Let The Galaxy Burn Ezikael
Ezikael Silanus[edit]
Character Name | Player Name | Archetype | Alignment | Race | Experience |
Ezikael Silanus | Aliexster | Champion | Undivided | CSM | 14500/14500 |
Legion | Pride | Disgrace | Motivation | Wounds | Corruption |
Black Legion | Charm | Dread | Vengeance | 12 | 40 |
Weapon Skill | Ballistic Skill | Strength | Toughness | Agility | Intelligence | Perception | Willpower | Fellowship | Infamy |
44 | 53 | 45 | 46 | 45 | 46 | 49 | 44 | 60 | 53 |
XP: 150
- Athletics
- Awareness
- Common Lore (War)
- Charm +10 {Fel}
- Command +10 {Fel}
- Deceive {Fel}
- Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes, The Horus Heresy, the Long War)
- Intimidate {S}
- Linguistics (Low Gothic, High Gothic)
- Navigate (Surface)
- Dodge +10 {Agi}
- Operate (Surface, Starship+10)
- Parry
- Scholastic Lore (Legend) {Int}
- Scrutiny +10 {Per}
- Tech-Use +10 {Int}
- Trade (Armorer) {Int}
- Ambidextrous
- Bulging Biceps
- Legion Weapon Training
- Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
- Nerves of Steel
- Quick Draw
- Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poisons)
- Unarmed Warrior
- Iron Discipline
- Air of Authority
- Lesser Minion of Chaos
- Rapid Reload
- Sound Constitution x2
- Armour Monger
- Hip Shooting
- Hotshot Pilot
- Amphibious
- Unnatural Strength +4
- Unnatural Toughness +4
- Inspiring Presence
- Illusion of Normality
- Infernal Will
- Legionnaire Bolter (100m Basic, S/3/-, 1d10+9X, Pen 4, Clip: 24, Rld: Full, Tearing, Recoil Baffling)
- Legionnaire Shotgun (30m Basic, S/2/-, 1d10+6I, Pen 0, Clip: 10, Rld: 2 Full, Reliable, Scatter, Pistol Grip)
- Legionnaire Combat Knife
- Legion Shotgun w/ Pistol grip
- Legionnaire Power Sword
- BQ Legionnaire Power Armour (Black Legion's Armour, GQ helmet augments)
Other Equipment[edit]
- Recoil Glove
- BQ Pocket Chrono
- Various selected musical datacards
XP Expenditures[edit]
- 250 xp Per +5
- Int +5 250xp
- WS +5 250xp
- BS +5 250xp
- Tech Use 200xp
- High Gothic 200xp
- Trade (Armorer) 200 xp
- Tech Use +10 350xp
- Operate (Starship) 200xp
- Operate (Starship) +10 350xp
- Armour-Monger 500xp
- Hip Shooting 500xp
- Hotshot Pilot 300xp
- Agi +5 250xp
- Command +10 350xp
- Strength +5 250xp
- 200 xp Deceive
- Fel +5 250xp
- Rapid Reload 250xp
- Charm +10 350xp
- Dodge +10 350xp
- 200 xp Intimidate
- Sound Constitution 250xp
- Sound Constitution 250xp
- Hardy 500xp
- T +5 250xp
- WP +5 250xp
- Scrutiny +10 350xp