Character:Andy Philpott
Andy Philpott
Attributes (56) Str 0 Sta 6 Fgt 4 Agl 6 Dex 0 Int 2 Awa 8 Pre 0
Defenses (16) Parry 12 Dodge 12 Tou 8 Fort 8 Will 8
Skills (30) Acrobatics 2/8 Athletics 6/6 Expertise (Puppetry) 13/15 Insight 2/10 Perception 2/10 Stealth 6/16
Advantages (10) Luck 3 Languages 1 (Cantonese) Uncanny Dodge Evasion 2 Dodge Roll 2 Takedown Equipment Hide In Plain Sight
Powers (38) The Puppeteer's Agility: Special Move 2 (Wall-Crawling), Speed 1, Jumping 1 (6) The Dragon's Wings: Flight 2, Gliding, Wings, Subtle 1 (2) The Dragon's Roar: Enhanced Skill: Intimidate 12, Enhanced Advantage: Startle (7) Dragon Puppet Strike: Damage 10, Improved Critical 4, Accurate 3, Reach 2, Variable Descriptor (Cut/Pierce/Blunt/Fire) 1 (20) AE: The Dragon's Fire: Affliction 10 (Fort-based, Dazed and Impaired Sight/Stunned and Disabled Sight), Extra Condition, Limited Degree, Area (Cone) (1) AE: Sudden Wire: Damage 6, Accurate 5, Reach 4, Improved Critical 4, Subtle 1 (1) AE: Unwilling Puppet: Affliction 10 (Dodge-based, Dazed/Compelled), Limited Degree, Concentration, Instant Recovery, Cumulative , Subtle 1, Reach 4, Accurate 3, Improved Critical 2 (1)