NWod Mass Effect/Shields and Armour

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Shields and Armour

Kinetic barriers, or shields act as Health Levels, absorbing incoming damage until they are exhausted.

Armour acts as damage reduction, subtracting their Armour value from damage once shields are exhausted.


Tech & Biotics: All rolls to use Tech Merits and Biotic Merits suffer a penalty equal to the Armour value of the armour.

Cumbersome: Armour inflicts a penalty to Defence equal to its Armour value (not normally an issue because you don't get any Defence against shooting, but this does impact melee). Armour also inflicts a penalty on Speed equal to its Armour value.


Personal Shield Generator (Shields 3/5/8): We know that there are non-armour devices that can generate personal forcefields. The Shields 3 version of this item is by far and away the most common, being some sort of relatively small generator that someone can wear when they don't want the cumbersome elements of armour but do want a bit of personal protection. The Shields 5 version is extremely rare and only really included here for completeness - we're talking cutting edge tech or unwieldy generator back-pack. Think the kind of thing the rich and powerful might have. Finally, the Shields 8 version is nearly unheard of, the kind of hypertech that a Councillor might possess.

Light Armour (Armour 1, Shields 6): Common light armour with plenty of power to route into its kinetic barrier.

Recon Armour (Armour 1, Shields 3): Specialised light armour featuring a stealth system, which puts a fair drain on the generator and leaves less power for shield systems. Recon armour does not suffer from the Cumbersome rule. Very rare. This is the kind of thing infiltrators, assassins and scouts wear, sacrificing protection for stealth.

Medium Armour (Armour 2, Shields 6): Normal medium armour, carapace-plated and heavy but the onboard power systems help compensate for this somewhat.

Medium Assault Armour (Armour 2, Shields 5): Specialised medium armour for shock troops and vanguards, sacrificing a bit of shields for more powerful servos. Assault armour does not suffer from the Cumbersome rule.

Heavy Armour (Armour 3, Shields 7): Big, heavy and slow, but with the servos already having to cope with that weight, the generator can afford to be even bigger to pump up the fields somewhat. The Cumbersome rule also applies to Initiative for a Heavy Armour wearer.

Heavy Colossus Armour (Armour 3, Shields 9): The ultimate in personal protection but slow as hell and heavy to boot. As well as applying the Cumbersome rule to Initiative, Colossus-class armour prevents the wearer from running.


I'm thinking that you then have a single slot on your armour for customisation. This might be: Reduce the Biotic/Tech penalty by 1, increase Shields by 1, increase melee damage by 2, add to Speed by 2, add to ammo capacity, reduce penalty for shooting at targets in cover by 1, boost medi-gel effects (maybe even allowing in-combat healing).

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