Episode 620: Hammerfall, Part Three

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Part 1, 2, 3, 4, Special Features

Rina says nothing, trying to get a grip on it. She's got that Thousand Yard Stare, the one that comes of having her entire universe yanked out from under her.

Kiera: Where is this elite trooper place at?
Joshua: That I don't know.
Natalia: So … Nikolai is one of these … ?
Nika: Well, maybe. It depends on many factors we don't have any idea about.
Joshua: That's something that can probably be more easily figured out by Omar.

There are ways. There must be records of shipments. Tracking information of flights out of the Enclave. And for certain the Alliance is keeping tabs on their whereabouts, in transit and possibly beyond. The conversation bounces back and forth from the passenger seats to the pilot's chair. Rina's frozen through it all, staring through the hull.

Joshua: Hey. You all right?
Rina: (very small voice) I was too late …. too late …
Nika: Rina. Rina, it's not too late. C'mon. We do not give up.
Joshua: It's never too late.
Nika: We do not ever give up. C'mon.
Kiera: Where's your eternal optimism? C'mon, it always works out. (points to Joshua) More like him. Ow, is that my stomach? That's not good, is it?
Arden: A couple of stitches and stomach crunches for a couple of weeks, you'll be fine.
Kiera: Rina, you are always optimistic. This is what you do. That brutal optimism that's so vaguely annoying. You'll be fine.
Arden: Don't you mean we guys?
Kiera: No, I'm never optimistic. Ever.
Joshua: (to Rina) C'mon, baby. It'll be all right. I escaped from Blue Sun. We can figure this out.

It's not sinking in with Rina. It's just air through the engine. Background noise. Joshua hugs his fiancée and turns to her family and makes the introductions. Not exactly a joyful family reunion, with Nikolai missing, but the Tigranovs take it better than their prodigal daughter. They've lived with the idea of Nikolai-as-prisoner for months. It's not that big a step to Nikolai-as-conscripted-soldier. The crew is careful not to tell them about the Elect program. Overloading them with the information is not a good plan.

We dock with Equinox in orbit and immediately get back to business—we still have the Companion cargo to deliver. While Kiera gets our new passengers settled, Joshua and Nika wave the cargo keys to the Companions and within minutes, we receive our clearance to land.

The Companion Guild Compound and Temple—the seat of the Guild—is an amazing contrast to the stony grey environment of the Russian Enclave. Here there is beauty and art, elegance and civility, warmth and welcome. It's hard to believe both places can exist on the same planet, much less the same Verse. We land and take to it gratefully.

We were assigned a berth at the landing pad a bit removed from the compound itself. Once on the ground, a routine check of our registry is done. No big deal. Standard operating procedure. The ground crewman with the hand monitor blinks at the result, however.

Ground Crewman: Just hold here a moment.

Oh, no. We expect the worst. Did Anna manage to call ahead and blacklist us with the authorities? Are we going to get hauled off in chains? Joshua is quick to reassure Rina that nothing of the sort is going to happen, that the people here are the good guys. Twenty minutes later, a neutrally dressed man approaches us on our ramp. We're calmly and politely informed that any passengers we have aboard our ship must stay aboard and we are to come with him.

Nika: Is there a problem?
Mr. Neutral: I'm not allowed to say.
Nika: All right.

We're told that we cannot bring arms into the sacred space of the Compound. Rina gives one of the agonizer weapons to her mother for safe keeping, hugs her family goodbye, and follows the crew minus her usual suspects, thoroughly expecting to be hauled off and shot. Hey, c'mon. We're dealing with the good guys here, okay? The Good Guys. We follow the man into the Compound and pass through several gardens before we end up at our final destination. We are brought to a garden with a lily pond and on its shore stands a woman, staring at the water contemplatively. She is of indeterminate age, dark haired, dark eyed. Impossibly beautiful. Graceful. Serene. Our escort, Mr. Neutral, stops us several feet away and addresses her.

Mr. Neutral: High Priestess. The crew is here.

The Priestess gestures us to approach. We come forward and offer up our respect.

Nika: Madam.
Rina: Ma'am.
Joshua: Yes, thank you.
High Priestess: Thank you for the delivery. (a beat) Your ship was flagged. Our friend and Companion, Christian, asked for us to give you his regards and to treat you well.
Arden: Oh. Is that why we were flagged?
High Priestess: Of course.
Nika: Thank you very much.
High Priestess: He said you might be a bit nervous about the flagging and so I hope I can ease your mind. You can stay as long as you need to within the confines of the Temple. No one will pursue you here.
Joshua: Thank you.
Nika: We appreciate your hospitality.
Joshua: Because we can use it.

The High Priestess looks at each crew member in turn. She has a way of looking at someone that says she's totally accepting of everything about them, but there is also the sense that she's acquiring minute transformations to tailor herself to be what each person under scrutiny needs her to be as she moves from one person to the next. Joshua watches this with keen interest, seeing a Master at work. When she's done, she says:

High Priestess: I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage. I am not sure I can anticipate your needs and wants here. But we have a very good staff. Of course, we don't offer any professional services here but we can make you as comfortable as possible here.
Joshua: Excellent.
Arden: I'm confused.
High Priestess: You do not expect to bring violence to this place, do you?
Nika: No, Ma'am.
Joshua: Oh, God, no. Please, no.
High Priestess: It is the one thing that is forbidden.
Kiera: I just want to sleep.
Nika: Just a couple of days of rest and ability to refuel.
High Priestess: I'm afraid we don't have fuel here.
Joshua: (softly to Nika) We're still okay. We're fine.
Nika: That would be fine. If you don't mind allowing us the couple days' respite, that would be wonderful.
High Priestess: You may.

We all take a relieved breath. Wow. That's it then. We're guests of the Companion Guild, on the most sacred grounds of their vast organization, and nothing can touch us here.

Joshua: While we're here, I would like to pick someone's brain about wedding planning. (smiles at Rina)
High Priestess: We are often engaged in such services. If you are planning a wedding with your betrothed, it is often difficult for the bride and groom to agree upon how things should be. We have facilitators who can make it easier.
Nika: We would be honored if anyone would be willing to help.

Joshua says he's looking for ideas on how to set it up. We have people scattered across the 'Verse who we'd like to attend, travel arrangements to coordinate, we have to pick out the music, the flowers and the food … so yes, please, any help would be appreciated. Arden suggests getting married on the Temple grounds. Everyone's already here. Well no, they're not. Lem. Christian. Nikolai … others. They're elsewhere. Kiera asks if there is a way to practice the wedding music without disturbing anyone. The High Priestess assures her as long as she practices in her quarters, she should be fine. Arden asks if they've a medical facility with a scanner on the Compound. He would like to scan Rina's family to see if the Enclave environment has affected them adversely. Facility, yes. Scanner, no? If there are any other questions … ?

Rina: My family is aboard our ship. Are they included?
High Priestess: These are your family members?
Rina: Blood family, yes.
High Priestess: They are welcome here as well.
Rina: (moved) Thank you.
High Priestess: We will designate some areas that are safe for you to move in. There are Initiates here who are seeking special peace and so we cannot let you go wherever you wish.

We are quick to reassure the Priestess we understand. Kiera asks to use their Cortex connection to drop a note to her Father, saying we can't visit him as we'd originally planned. It's short and terse: J. Couldn't make the schedule. Sorry about it. Catch you later. K.

And so we set about recovering our breath, sleeping off the stun of the past 24 hours, getting a jump on healing. That same evening, Rina gets to talk to her parents a little more.

Sasha: So the plan now is to go to Meadow?
Joshua: Angel, I was assuming. That's where Christian and Lem are.
Rina: We can't leave them out of the wedding. I don't think Christian would ever forgive me if I got married without him.
Nika: Lem is her adopted son.

The news that Rina's a mother barely gets a rise out of her mother. Natalia passed that point when the knives came out at the Kremlin. Thank goodness. Rina was anticipating more screaming to ensue. Joshua explains that they would like to invite everyone they can to the event. Even Mike, Arden asks? Rina mutters to him in Russian just what he can do with that suggestion. Her brother Sasha wanders off at that point and Rina finds him standing on the balcony of the rooms they'd been given.

Rina: (soft) Sasha? What is it?
Sasha: It's been so long since I've seen you, I don't want you to think that I … don't wish for you and your groom to be happy but I'm not going. After everything you've said, I can't leave the people. I need to go back to the Enclave. People need to know about this. They've sent their sons and daughters to the Tower thinking some day they will be released. Rina: (cut up) … I understand.
Sasha: But when this comes out—
Rina: You can't let her know you're there.
Sasha: She'll know that I'm going back, but …
Rina: What do you think she'll do to you when she gets her hands on you?
Sasha: I'm talking about Mother. Who are you talking about?
Rina: Anna.
Sasha: When Anna finds out I've come back, everyone will know.
Rina: Are you planning to make a suicide run?
Sasha: No. I want to live. But I will see the doors to the Black Tower are opened to the people, so that they can see what's inside. And I don't know how many guards can or will stick with her once they see the people.
Rina: What do you need?
Sasha: Nothing. I'm sure I can find my way back there. It's probably best that you don't take me back. That would be too obvious. I can find my way. Hell, you traveled across the entire 'Verse. I just have one planet to cross.
Rina: Distance is relative.
Sasha: (grins) And if I have to beg the Companions for help ... I'm sure it will take a little time to plan this.
Rina: If you flash that smile that got Ludmilla out of her knickers, I'm sure you'll get someone to help you.

She manages to grin back at him and they stand at the rail, silently looking out at the gardens by way of goodbye.

Wednesday, 05 May 2523

We spend the next two days at the Temple licking our wounds, mending our fences, and catching up on our sleep. Shopping for supplies and such are done. Wedding plans and purchases are made. Prices are higher here, anywhere to one-and-a-half to two times as much. We've got money. We pay it.

Thanks to recent military/political events to hit the 'Verse, when it comes time to make up our flight plan we find the Alliance has been cracking down on the back routes to and from places, so our flight options are more limited. Our fuel capacity also limits where and how far we go. We cannot make it from Sihnon to Angel in one hop. We'll have to stop somewhere midway to refuel. We set our course for Paquin on the outer edge of Red Sun. After giving our hosts our heartfelt thanks, we lift off on the morning of the 5th and make our way back to Angel. One last gift do we receive from the Companions—our inspection process upon leaving is waived.

05 May to 14 May 2523
Durance class Equinox
En route to Paquin'

During the 9-day flight, we catch up on the news before we pass out of range of the Coreside Cortex relays. It's not all sunshine and roses. There are several reports from various journalists about events on the Rim. The latest disturbing trend is a special investigation revealing dramatic facts that have changed the face of the War. Footage has been captured of a skirmish between an Alliance vessel and an Independent patrol ship. As we watch, a Reaver ship appear out of nowhere and amazingly enough, it bypasses the Independent vessel entirely and attacks only the Alliance ship. There has been speculation for some time that Reavers are really just Independent guerilla fighters attacking in the guise of crazed cannibalistic maniacs. That, in fact, Reavers are Independent agents and all the stories we've heard make sense in that light: the bloodthirstiness, the Reaver battle against the Alliance Fleet, how the Reavers have never attacked a big fleet before that battle … etc. etc. etc. The reporters stress that they aren't saying that Reavers are a fairy tale, just that the Reavers are the enemy and that the enemy is the Independents. Examining the footage closely, we see that it really does appear as if the Reavers ignored the Independent vessel in favor the Alliance ship, but we're not entirely convinced of the conclusions drawn by the media.

Arden: Could it be the Alliance is what caused them to be, and the Independents weren't?
Beglan: Well, if they're mindless savages, how are they know?
Arden: They couldn't pilot their spaceships if they're mindless savages.
Kiera: Or it could be a fake film.
Rina: Yeah, it could have been 'shopped.
Joshua: Nika? Are we sending this to Omar?
Nika: Yes.
Joshua: Then I suggest we do it while we still have Cortex availability.

In addition to the bad news, Joshua sends a broadwave to our friends near and far about the upcoming wedding on Angel. Rina also sends this information to Omar via the Ark, so as to give her former boss time to make his travel arrangements.

Friday, 14 May 2523

We come out of pulse at Paquin nine days later on the 14th and immediately our proximity alarm goes berserk and our scope lights up like a manic Christmas tree. It appears the entire 2nd Fleet is at Paquin. Bloody hell. It's a sea of Alliance metal out there. In addition to the familiar lines of the Tohoku class ships and the Crete class carriers, there is another ship we haven't seen before. It's sleek and big and built like a battleship. They buzz us and tell us to maintain our position. We hold and crowd onto the bridge to watch the swarms of fighters and small ships flying by.

Nika:Holy Mother of God
Rina: Betcha they're here to fight off the Reavers.
Joshua: Focus, focus. Let's see what happens.

On some of the comm channels, there's a buzz that something might be going down on Paquin soon. Rina jumps all over this. Omar had told us that we're to watch for something big to happen. What more evidence do we need that something big is gonna happen right here?

The authorities buzz us and ask us our business. We're just here to refuel. They acknowledge and put us in the parking queue for Paquin's orbital space station, with detailed where we can and cannot go. We're number 78 in line. We're going to be here for a couple of days.

Rina spends some of that time glued to the viewports of our ship, trying to take in all the vessels out there and identifying them. It's a rare opportunity for ship spotting and she doesn't want to miss it. After some research, she finds out that the large battle ship floating out there is the new Shin Long (Storm Dragon) class. It's completely new. Where could the Alliance have built such a thing? Possibly in the shipyards of Ares, orbiting Boros? She counts at least one Crete class carrier, one Operational corvette favored by Parliamentary Operatives. There is the Shin Long battle cruiser, four Trebuchet battle cruisers, as well as four other battle cruisers of a smaller class. The IAV Aceso is there. There are numerous support vessels: transports, fuel tenders, and so forth.

Beglan is also glued to the windows with his telescope, but he's more interested in stargazing than ship spotting. Kiera borrows his binoculars to read the numbers and hull markings off the ships.

Sunday, 16 May 2523

After 28-30 hours, we are 30th in line. We're constantly told we should stay ready for boarding and inspection at the Feds's convenience and after 30 hours of no-show on part of the inspectors, we're all tense. Arden jokingly offers sedatives. The crew passes the time as best they can. Rina's checking her inbox when she finds a message waiting for her. It's from the Ark. It's short.


That's it. Nothing else in the body of the message. Rina checks the date stamp on it. It's dated today. She checks the time locally. It's 1823hrs. Rina immediately goes to Nika on the bridge.

Rina: Something's going to happen at 1925 hours. (off Nika's look) Remember? When we visited Omar, he said something big was going to happen. Keep our ears and eyes open.
Nika: Okay …
Rina: I just got a message through the Ark.1925 hours. That's all it is. Omar said something big was going to happen. Look around us.
Nika: Yeah. I don't have enough fuel to get us the heck outa here if something really ugly hits us.

We check the fuel gauge. We've 225 hours of fuel left. That's a pulse worth and it can get us anywhere inside Red Sun, but not out of it. Nika frowns. Who do we know in Red Sun willing to shelter us?

Nika: We can hit Aesir if we need to.
Rina: Yeah. If all hell's gonna break loose, they aren't going to be able to keep an eye on all the ships in the orbital queue. It'll be just like over Londinium all over again.
Nika: I know, I know.
Rina: Yeah. You got us through that one.
Joshua: That's why you get paid the big bucks.
Nika: All right.
Joshua: Are we leaving before it happens?
Rina: I say we slip away in the chaos.
Nika: No. Because I have no way of knowing what "it" is. It might be something we need to be here for.
Rina: I'll tell my parents to strap down.

We've already explained how to strap down for maneuvers since they've walked on board, but Rina tells Svetlana and Dmitri the news and leaves it to them to rephrase it for their children to avoid frightening them.

Arden: While we're all together on the bridge, there's something we need to discuss, Beggar.
Nika: What?
Arden: About your telescope and the far celestial north.
Beglan: This isn't the right time for that. (points aft) I've got a job to do.
Arden: We've got nothing to do for another forty minutes.
Beglan: Nothing to do? Oh! Yeah, maybe if I were the doctor and I just had a bunch of medicine sitting around I'd have nothing to do.
Arden: You're going to need a doctor in a minute if you keep trying to duck this issue.
Beglan: I've got engines that I have to prime before we—
Arden: Yeah. Uh-huh. Right.
Nika: OKAY. What the hell!?
Joshua: Go on, Beggar. Shoo, shoo.
Rina: C'mon, Beggar. Let's go.

Rina grabs his arm and pulls him for the door.

Kiera: No, stay. You have our undivided attention.
Rina: What? This is not the time for this.
Beglan: Captain, yes. I have some information but it can wait until we're in pulse.
Kiera: No.
Arden: No, I think we have plenty of time now.
Rina: Arden, don't be an ass!
Beglan: We were on the ship for nine days and you couldn't ask me then?
Rina: (to Arden) Your timing sucks.
Kiera: This is a grand time. (jerks a thumb toward the fleet) It'll keep our minds off the problem.

Beglan stops and shakes Rina off his arm.

Beglan: All right. I'll say it quickly. I don't really know what it was that I saw but I was able to track that thing again.
Nika: What thing?
Arden: That signal from the north.
Rina: Waaayyy beyond the edge of the 'Verse. Off the ecliptic. Remember? When we ran into those mines?
Nika: Oh, my.
Rina: Yes, that.
Beglan: I was able to do some calculations. And it's something big that's coming to the 'Verse.
Rina: It's on its way here?
Beglan: Very slowly.
Nika: A ship?
Beglan: Yes. I assume it's a ship.
Joshua: Cool.
Beglan: It's moving in a way that's not consistent with most of the gravitational forces that we use here.
Nika: Maybe one of the lost transports?
Rina: Is it from that trajectory?
Beglan: It's not coming from Old Earth. It's coming from the opposite direction.
Arden: Aliens.
Rina: V'ger?

The theories fly fast and furious for a few minutes before Joshua calls it to a halt.

Joshua: Thank you for settling the curiosity of several of our crewmembers.
Beglan: That's why I don't really want to speculate on the matter. I don't know.
Rina: C'mon. Let's go. We have some engines to prep.
Beglan: But I wanted to make sure you knew, in case anyone needs to know.
Rina: Thank you but let's get to the engine room and make sure everything's prepped.
Joshua: We'll keep it on the hush-hush.

The two engineers get out of there and despite Arden's assertion, the next forty minutes are not idle ones. Everything loose, from knives and dishes and silverware in the galley to loose tools in the machine shop to books and games in the passenger lounge gets stowed, strapped, fastened or otherwise tied down. Kiera whips up a batch of cookies to relieve stress, pass the time, and give the passengers something comforting to occupy them as they wait.

Five minutes before 1925 hours, Nika sees the fleet outside our windows start to shift, even as the Feds inform her to hold her position. Some of the ships spread out a little, some close in. The fighter craft move off to a position farther out. Nika eyes their formation—it's not an attack formation, but a defensive one. Based on everything shifting around out there, Nika thinks that something is coming at us from out-system. A few minutes later, some of the Quan Fu ships in the fleet fly off along a trajectory. We follow them on our long range sensors and spot a fairly large vessel approaching the Quan Fus.

Nika: Arden, see if you can get the comms chatter up so we can figure out what's going on.

It's a dog's breakfast. We catch only a few lines here and there amidst the static and the overlapping conversations: "What's your vector?" and Look for attack from other directions and Hold your position. Overall alert status is high. Outside, we can see some of the support ships moving into position over major population centers. Signals from the Qun Fu ships wink out on our scopes. Nika's blood runs cold.

Nika: Oh my God, omigod, the ships are gone. They just blew up.

Part 1, 2, 3, 4, Special Features

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