumn grew up, not quite on the streets, but close. Many of the refugees turned to religion to help them cope, and Autumn was no different, but unlike many of her fellows, she found kinship in the Raven Queen's temples, rather than Pelor's. Despite her devotion, she didn't have quite the right mindset for the priesthood. Instead, she was directed to a monastery dedicated to training avengers for the Raven Queen by a mysterious figure she is convinced was an aspect of the Raven Queen herself.
  • Her first goal when she finished her training was to hunt down the necromancer who'd killed her family. She tried to take him on by herself at first, and only just escaped with her life. She tried again, years later with more experience under her belt and a group of fellow adventurers to help out and managed to take him down.
  • Since then, she's made her legend as a hunter and slayer of undead, sometimes alone, usually with companions. Her devotion to the Raven Queen has grown alongside her own personal legend. Though she's had no personal interaction with the deity, she firmly believes her destiny lies as a true servant of that great goddess. She's no longer the only one saying so either.