Marks and requirements
The Embassy to the Dreamlands has one of the odder sets of Regalia. They adorn themselves in a clashing contrast of exploration gear and pyjamas. As though they were woken up in the middle of the night and told they had five minuets to grab what they needed and get out. Thick hiking boots are worn below a nightdress. Torches and climbing gear hand from a dressing gown belt.
The Parallel Lives of Christopher Chant
The Princess can separate herself into two, allowing herself to travel the waking world and the dreamlands in parallel. When she stands at a Crawlspace the Princess may spend a point of Willpower in addition to the usual wisp. If she does so her Transformed and mundane selves separate. One enters the Crawlspace and one returns to the waking world. The Princess chooses which form goes in each direction. This lasts until either self crosses the Boundary between the Dreamlands and the waking world, at which point they instantly snap back into one person.
While her two lives are apart both selves retain the full Princess Template however neither are capable of Transformation. Her Transformed life must spend any Wisps required to remain Transformed, if she is out of Wisps she can spend points of Lethal Damage, or Willpower within the Dreamlands, in place of Wisps and must do so. (Princesses of Mirrors are naturally safe from this danger). Each life has the full maximum Wisps and Willpower, but they must divide the points between them at the moment of their separation. When they reunite add both lives' points together, discarding any above the maximum.
The two lives do not share their perceptions or awareness, any mystical link between them is hidden by the protection of their Dual Identity.
An Ambassador to the Dreamlands