Mutant Heirs of Doom Project/Pyri Commonwealth

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The Pyri Commonwealth, also known as Pyris, is one of the large powers around the Eastern Sea and the largest in land-size. It stretches between the coast to coast, between the Eastern Sea and the other side. In north to south it streches between what was once known as Dalarna to what was known as Småland and Bohuslän.


Pyris is mostly covered by large forests and rural lands and fields. It also encompasses several more odd geographic feature, such as the Askerdal desert, Hedemora Hell and the Wetta Swamp.

The capital of Pyri is Hindenburg, seat of the Imperial Headsman family. Lying on the north side of the fertile lands around Lake Mallice it is the largest city of the commonwealth.


Pyris are among the most technologically advanced peoples around the Eastern Sea, having knowledge of how to construct alcohol combustion engines, steam engines, back-loading single shot guns, shotguns, breech-loading artillery and much more.


It's ruler is the Emperor, a heridary title that has thus far only been in the possession of men. The Emperor or Kaiser rules with the help of a large and advanced bureaucracy that spans many areas. Many positions in the higher echelons of the goverment is possessed by the Ur-families Wrede (Wrath), Schöld (Shield), Krööger, Vattimo and Silferhjässa (Silverskull)

Pyris support a standing army, but uses a local militia system for peace-keeping and defense. Technically the militias could be used to bolster the ranks of the standing army in the case of a war, but such a situation has been unheard of for decades. The army and militia are armed with the Skarprättare Carbine, although in remote areas outdated muskets are often used instead.


Pyris was founded around 210-215 years ago after Maximilian Skarprättare faced down the horde of the three-headed Hydra at the side of Lake Mallice close to the Muskö zone. After the battle, in which Maximilian was mortally wounded, his son Otto founded the commonwealth with his allies. Pyris soon began to grow, partly with military conquest, but mainly with diplomacy. 96 years ago Uddevåld was inducted in the Commonwealth and that marked its current East-West expansion, as well as the year 0 of Pyri Time.