NWod Mass Effect/Career Archetypes
Career Archetypes
These six Archetypes take the place of the traditional "splats" in a World of Darkness game, forming some of the defining features of a character as well as their type of Power(s).
Each Archetype gives six dots for Archetype Merits, and additionally both a passive bonus and an active power that can be used once-per-session.
Passive - Biotic Mastery: Adepts are masters of biotics. An Adept benefits from the 9-again rule on any Resolve + Biotic Merit rolls to activate a Biotic power. (This may be too good, depends exactly how biotics end up looking)
Active - Surge of Will: Once per session, an Adept can ignore all the Willpower and health level costs for one use of a Biotic power, including the costs of boosting the power (I'm thinking of having the capacity to enlarge/increase duration/other boosts for powers on the fly, at the cost of dice penalties and additional WP/bashing damage).
The Adept has 6 points to spend on Biotic powers.
Passive - The Right Tool For The Job: When an Engineer gets an equipment bonus to an Engineering, Interface, Medicine or Science roll, increase the equipment bonus by 1 die (not sure about this - might be too good or just too dull).
Active - Emergency Back-Up: Once per session, an Engineer may recharge an expended Tech power as a reflexive action (again, not sure about this - idea is that it works with, say, an Overload power that is usable 1/fight. However, this doesn't help if the Engineer hasn't picked any expendable powers, so needs an alt version or just a plain better idea for a replacement).
The Engineer has 6 points to spend on Tech powers.
Passive - Espionage: An Infiltrator benefits from the 9-again rule on Stealth rolls and Covert/Spycraft rolls.
Active - From The Shadows: Once per session, an Infiltrator can apply the rote rule to their attack pool when they make a surprise attack or ambush against an unaware target (rote means they can reroll any dice that are failures once).
The Infiltrator has 3 points to spend on Tactics powers, and 3 points to spend on Tech powers.
Passive - Bulwark: A Sentinel blends mastery of technology with Biotics to protect themselves. Sentinels count as having Armour 1 on their Shields, reducing all damage against their Shields by 1. This does not have any of the penalties normally associated with Armour.
Active - Vigilance: Once per session, a Sentinel can take damage for a team-mate. Needs more details, to be added
The Sentinel has 3 points to spend on Biotic powers, and 3 points to spend on Tech powers.
Passive - Alertness: Soldiers are hardened survivors with honed senses, always ready for trouble. A Soldier is never surprised by combat. They can still be ambushed, and don't necessarily know where hidden attackers are attacking from, but don't suffer the penalties of being surprised (I need to check the nWoD surprise rules to make sure this makes sense - I think it works by a surprise round, so a Soldier would get to fight in that surprise round even if ambushed.
Active - Adrenaline Rush: Once per session, a Soldier can go first in combat. After Initiative scores are rolled, the Soldier can choose to be moved up to 1 Initiative point above the first actor.
The Soldier has 6 points to spend on Tactics powers.
Passive - Synergy: A Vanguard has mastered the synergy between their body and their Biotics, using mass effect control to enhance themselves. A Vanguard benefits from a +2 bonus to Speed, Initiative and to the damage rating of unarmed melee attacks.
Active - Shrug It Off: Once per session, a Vanguard may completely ignore the damage from one attack that would otherwise inflict damage to their health levels.
The Vanguard has 3 points to spend on Biotic powers, and 3 points to spend on Tactics powers.