Lilly Gathering Gloom

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Lilly Brandybuck

Lilly Brandybuck was never made for womanly pursuits; needlework and cooking and all that dreary drudge-work. She would sneak off at every opportunity to climb trees, fight boys and listen to tales - first, through the window of the local inn, and later, those told by her queer old Uncle Bilbo. Even among the notoriuosly adventurous Bucklanders there were soon whispers about how queer she was also turning out to be.

But Lilly never cared. To her the future is an open road, and as soon as she was old enough, she set out, leaving her surprised parents with a cheery farewell and a promise to return weighed down with a dragon's treasure.

Her journey to Laketown was a thrilling series of haphazard (or sometimes just plain hazardous) encounters involving giants, goblins, dwarves, elves, beornings, woodsmen, wolves, trolls, spiders, finding magic swords... all the usual events, really. And always (at least how she tells it) with her in the middle of the action.

Mind you, having known her for a while, her companions can probably believe it. Never one to shirk the opportunity for adventure or excitement, Lilly leaves a trail of confused and battered giants, goblins, dwarves, elves, beornings, woodsmen, wolves, trolls or spiders in her wake wherever she goes.

Already she's growing bored of recounting past exploits and is goading her fellowship to take to the road once more...

Culture: Hobbit of the Shire Standard of Living: Prosperous Cultural blessing: Hobbit-sense Calling: Wanderer Shadow weakness: Wandering-madness

Specialties: Smoking, Story-telling, Folk-lore Distinctive features: Merry, Reckless

Body: 4 (7) Heart: 6 (7) Wits: 4 (6)

-Common Skills- Awe: 1 Inspire: 0 Persuade: 2 Athletics: 1 Travel: 1 Stealth: 3 Awareness: 2 Insight: 1 Search: 2 Explore: 1 Healing: 0 Hunting: 1 Song: 2 Courtesy: 3 Riddle: 2 Craft: 0 Battle: 0 Lore: 0

-Weapon Skills- Short sword: 3 damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc: 1 Bow: 1 damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc: 1 Dagger: 1 damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0

-Virtues- None

-Rewards- King’s Blade (piercing on a great or extraordinary success)

-Gear- Leather shirt enc: 4 Cap of iron and leather enc: 2 Shield enc: 3

Endurance: 22 Starting Endurance: 22 Fatigue: 11 Hope: 18 Starting Hope: 18 Shadow: 0

Armour: 1d + 1 (headgear) Parry: 4 + 2 (shield) = 6 Damage: 4 Ranged: 4

Wisdom: 1 Valour: 2 Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0