Blood and Darkness Vespertil

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Revision as of 22:49, 28 December 2011 by Scarik (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Character Concept: Beastmaster Age: Adult Role: Fighter Agility: 6 Animal Handling:7 [Train: 2B] Athletics:5 Awareness: 6 [Notice: 1B] Cunning: 3 Deception: 1 Endurance: 4 Fight...")
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Character Concept: Beastmaster Age: Adult Role: Fighter

Agility: 6 Animal Handling:7 [Train: 2B] Athletics:5 Awareness: 6 [Notice: 1B] Cunning: 3 Deception: 1 Endurance: 4 Fighting: 5 [Brawling: 2B] Healing: 3 Knowledge: 3 Marksmanship: 2 Persuasion: 3 Pilot: 5 [Personal: 2B] Status: 3 Stealth: 4 Survival: 4 Thievery: 1 Warfare: 3 Will: 5 [Coordinate: 1B]

Night Eyes Grace of the Eldar Animal Cohort: Razorwings Beastfriend Keen Senses Great Hunter

Childhood Disease Flaw (Endurance) The Thirst Bastard Born

Intrigue Defense: 12 Composure: 15 Combat Defense: 16 Health: 10 Destiny: 2